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3. Answer the following questions:

1. What does modern Merchant Marine include?

2. What countries does Russia carry on its trade?

3. What export cargoes do our ships carry?

4. What import cargoes do our ships carry?

5. What prospects does our merchant marine have?

4. Testing grammar!

Я разговаривал с ним вчера, и он согласился с моим предложением.

  1. I spoke to him yesterday and he agreed with my proposal;

b) I’ve spoken to him yesterday and he agreed with my proposal;

c) I was speaking to him yesterday and he has agreed with my proposal.

Когда вы закончили академию?

  1. When have you finished the academy?

b) When did you finish the academy?

c) When you finished the academy?

Извините, я опоздал. Долго ждете?

  1. I’m sorry I’m late. Did you wait long?

b) I’m sorry I’m late. Have you been waiting long?

c) I’m sorry I’m late. Were you waiting long?

Мы пришли к соглашению после того, как обсудили все детали контракта.

  1. We came to an agreement after we have discussed all details;

b) We’ve come to an agreement after we discussed all details;

c) We came to an agreement after we had discussed all details.

Мы недавно были в порту.

  1. We have been to port recently;

b) We were in a port recently;

c) We had been to port recently.

5. Discuss in pairs the following topics:

  1. Russian shipping.

  2. Condition of Russian ships and shipbuilding prospects.

Unit 8. Russian ports

1. Read about the port of Rostov, use these words while translating a text:

Transport unit – транспортный узел

Transshipment – грузоперевозка (перевалка груза)

Inland waterways – внутренние водные пути

To approach – приближаться

Mouth – устье (реки)

Metal products – металлопродукция

Steel scrap – металлолом

Vehicle – транспортное средство

Border Pass Point – пункт пропуска через государственную границу

Customs – таможня

Quaywall – причальная линия

Storage area capacity – емкость (вместимость) складов


General information:

Number of vessels handled simultaneously – 14

Number of piers – 16

Total length of quay wall – 2,050 m

Port depth – 3.6 m

Square of open storage area – 80,000 m2

Square of covered warehouses – 5,000 m2

Storage area capacity – 470,000 tn

Capacity of port cranes – 5 - 27 tn

Port is located in the South of Russia. It is a large transport unit of Russia, where the river, sea, auto, railway routes of international meaning are crossed. Geography of port transshipment includes all countries of the Mediterranean basin (Turkey, Cyprus, Greece, Israel, Egypt, Italy) and countries of the Caspian basin through the Volga-Don system of inland waterways.

Port can be approached from the Gulf of Taganrog by the Azov-Don Sea Channel and by the part of the river Don from the mouth up to the port.

The port has 3 areas: Central, Alexandrovsky and Rostov Ladle. Winter navigation is provided with the assistance of ice-breaker “Fanagoria”.

The “river-sea” vessels with capacity up to 5,000 tons and draft 3.6 meters call at the port. The port specializes in handling metal products, steel scrap, coal, grain, ore, chemical products, timber and other general cargoes. Cargo rate is nearly 12,000 tons per day.

Port ensures transshipment of export\import goods and carries out warehousing procedures. There are 33 cranes in a port. Their capacity varies from 5 to 27 tons.

Terminal for transshipment grain cargoes from vehicles to vessels was put into operation in 2002. In 2003 the equipment for transshipment grain cargoes from carriages to vessels started its work. A primary direction of port development is the project “Construction of new cargo area on the left bank of the river Don”. Special terminals for all-the-year-round transshipment of various types of cargoes will be built.

The port gives a complete complex of stevedoring services.

There is a Border Pass Point and other establishments of control in the port. Such as Border, Customs, Epidemiological, Veterinary etc.

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