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1. 2. Sequence of tenses. Согласование времён

Основные правила согласования времен в английском языке заключаются в следующем:

1. Если сказуемое главного предложения выражено глаголом в одной из форм настоящего или будущего времени, то ска­зуемое дополнительного придаточного предложения мо­жет быть выражено глаголом в любом времени, требуе­мом по смыслу:

I suppose that you will be present at the conference. — Я пола­гаю, что вы

будете присутствовать на конференции.

2. Если сказуемое главного предложения выражено глаголом в одной из форм прошедшего времени, то сказуемое допол­нительного придаточного предложения должно быть выра­жено глаголом в одной из форм прошедшего времени.

а) Если глагол придаточного предложения выражает действие (или состояние), одновременное с действием глагола в главном предложении, то глагол придаточного предложе­ния ставится в Past Simple или Past Continuous. На русский язык глагол придаточного предложения, пере­дающий одновременность действия, переводится глаголом в настоящем времени:

He said that he worked much. – Он сказал, что много работает.

He said that he was working at his design. – Он сказал, что работает над

своим проектом.

б) Если глагол придаточного предложения выражает дей­ствие, которое предшествовало действию, выраженному глаголом главного предложения, то глагол придаточного предложения употребляется в форме Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous и переводится на русский язык глаго­лом в прошедшем времени:

Не said that he had finished his design. — Он сказал, что (уже) закончил

свой проект.

Не said that he had been working for more than an hour when we arrived.

— Он сказал, что он уже работал более часа, когда мы пришли.

Примечание: Если время совершения действия придаточного предложения точно определено (год, число, день, неделя), то глагол в придаточном предло­жении может стоять в Past Simple: He said he arrived at 7. — Он сказал, что приехал в 7 часов.

в) Если глагол придаточного предложения выражает дей­ствие, будущее по отношению к глаголу главного предложе­ния, то он употребляется в одной из форм Future-in-the-Past:

He said he would translate the article. – Он сказал, что переведёт статью.

Не said he would be translating it till 5 o'clock. — Он сказал, что будет

переводить ее до 5 часов.

Не said he would have translated this text by the end of the lesson. — Он

сказал, что переведет этот текст к концу урока.

Примечание: Правила последовательности времен не соблюдаются, когда в прида­точном дополнительном предложении говорится об общеизвестных ис­тинах или о явлениях, объективно существующих в природе: He said that winter is followed by spring. – Он сказал, что за зимой следует весна.

3. Правила последовательности времен в отношении оп­ределительных и

обстоятельственных придаточных предложений соблюдаются только в тех

случаях, когда то, о чем говорится в этих предложениях, относится к прошедшему времени. Если сказуемое определительного или обстоятельствен­ного придаточного предложения не соотнесено со сказу­емым главного предложения, а выражает какой-нибудь факт или явление, относящееся к настоящему или буду­щему времени, то правила последовательности времен не соблюдаются.

She entered a department of Municipal and State Management as she wants

to be an economist. – Она поступила на отделение Государственного

и Муниципального Управления, так как хочет быть экономистом.

I found a very interesting book on marketing which I shall give you as soon

as you come. – Я нашел очень интересную книгу по маркетингу,

которую я вам дам, как только вы придете.

Прямая и косвенная речь. Direct and indirect speech

В косвенной речи сложноподчиненное предложение состоит из главного и придаточного дополнительного, которое присо­единяется к главному союзами и союзными словами that, what, where, when, how, why, whether, if или бессоюзно.

Прямая речь

Не says, “We are reading.” He said, “We are reading.” I said, “She will

come at 5.”

Косвенная речь

He says (that) they are reading. – Он говорит, что они читают.

He said (that) they were reading. – Он сказал, что они читают.

I said (that) she would come at 5. – Я сказал, что она придёт в 5.

1. При переводе предложения из прямой речи в косвенную соблюдаются все правила последовательности времен.

