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3. Test yourself and match the words

  1. Harbour Master

  2. Tallyman

  3. General director

  4. Superintendant

  5. Surveyor

  6. Stevedore

  7. Chief Stevedore

  8. Forwarder

  9. Shipping Agent

  10. Navigator (deck officer)

  11. Marine Engineer

  12. Pilot

  13. Customs Officer

  14. Shipper

  15. Consignee

  1. штурман

  2. таможенник

  3. тальман

  4. экспедитор

  5. сюрвейер

  6. грузополучатель

  7. лоцман

  8. стивидор

  9. грузоотправитель

  10. судомеханик

  11. судовой агент

  12. суперинтендант

  13. капитан порта

  14. генеральный директор

15. старший стивидор

Unit 2. Shipping

1. Read and translate the text:

Shipping together with other means of transport services the branches of economics in sphere of production and commodity circulation. Since natural resources and industrial production are allocated unevenly on the Earth, shipping is a necessary condition of stability and economic development.

Shipping doesn’t create material product, like agriculture, which produces wheat. This product can be exchanged for money or other goods. However, shipping creates the cost in consequence of a shifting the goods from the areas of production to the areas of consumption, where they can be exchanged for money. For example, iron ore, which is in deposits in tropical jungles, has no any practical value. But iron ore delivered to the areas of steel-melting plants gets customer cost.

Shipping is a branch of manufacturing, which provides the society with transport services and ensures needs in transportation. Organization of shipping operation must correspond to conditions of transshipment taking its source from peculiarities of international marine trade. Shippers require not only transportation of goods on particular line, but regular service of reliable voyages according to the firm schedule. Shipowner must meet these requirements, especially as to reliable regular service, since only this quality permits the consumers to get maximum profit from shipping.

Exporters and importers usually do business under terms of supplies agreed before being sure in due delivery of goods. Actually, some commercial enterprises couldn’t be in position to keep in stock a large amount of goods subject to deterioration inevitable while irregular supplies. They objectively depend on regular supply of comparatively small consignments of goods, delivered by the ships at particular intervals.

2. Test yourself, match the words

1. shipping

2. branch

3. commodity circulation

4. natural resources

5. unevenly

6. the Earth

7. to create

8. material product

9. agriculture

10. wheat

11. area of production

12. area of consumption

13. cost

14. iron ore

15. deposits

16. value

17. steel-melting plant

18. customer (consumer)

19. to correspond to

20. pecularities

21. according to

22. firm schedule

23. to meet the requirements

24. to permit

25. supplies

26. profit

27. terms of supplies

28. agreed before

29. to exist

30. to keep in stock

31. a large amount

32. to be subject to

33. deterioration

34. inevitable

35. to depend on

36. consignment

37. at particular intervals

38. delivery

  1. в соответствии с

  2. сталеплавильный завод

  3. заранее обусловленный

  4. потребитель

  5. выгода

  6. морской транспорт

  7. стоимость

  8. сроки поставок

  9. партия груза

  10. подлежать чему-либо

  11. через определенные интервалы

  12. ценность

  13. отрасль

  14. неизбежный

  15. природные ресурсы

  16. земля (планета)

  17. поставки

  18. твердое расписание

  19. зависеть от

  20. порча (груза)

  21. неравномерно

  22. вещественный продукт

  23. создавать

  24. сельское хозяйство

  25. район потребления

  26. особенности

  27. пшеница

  28. большие запасы

  29. район производства

  30. залежи

  31. отвечать требованиям

  32. существовать

  33. держать в наличии

  34. доставка

  35. железная руда

  36. товарное обращение

  37. соответствовать ч.-л.

  38. позволять

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