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2.31. A) Read the dialogue and say what problems of a big city are discussed in


b) Practice reading the following dialogue with a partner.

elen: Well, I don’t really think it’s particularly dangerous. Not any more than any other city. You have to be sensible, take the normal precautions. I mean I wouldn’t walk down the street and stare at somebody and I certainly wouldn’t walk home alone, and I wouldn’t go down unlit alleys at night, and obviously there are certain areas that you just know you wouldn’t go into, but I think on the whole it’s not a particularly dangerous city.

Robert: I think I agree, but, actually there have been a couple of stories in the papers recently about this spate of muggings that’s been going on.

Helen: I’ve read about it. They say things are changing and things are getting worse in the city. I did have a friend, actually, she was on the underground, and her wallet was snatched from her just as the train was coming into the station, and of course they got off straight away and there was absolutely nothing she could do about it.

Robert: Well, I sympathise with her. I mean I’ve seen that happen too, and you’ve just got to watch it in a place like that, or like the street market. You’ve got to be really careful there because there is a big crowd and a lot of pickpockets and they can steal something and run away.

Helen: But I don’t think it’s really dangerous. They’re not violent people, you just have to be sensitive and keep your eyes open.

Robert: Well, I don’t know. They said that a lot of thieves were carrying knives, which means if you resist, then you could get badly hurt, so that really makes you think, doesn’t it?

Helen: I said it wasn’t violent, maybe it is. I heard about a group of tourists the other day who were mugged. By the way what do you do if you see something like that? You don’t really know what’s going on and you don’t really want to get involved in case you get hurt.

Robert: Yes, I think it’s stupid to try and be a hero. I mean you could get very badly hurt and all they want is just money. I mean I know that is a terrible thing to say, but it’s just money. It’s not worth losing your life for.

Helen: I suppose so. Apparently, these guys had knife and they cut one of the women’s handbags from her shoulder. I think she thought they were going to stab her husband, actually.

Robert: Did you hear if anybody was hurt at all?

Helen: No, no one was hurt. Apparently, the

woman had her passport stolen, and her

travellers cheques taken, but the sad thing was

that they had only just arrived and they didn’t

want to leave all their stuff in the hotel. They

thought it was safer to keep it with them.

Robert: Well, that’s the problem with tourists,

though, isn’t it? They are easy targets. They stand out in a crowd, thieves know they’re probably carrying money and documents around and they don’t speak the language, and they’re vulnerable, aren’t they?

Helen: Well ...

Robert: I mean it happens to locals as well. There is a friend of mine who was jumped at from behind, you know, and they got her bag and they ran away. She tried to run after them, but the thieves were too quickly obviously.

Helen: Was she hurt at all?

Robert: No, no, but she was really angry.

Helen: Of course.

Robert: She didn’t lose anything really valuable, she didn’t report it to the police in the end actually.

Helen: I think she should have done that. I think it’s quite important when something like that happens because it might be mild at the moment but they could get worse. I think the police need to know if a crime’s happened actually.

Robert: I mean, there should be more police around anyway, shouldn’t there? There should be more police on the streets at night.

Helen: I think you are right.

Robert: You can be on main streets and there’s nobody around, just a police car driving up and down every now and again.

Helen: You would feel better protected, I think.


c) Discuss the following questions in class.

obert:And it would put the muggers and the thieves off, wouldn’t it?

1. Do Robert and Helen think they live in a particularly dangerous city?

2. What precautions do they suggest you should take when walking home at night?

3. In what places do they suggest you should take special care with your bag and wallet? Why?

4. There seems to have been an increase in crime in the city recently. What sort of crime?

5. Have Robert and Helen been victims of crime themselves? What about their friends?

6. What exactly happened to the group of tourists mentioned in the dialogue?

7. What do they think the police could do to improve the situation?

8. Do you have any idea of what city might be discussed in the dialogue above?

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