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Endangered Species

The pollution of air and the world’s ocean, destruction of the ozone layer is the result of man’s careless interaction with nature. All this can destroy natural habitats for plants and animals. Trade and population growth play their part as well.

As a result a lot of species are in danger and a number of rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants have disappeared forever. When a plant or an animal is gone forever we say it is extinct. It is estimated that one species-plant, animal or insect – becomes extinct every day. At that rate, within the next 20 years one-fifth of all species could be extinct. The delicate balance of nature, the very existence of life on Earth is being upset.

The Energy Trap

It’s the industrial countries that use most of the world’s fuel. As industrialization continues to increase and world populations continue to grow, the demand for energy will grow too. No one can be absolutely certain, but scientists predict that the non-renewable fuels we now use for our energy needs will run out within the following time spans: oil – in about 50 years, natural gas – in about 50 years, coal – in about 300 years, nuclear fuel: in about 60 years. Prices will rise. And as we burn away our fossil fuel resources, we’ll continue to add to the pollution of our environment.

Ex. 9. Fill in the blanks with suitable words and word combinations from the text:

1. The human race … in its environment. 2. The problem of environment is … of our days. 3. The increase … will cause an average rise in temperature. 4. … will change the patterns of the weather world-wide. 5. The ozone layer protects the Earth from … . 6. It contributes to global warming, increasing … . 7. … has caused much damage in Europe and the US. 8. The tropical rain forest is a natural … . 9. When a plant or an animal is gone forever we say … . 10. Scientists predict that … will run out within the following time spans … .

Ex. 10. Match the definitions from the list and the words from the frame below:

  • reaction of sulphur and nitrogen oxides with water droplets

  • the natural or social conditions in which people live

  • treating used substances so that they are fit to use again

  • the natural home of a plant or animal

  • the layer of soil that is permanently frozen

  • hot, wet forest in tropical areas where rainfall is heavy and there is no dry season

  • animals (and plants) which live in a wild state

  • the layer which protects the Earth from the sun’s destructive UV rays

  • gone forever

permafrost, ozone layer, recycling, rainforest, wildlife, habitat, extinct, environment, acid rain

Ex. 11. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

1. Человечество процветало в окружающей его среде. 2. Одна из самых угрожающих форм загрязнения воздуха – это кислотный дождь. 3. Защитный слой Земли, озоновый, предохраняет Землю от разрушительных ультрафиолетовых лучей. 4. Всеобщее потепление изменит характер погоды во всем мире. 5. Кислотный дождь вызвал большие повреждения во многих странах. 6. Леса уничтожаются с угрожающей скоростью, оставляя большие участки земли с гораздо менее удобренным верхним слоем. 7. Большое количество видов животных, птиц, рыб и растений находятся под угрозой вымирания, а некоторые редкие виды исчезли навсегда. 8. Ученые предсказывают, что те виды горючего, которые мы используем для удовлетворения энергетических потребностей, истощат свой запас.

Ex. 12. a) answer the following questions.

b) discuss the points given before the text.

1. What are the main ecological problems? 2. What sources of air, water, land and soil pollution can you name? 3. How can you explain the greenhouse effect? 4. What damage do acid rains bring? 5. Why are the ozone “holes” dangerous for the life on the Earth? 6. Why is tropical rain forest a natural recycler, provider and protector for our planet? 7. Why did some species of animals, birds, plants disappear from the Earth? 8. How has the human race upset the nature balance? 9. “The energy trap”, how do you understand it? What kind of energy will replace coal, gas and oil in future? 10. What can you say about ecological situation in Belarus?

Ex. 13. Read and translate the text. Use a dictionary if necessary. Be able to discuss the following questions: a) What can be done to solve ecological problems? b) What should be done to create a system of ecological security? c) What can you do to keep our environment safe and clean?

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