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VII. Answer the following questions:

1. What was the name of the first East Slavic State?

2. Who made Christianity the state religion of Kyivan Rus?

3. Who were Cossacks?

4. What forces destroyed the Zaporizhian Sich?

5. Why was Galicia a major centre of Ukrainian culture during the 1800’s?

6. When did Ukraine become a part of the Soviet Union?

7. What happened in 1990?

8. What was the reason for proclaiming the independence of Ukraine?

9. When was the Constitution of Ukraine adopted?

10. With what countries does Ukraine cooperate nowadays?

VIII. Ask several questions with interrogative words“what”, “when”.

Model: In 1922 Ukraine became a part of the Soviet Union.

When did Ukraine become a part of the Soviet Union?

IX. Complete the following sentences from the text:

1. One of the earliest cultures was that of the _________, who lived in the soutwestern Ukraine from about 4000 to 2000 B.C.

2. Under Volodymyr’s ______, the state became a political, economical and cultural power in Europe.

3. In1654, Khmelnytsky formed an ________ with the tzar of Russia ______ Poland.

4. In the 1790’s Russia ______ control of all of Ukraine except Galicia, which Austria ruled from 1772 until 1918.

5. The president is________ by popular vote and is formally the head of state.

X. Find the English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words:

1. плем’я 1. peace

2. релігія 2. proclaim

3. свобода, воля 3. tribe

4. проголошувати 4. branch

5. розвиток 5. religion

6. гілка (влади) 6. freedom

7. мир 7. development

  1. Speak on the important events in the history of the United Kingdom.

XII. Find in the text the translation to the following sentences:

1. Україна стала першою східнослов’янською державою, яка була відомою, як Київська Русь.

2. 1648 poку козак на ім’я Б.Хмельницький очолив повстання, яке звільнило Україну від польського панування.

3. Австрійці однак давали більше свободи українцям, ніж росіяни.

XIII. Speak on the following situations:

1. Speak in pairs on the importance of learning the history of motherland.

2. Compile a dialogue about different invasions in the history of Ukraine.

3. One of you is a student from the UK and knows nothing about your motherland. Compile a dialogue between Ukrainian and British students.


Великобританія, її історія та Great Britain, іts history and

культура culture

I. Practice the pronunciation of the following words:

Great Britain, Celtic, Julius Caesar, British Isles, Angles, Australia, Jutes, Northern Ireland, British Isles, Thames, Westminster, Saxons, Wales.

II. Read the following dates and figures:

8th-7th centuries B.C., 19th century, 5,500, 1343m, 56, 1000, 630, 1050, 2000.

III. Study the words and phrases for active use:

inhabitant поселенець, житель

Germanic Tribes германські племена

to invade захоплювати, окуповувати

raw materials сировина

to lose industrial supremacy втратити перевагу у промисловості

to merge with злитись, з’єднатися

county графство

maritime морський

supreme legislative body найвища законодавчий орган

settlement поселення

to be located розміщуватись

to play a vital role відігравати значну роль

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