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If I need …, I go to the … .


We buy foodstuffs: in packets, in jars, in tins, in bottles

or customers may have products weighed.

At the Supermarket

  • Let’s go to the meat counter.

  • Ok, I think we need some veal, ham and a chicken.

  • … and a turkey. Don’t forget about the Christmas holiday.

  • We also need half a pound of butter, a packet of sour cream and a dozen of eggs. Dairy products are in aisle 3.

  • How about fruit and vegetables? There are no apples in our fridge and not many vegetables. Let’s find this counter.

  • Oh, fruit is in aisle 8, and vegetables are next to this.

  • I wonder what apples and tangerines cost now.

  • They are cheap because it’s the height of the season.

  • We’ll take three pounds of apples and two pounds of tangerines. And I want to buy half a pound of berries… strawberries or bilberries. I’m going to make a pie.

  • That’s all right. And now let’s go to the wine counter and choose good drinks. Oh, look here, we need two bottles of champagne, a bottle of brandy and martini,… and orange juice for the children… and maybe some tins of beer?

  • Ok. Our cart is full. Let’s go to the cash register.

a turkey [t:ki] – индейка

a dozen [dzn] – дюжина

an aisle [ail] – проход, ряд (в универмаге)

a bilberry [[bilbri] – черника

a cart [ka:t] – тележка

Ex. 12. Enumerate all foodstuffs that the two customers intend to buy at the supermarket and in what quantity.

Ex. 13. Act out the dialoque.

Ex. 14. Make up dialogues according to the model:

Shop-assistant: What can I do for you?

Customer: I want a cheese cake, a loaf of brown bread, a box of biscuits…

Shop-assistant: Anything else?

Customer: No, thank you. How much is it?

Shop-assistant: Ten roubles.

Customer: Here you are.

Shop-assistant: Here is your change. Thank you.

You are buying: a bottle of oil, a packet of sour cream, ten eggs; a kilo of pears, a kilo and a half of cucumbers, half a kilo of plums; a packet of frankfurters, a chicken, half a kilo of ham; a tin of soft caviare, half a kilo of salmon, two tins of salted sprats; some spice and seasoning; a jar of horse radish, a packet of pepper, a bottle of vinegar.

Ex. 15. You are going to make a cake for the tea party. Enumerate all food ingredients and the quantity of each that are necessary to do this.

Ex. 16. Write a recipe of your favourite fruit and vegetable salad.

Ex. 17. Translate into English:

1) Мне нужно полфунта сухарей. Сколько они стоят? 2) Я куплю баранину, если она не очень жирная, немного ветчины и сосисок. 3) В рыбном отделе можно купить свежую и замороженную рыбу; там также продается икра и рыбные консервы. 4) – Где можно купить специи? – В том же отделе, где продается мука и крупа. 5) У вас есть в продаже сметана и творог? Когда истекает их срок хранения? 6) Цены на овощи в этом магазине вполне приемлемые, а вот фрукты стоят дорого. 7) Дайте мне, пожалуйста, полкило копченой рыбы, килограмм свежей трески и баночку красной икры. 8) По дороге домой мне нужно зайти в универсам и купить пачку индийского чая, растворимый кофе и буханку белого и черного хлеба. 9) В этом магазине большой выбор сухих вин Молдовы и Болгарии. 10) В этом универмаге продаются экзотические фрукты и овощи. Вы найдете их в шестом ряду.

Topics for discussion:

1. Shopping for foodstuffs. 2. Our local supermarket. 3. Buying foodstuffs for a birthday party.

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