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  1. Practice reading the following words, word combinations and sentences. Learn them by heart.

simply- просто

wonderful- чудесный

beastly weather – ужасная погода

terrible- ужасный

it is raining cats and dogs – Дождь льёт, как из ведра.

there is nо sign- нет никакого признака

to clear up- проясниться

lovely weather- чудесная погода

it will last- простоит (о погоде)

the weather has changed – погода переменилась

what can you expect?- а чего можно ожидать?

in our parts- в наших краях

it has been snowing heavily – идёт сильный снег

everything is covered- всё покрыто

a thick layer of snow – толстый слой снега

if it does not melt- если не растает

I am thick and tired of this rain- Мне ужасно надоел этот дождь.

wet to the skin- промок до костей

wet through – промок насквозь

heavy clouds- тяжёлые тучи

it’s going to rain- собирается дождь

a thunderstorm- гроза

to run for shelter- бежать в укрытие

its pouring- льёт как из ведра

a shower- ливень

a flash of lightning – вспышка молнии

  1. Practice reading the following bits of conversation. Learn them by heart.

1)- Fine day today, isn’t it?

- Yes, simply wonderful.

2)- What beastly weather we are having!

- Yes, it’s terrible.

3)- It has been raining cats and dogs since morning!

- Yes, and there is no sign of the rain stopping.

4)- Will it clear up, do you think?

- Who knows? You never can tell…

5)- What lovely weather we are having!

- Yes, indeed. I hope it will last.

6)- The morning was so fine, and look how the weather has changed.

- Yes, it’s very unpleasant. But what can you expect? The weather in pur parts is so changeable.

7)- It has been snowing heavily since morning. Look, everything is covered with a thick layer of snow.

- Yes, indeed! If it doesn’t melt, we can go skiing tomorrow.

8)- I am thick and tired of this rain! I am already wet to the skin.

- Well, what can you expect? It’s always like this in this season.

9) -Look at these heavy clouds over there. I think it’s going to rain.

- Oh, there is a thunderstorm coming! Look, what a flash of lightning! Come, let’s run for the shelter before we get wet through.

10)- Is it still raining?

- Oh, it’s simply pouring – a real shower.

  1. Practice reading the following words, word combinations and sentences. Learn them by heart.

nature awakens – природа пробуждается

it grows warmer – становится теплее

buds- почки

shoot out new leaves – выпускают новые листочки

meadows - луга

flowers begin to blossom – цветы распускаются

farmers till the soil- фермеры пашут землю

sow ( sowed, sown) the seeds- сеять семена

a nightingale- соловей

a swallow - ласточка

migrant birds – перелётные птицы

а nest - гнездо

lay and hatch their eggs – кладут яйца и высиживают птенцов

corn fields – поля, засеянные злаками

а cornflower - василёк

а poppy – мак