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Vocabulary Exercises

Ex. 1. Translate the following word-combinations.

Present-day Belarus, in the early Stone Age, the Eastern Slavic tribes, a single early-Russian nationality, there was need, was synonymous with poverty and backwardness, East-European plain, industrial enterprises, to rebuild and restore, higher educational establishments.

Ex. 2. Find in the text the equivalents of the following words and word-combinations.

Была сначала населена, с развитием классового общества, начала объединяться, была необходимость создания единого государства, Киевская Русь, была присоединена, была тесно связана, граница, площадь, население, минеральные удобрения, разрушать, промышленные предприятия, каждый четвертый, восстановить, занимать ведущее положение, высшие учебные заведения, является одной из стран-основателей ООН.

Ex. 3. Find the synonyms: .

  1. to like, state, poverty, to perish, to rebuild, territory, large.

  2. poor, to die, to unite, country, area, big, to restore.

Ex. 4. Find the antonyms:

Early, to destroy, backwardness, to appear, late, to rebuild, large, to perish, small, to disappear, advanced, to be born.

Ex. 5. Complete the sentences with the words from the second column. Retell the text.

1. The krivichi, radimichi and dregovichi …

1. there was need for a single state.

2. With the development of a class

society ..

2. Kievan Rus appeared.

3. In the 9th century …

3. was annexed by Russia.

4. Kievan Rus united …

4. the Soviet power was established in Belarus.

5. In the 18th century Belarus …

5. the United Nations Organization.

6. Belorussian people were poor

and …

6. they have no social and political


7. On November 7, 1917 …

7. most of the Belorussian cities and villages were destroyed.

8. During the Great Patriotic War …

8. the Russians, the Ukrainians and the Belorussians.

9. One in four of the Republic’s population …

9. are the forebears of the Belorussians.

10. Now Belarus has …

10. highly-developed industry, agriculture, culture and science.

11. Belarus is a member of …

11. perished during the German occupa-


Ex. 6. Answer the following questions:

1. Where is Belarus situated? 2. What is the population of Belarus? 3. Who populated the territory of present-day Belarus in the early Stone Age? 4. Why did the Eastern Slavic tribes begin to unite? 5. When did Kievan Rus appear? 6. What peoples did Kievan Rus unite? 7. Who annexed Belarus in the 14th and 18th centuries? 8. What can you say about Belarus before the Revolution? 9. When was the Soviet Belarus established? 10. What did Hitlerites destroy in Belarus during two years of German occupation? 11. What holds the leading position in the economy of Belarus?

Ex. 7. Translate into English.

В 9-м столетии появилось государство Киевская Русь. Оно объединяло три братских народа – русских, украинцев и белорусов.

В 18 веке Белоруссия была присоединена к России, но белорусский народ не имел ни социальных, ни политических прав. В ноябре 1917 года в Белоруссии была установлена советская власть. Во время Великой Отечественной войны в Белоруссии более 209 городов и 9000 деревень было разрушено. Во время немецкой оккупации погиб каждый четвертый из населения Белоруссии.

Сейчас Беларусь – это республика с высоко развитой промышленностью, наукой и культурой. Республика Беларусь является членом Организации Объединенных Наций.

Ex. 8. Speak about the Republic of Belarus according to the plan:

  1. The history of Belarus;

  2. Belarus during the Great Patriotic War;

  3. The Republic of Belarus today.

Ex. 9.Read the text. Retell it in Russian.

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