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4. Dramatize the following situations.

  • Youareanactor. You have just returned home from the first night of a play in which you have played a part. Share your impressions with the members of the family.

  • Assure your director that it is Mrs. Brown who should play the leading lady.

  • Assure the authorities why Mr. Gordon Brown should be honoured for his services to the arts.


5. Read Text 14and find the English equivalents to the words in the list below.

1) создавать свою роль на основе наблюдений

индивидуальность роли

5) воспроизводитьвнешний

2) находить образы в обыденной жизни


6) проникать в мысли людей

3) изучать особенности окружающих

7) применять всю свою

симпатию и интуицию

4) придавать

8) создавать цельный образ


To a greater extent the actor builds up his/her part from observation. As he/she goes about his/her daily occupations he/she is consciously or subconsciously finding models from everyday life. He/she will study the characteristics and mannerisms of the people with whom he/she comes into contact; he/she will watch people in the street, in trams and buses, in shops, at public gatherings, he/she will notice the way they walk, the movements of head and hands, how they speak, the sound of their voices, the expression on their faces, both permanent and momentary, he/she will take this peculiarity from person and that from another – anything that may help him/her to give individuality to the character he/she is to play. Not only will he/she seek to imitate and reproduce superficial and physical characteristics, but he/she will try to get inside the minds of his/her models and understand their thoughts and the circumstances which make them behave the way they do. He/she will exercise all his/her sympathy and intuition in this, and, with the aid of his/her imagination will build up a complex character that is utterly different from his/her own. If possible, he/she will observe people’s reaction in emotion, fear, excitement, disappointment, joy, or sorrow, and notice particularly how the voice and movements are affected.

6. Think of a famous actor/actress. Describe the way he/she builds up his/her part. Use the words and word combinations from Text 14. Let your group mates guess who it is.

7. Read Text 15and find the English equivalents to the words in the list below.

1) вживатьсявроль

6) знаниетехники

2) намеренно наблюдать за людьми

7) поразительный магнетизм

3) смутные воспоминания волнуют ее

8) входить в роль

4) основывать образ на своей индивидуальности и воспоминаниях

9) хорошие способности

5) обогащать образ (роль) собственным опытом

10) оживлять роль

Text 15.The art of acting

The critics admired her variety. They praised especially her capacity for insinuating herself into a part. She was not aware that she deliberately observed people, but when she came to study a new part, vague recollections surged up in her from she knew not where, and she found that she knew things about the character she was to represent that she had had no inkling of. It helped her to think of someone she had seem in the street or at a party; she combined with this recollection her own personality, and thus built up a character founded on fact but enriched with her experience, her knowledge of technique and her amazing magnetism. People thought that she acted only during the two or three hours she was on the stage, they did not know that the character she was playing dwelt in the back of her mind all day long, when she was talking to others with all the appearance of attention, or in whatever business she was engaged. It often seemed to her that she was two persons, the actress, the popular favouritein London. And that was a shadow, and the woman she was playing at night and that was the substance.

She could step into a part, not a very good one, perhaps, and by her personality, by her dexterity which she had at her finger tips, infuse it with life. There was no one who could do what she could with a part.

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