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I. Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents of the words and phrases below:

contextual intelligence; experiential intelligence; componential intelligence; acquire knowledge; lack of thought; culturally biased; make decisions; problem-solving; higher mental abilities; sign of intelligence; impulsiveness; to perceive; intelligence test; mentally inferior; ability to learn; to acquire knowledge; to carry out a task; to make decisions; to process information; personal experience; cultural and social settings.

II. Find English equivalents to the following phrases:

інтелект, що ґрунтується на досвіді; з культурним ухилом; вищі розумові здібності; перевірка розумових здібностей; нижчий за розумовим рівнем; коефіцієнт розумового розвитку; культурне та соціальне оточення.

III. Complete the table:








IV. Translate into English:

  1. Ми вчимося на своєму досвіді.

2. Досвід впливає на те, як ми думаємо, сприймаємо, запам’ятовуємо інформацію.

3. Здатність швидко реагувати на те, що вам говорять інші в певних культурах, розглядається як ознака інтелекту.

4. Інтелект включає в себе наступне: здатність вчитися та здобувати знання; уміння розв’язувати задачі та рахувати а також наявність вищої розумової здібності: уміння планувати і приймати рішення.

V. Answer the questions:

1. What is intelligence?

2. What does it mean “to be intelligent”?

3. What aspects of intelligence were identical by Sternberg?

4. What does contextual intelligence mean?

5. In what way can experience influence intelligence?

6. What parts does componential intelligence consist of?

7. What do intelligence tests measure?

8. What is an intelligence quotient?

8.2. Psychology in work Text 1. Psychological Theories about Unemployment and Retirement

For a human being, work is a deeply important part of life. Although we might daydream about a life of leisure, the reality is that most of us are psychologically, and physically, healthier if we are working. If we are prevented from working, by unemployment or redundancy, we are very likely to become depressed. If that unemployment continues for a long time, we are also liable to fall into a kind of learned helplessness which can sometimes make it very difficult for us to find work again, or to make the sustained effort that is necessary if an opportunity does come along.

Unemployment has other negative effects, as well. Between 20 per cent and 30 per cent of unemployed people showed deterioration in their physical health. Unemployment often leads to difficulties in personal relationships as well, often because of the additional strain brought on by continuing financial difficulties.

Of course, the longer we are unemployed, the more these problems are likely to become exaggerated.

The reason why long-term unemployment is so damaging is because working is more than it appears. It does not just serve the obvious functions for us, like earning money to live on, it also has other functions, which are not so apparent. Psychologists identified five latent functions of working. We do not really notice these functions while we are working, but they are actually extremely important in helping to keep our emotional and psychological life balanced.

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