2. При переводе прямой речи в косвенную глагол to say, име­ющий при себе дополнение с предлогом to, обычно заме­няется глаголом to tell, за которым всегда следует беспред­ложное дополнение.

She said to me, “I have finished my work. – Она сказала мне: «Я

закончила свою работу»

She told me she had finished her work. – Она сказала мне, что она

закончила свою работу.

3. Если прямая речь представляет собой общий вопрос, то в косвенной речи дополнительное придаточное предложе­ние имеет прямой порядок слов и вводится союзами whether или if:

He asked me, “Do you know English?” – He asked me whether (if) I knew

English. (Он спросил меня, знаю ли я английский.)

She asked him, “Are you busy?”She asked him whether (if) he was busy.

(Она спросила его, занят ли он.)

4. Если прямая речь представляет собой специальный воп­рос, то в косвенной речи дополнительное придаточное предложение имеет прямой порядок слов и присоединя­ется к главному при помощи вопросительных слов, кото­рые становятся союзными словами:

He asked,Where do you live?”He asked me where I lived.

She asked them,What are you doing?”She asked them what they were


I asked him,When will you go there?” – I asked him when he would go


5. Если прямая речь представляет собой побудительное пред­ложение, то в косвенной речи глагол, стоявший в повели­тельном наклонении, употребляется в форме инфинитива, причем приказание обычно выражается глаголами to tell, to order, to offer, а просьба — глаголами to ask, to beg:

The teacher said to us, “Stop writing!”The teacher told us to stop writing.

(Учитель сказал нам перестать писать.)

She said to Peter “Take my book.” – She offered Peter to take her book. (Она

предложила Петру взять её книгу)

He said, “Give me this file, please.” – He asked me to give him that file. (Он

попросил меня дать ему этот файл)

6. При переводе предложения из прямой речи в косвенную

а) соответственно смыслу изменяются личные и притяжа­тельные местоимения:

Не asked me, “Do you know Spanish?” – He asked me if I knew Spanish.

6) если глагол главного предложения стоит в прошедшем времени, то указательные местоимения и наречия места и времени в косвенной речи заменяются следующим об­разом:

В прямой речи В косвенной речи

this этот, эта, это

these эти

now сейчас

here здесь

today сегодня

last night вчера вечером

yesterday вчера

tomorrow завтра

next week на следующей неделе

ago тому назад

that тот, та. то

those me

then тогда

there там

that day в тот день

the previous night накануне

the night before вечером

the day before накануне

the next (following) day

на следующий день

the following week

на следующей неделе

before тому назад

He said, “I wrote this report yesterday.” — Он сказал: “Я напи­сал этот

доклад вчера”.

Не said (that) he had written that report the day before. — Он сказал, что

он написал этот доклад накануне.

в) меняется пунктуация: косвенная речь в кавычки не ставится и запятой не отделяется.


Ex. 1. Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the sequence of tenses.

1. He said that he was quite all right, the climate of desert hadn't done him any harm.

2. The conductor told the journalist that he had just come from Brussels and intended to stay in St. Petersburg for about a month.

3. Our tutor said that he was not satisfied with my report and I decided to work at it for some more time.

4. He asked me when the goods would arrive.

5. The officer ordered the soldiers to follow him.

6. He said that they would present their project on the twelfth of November, so they had a few days left.

7. He asked me whether I was going to pay in cash.

8. She said she was preparing a news release for the radio programme.

9. I thought I should find the way, but I was wrong.

Ex. 2. Choose the correct form of the verb. Translate the sentences from English into Russian.

1. I knew that the Institute was founded / had been founded in 1975. 2. I knew that she had left / would leave Moscow some years before. 3. I told my brother that I am sorry/ was sorry he has changed / had changed his mind.

4. He said that he is living / had lived in Milan for many years and knew / knows the city very well.

5. Не told me that he studied / study at the Glasgow University. 6. I was asked why our sales would go down / had gone down.

