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Now do some exersises

Ex. 1. Match the words from 2 columns (English/Russian)


  1. tactful 1. трудолюбивый

  2. hard-working 2. тактичный

  3. honest 3. терпеливый

  4. just 4. сдержанный

  5. industrious 5. честный

  6. patient 6. аккуратный

7. любознательный


  1. reserved 8. понимающий

  2. supporting 9. справедливый

  3. helpful 10. уверенный

  4. curious 11. усердный

  5. forgiving 12. помогающий

  6. neat 13. прощающий

14. поощряющий

Ex. 2. Give the verbs of which the words: supporting, helpful, forgiving, reserved are formed. Translate them into Russian.

Ex.3. Read the sentence below and complete them choosing the right word in the brackets.

He is always ready to help other people. He is very (hard-working, patient, supporting).

She tried to be always polite. She never offends people, because she is (patient, tactful, industrious).

Everybody believes him when he is telling something because he is (reserved, curious, honest).

Our father shouts at us. He is always (neat, industrious, reserved).

My sister will pass her exams successfully because she is very (honest, hard-working, self-confident).

The synonyms are industrious and (understanding, forgiving, hard-working).

Ex. 4. Read exercise 1 again and choose the words that can describe your character. Don’t be too critical of yourselves. The more words you find the better.

Ex. 5.Describe the character of your favourite school teacher, using the words of exercise 1.

Ex. 6. Have you any idea of what a model teacher must know and do? If not, then look at the promt. If you do, speak about it, without looking at it.

  • know and understand life as it is.

  • have critical thinking.

  • have rich imagination.

A Model Teacher must - understand, respect and love his pupils.

  • keep on learning all his/her life.

  • analyse his successes and failures.

  • have a good sense of humor.

  • be a good speaker and a good listener.

Ex. 7. Do you know what a model teacher likes? Try to answer this question using our promp. Begin your sentences with:

In my opinion… - По моему мнению…

I think… - Я думаю…

I suppouse… - Я считаю…

As far as I know… - Насколько я знаю…

  • children

  • nature

  • animals

She/he likes - music

  • literature and arts

  • the subject she/he teaches

  • sports

  • jokes

Ex. 8. Read an extract from Helen’s diary and translate it.

What a happy day today! I am a student of a Teacher Training institute. My dreams have come true. Teaching is a family tradition and I always wanted to carry on my parents work: our home has been a meeting place for teacher. It was a real pleasure for me to listen and speak to them. So I know for sure what a teacher should be live for his pupils to love him.

I believe that a good teacher is not a mere communicator of knowledge, but a model of competence, a person who is learning as well as teaching. While communicating with children a teacher should study them closely to discover their interests, abilities and needs. Qualities of heart and head should go together in a good teacher. My school teacher of Literature Elena Nikolaevna will be my model in life. She is sympathetic, patient, especially with slow pupils and fair to all. She listens to all and gives them chance to speak. She always encourages us instead of giving boring lectures on what we have done wrong. When a teacher praises you for your good work you want to carry on with it and do better.

One of the most important characteristics of a good teacher is a strong morel standard. A teacher must not only speak of good standards – he must live them. If you want to develop a feeling for honesty, fairness and cooperation in your classroom, then you must be honest, fair and cooperative.

Teaching and learning are very difficult when children are not having a good time. But when the children look interested, like they are ready to ask something, then the teacher is doing a good job.

Ex. 9. Give your answers to the following questions.

  1. Why has Helen decided to become a teacher?

  2. What is Helen’s idea of a good teacher?

  3. Why has Helen chosen Elena Nickolaevna as a model for herself?

  4. What qualities should a teacher possess to develop high moral standards in his/her students?

  5. What shows that a teacher is doing a good work?

Ex. 10.Read the story of a student about her practice at school and share your impressions of your school practice.

Last year we had teaching practice at school. The practice was very important for me. I had my practice at school № 1 in Vitebsk. I was to work with first-formers. To teach first-formers is of course a very difficult task, because they don’t know yet what they may do and what they mustn’t. They cannot sit quietly during the lesson, they have no habits of school work.

All in all I gave 40 lessons and came back to the University full of impressions. School practice gives students a lot. They see different schools, different teachers, different children. We learned new methods of teaching. As for me, I am not disappointed with my future profession. Now I know that it is really very difficult, but interesting, important and honorary.

Ex. 11. Listen to the following dialogue and dramatize it.

- Mum, let me introduce my teacher of History Elena Petrovna.

- How do you do, Elena Petrovna. I am pleased to meet you. My name is Nina

Ivanovna. I’d like to know about my son’s progress in history.

- Oh, don’t worry. He is a diligent pupil and he is doing very well. But sometimes

he is inattentive and likes to speak to his friends at the lesson.

- I’m sorry to hear that, Elena Petrovna. But you wouldn’t really want him to be a model boy, wouldn’t you?

- No, of course not. He is just and ordinary boy, but he is too noisy. It will

interfere with his schoolwork. I want him to do well at school.

- Thank you Elena Petrovna. I’ll talk to him about it.

- Good-buy.

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