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Complete the dialogues:


Doctor: ………….. ? ……………….. .

Patient: I’m quite unwell. I feel giddy [`gidi] and I can hardly stand on my legs.

Doctor: ……………. ? ………………. .

Patient: Yes, I’ve a sore thout and a cough.

Doctor: …………… ? ……………… .

Patient: I’ve been running a high temperature since yesterday. Today it is 33.5.

Doctor: Please strip to the waist and l have taken pills for the flu and yesterday I was cupped. But I don’t feel any better.

Doctor: ………… ?

Patient: I thought I could cure myself. What is the matter with me?

Doctor: ………… .


Doctor: Good morning, Mrs. Long. What’s the trouble?

Mrs. Long: ………… .

Doctor: Any pain?

Mrs. Long: ………….. .

Doctor: Please, strip to he waist. I shall examine you.

Mrs. Long: ………… .

Doctor: I’m afraid it’s pneumonia and you must have penicillin injections.

Mrs. Long: ……….. .

Doctor: Certainly, for a week or ten days. Here’s a prescription. Be sure to follow my instruction.

Mrs. Long: ………. .

Translate into English


Врач: На что Вы жалуетесь?

Больной: Я плохо себя чувствую. Наверное, у меня ангина.

Врач: Откройте рот. Я посмотрю ваше горло. Да, у вас ангина. Вы мерили температуру?

Больной: Нет, я пришел к Вам прямо с занятия.

Врач: Тогда возьмите этот градусник измерьте.


Врач: У Вас высокая температура. Идите домой и лежите.

Больной: А какие лекарства Вы мне посоветуете?

Врач: Не прохолождайтесь. Пейте теплое молоко. И вот рецепт. Попросите своих друзей сходить в аптеку.

Больной: Спасибо, доктор. Когда мне придти к Вам?

Врач: Через 3 дня. Если Вам будет хуже, то вызовите меня.


А: Это кабинет доктора Вилсана?

В: Да. Чем я могу Вам помочь.

А: Сможет ли доктор принять меня?

В: Конечно. Как Ваша фамилия?

А: Никольсон.

В: Мистер Никольсон, удобно ли Вам будет придти в среду в 5 часов?

А: Да, это мне удобно. Спасибо.


Аня: Катя, ты где была? И что с тобой? Та какая-то очень красная.

Катя: Я была у врача. У меня высокая температура.

Аня: И что сказал доктор? Каков его диагноз?

Катя: Грипп. Он сказал, что мне нужно полежать в кровати.

a) Remember the following proverbs. Think of their Russian equivalents.

  1. Health is better tham wealth.

  2. Early to bed, early to rise makes people healthy, wealthy and wise.

  3. A merry heart is a good medicine.

  4. Preventing is better than cure.

b) Illustrate them in the dialogues of your own.

c) Act put your last visit to the doctor’s surgery.


Write some paragraphs to comment the following:

  1. Health has become big business.

  2. The average person in the developing world lives a very unhealthy life.

  3. The best doctors in the world are Doctor Diet, Doctor Quiet and Doctor Merryman.

The republic of belarus


The name “Byelorussia” first appeared in official manuscripts in the XVI century. There are different hypotheses as to the origin происхождения of the name. One of the hypotheses is that the name comes from the fact that in ancient times в древние времена “to be white” meant “to be free”. In the XIII century while East-Slavonic lands were under the Tatar-Mongol yoke, the North-West of Ancient Russ was free and that part was called Byelaya Russ at that time. It is also known that the people of this part of the land were dressed in while. Their clothes were made of flax из льна. They had fair hair and blue or grey eyes. Some historians explain the origin of the name from this fact. Which do you believe?

By the way, do you know that for many centuries Byelorussia had been called Litva Литва and Byelorussians – Litvins Литвины. And even the Byelorussian language in the XIX century was rather often called Lithuanian-Russian литовско-русский.

This was the case because, as you know, for almost five hundred years Byelorussia was part of the Great Principality of Lithuania and the Byelorussian language was the official language of this great state.

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