7. She said she would see / will see me the next day.

Ex. 3. When you are reporting what someone said, you use reporting words.

1)Translate these reporting verbs and learn them. The more verbs you know the better your English is.

a) admit, agree, answer, argue, claim, complain, decide, deny, explain, insist,

mention, promise, reply, say, warn (‘that’ не опускается после ‘answer’,

argue’, ‘explain’, ‘reply’)

b) convince, inform, persuade, reassure, remind, tell (с этими глаголами нужно

указать того, к кому обращаются)

2)Choose the verb from the box to complete the sentences.

promised, insisted, convince, explained, told, asked, answered, informed, replied, was told, complained

  1. They __________ we should stay a bit longer.

  2. They __________ that they were too busy.

  3. She __________ them to visit her during the holidays.

  4. I ___________ that they should send a letter.

  5. I ___________ that I had not read it yet.

  6. I ____________ her that I wouldn’t be late.

  7. The man in the shop __________ me how much it would cost.

  8. He ____________ that the price would be three pounds.

  9. I ___________ her that I could not come.

  10. She ___________ that there were no tickets left.

  11. I tried to ___________ him that I was right.

Ex. 4. Change the sentences into indirect speech.

1) ‘I’m leaving now.’ He told us…….

‘Jane phoned me yesterday.’ He said…….

‘There’s nowhere to sit.’ She said…….

‘Nobody will know.’ I thought…….

2) ‘Can you help us?’ They asked…….

‘Am I doing the right thing?’ I wondered…….

‘Where do they invest the money?’ I asked…….

‘How does your photocopier work?’ He asked …..

3) ‘Park round the corner.’ She told me …….

‘We’ll pay for the supper.’ We offered…….

‘You ought to see the doctor.’ She advised me…….

‘I’ll give up smoking.’ He promised……

Ex. 5. Patrick Watkins has just returned to the office after his business trip to Liverpool. “Were there any messages, Adele? – Yes, quite a few, Mr Watkins.” Reconstruct all the messages in the direct speech.

1. Emmy phoned. She said she wouldn’t be in till Friday.

2. She said she had ‘flu. She’d seen the doctor.

3. Mr Curtis called. He said he couldn’t meet this afternoon but he would ring you up on Thursday.

4. Dawson was looking for you. He said he wanted Wednesday off.

5. He told me his grandmother had died and he’d have to go to the funeral.

6. Amanda Dobson asked you to phone her as soon as possible. She said it was urgent.

7. Nelson said your new car wasn’t ready.

Ex. 6. Change the sentences into indirect speech.

1. She said: "I hope you will find time to visit us. I shall be very glad to see you."

2. Jane asked me: "Have you ever been to the Tate Gallery?" "Yes, I have," said I. "I visited it last year when we were staying in London."

3. "Let's go to Finland for the winter holidays. It won’t be very expensive and I have never been to Finland. We can see the New Year in there", said Kate.

4. Nick said: "Yesterday I went to see Paul, but he was not at home." "Let's go to see him today," said Pete. "I think he will be at home. There will be a football match on TV in the evening.” “I can't go today”, said Nick. “I work in the evening."

5. He said: "Who is that girl speaking with the producer? I don't know her. Is she a new actress?"

6. My brother said: "In two hours I shall have written my essay and then I shall go to the club."

7. The teacher said: "Take these newspaper articles and begin translating the first passage."

8. The girl asked the shop-assistant: "Will you show me that blue dress? What is its price?"

9. "Please help me with this prob­lem, I cannot solve it," I said to my father.

10. Не said: "We have forgotten to call them up. They don’t know where we are going to meet"

Ex. 7. You hear some information about people that is the opposite of what you were told earlier. Match the sentences from these two groups.

1. I'm going to Japan on


2. He's a lawyer.

3. She's had a baby girl.

4. I haven't seen Bob for ages.

5. I love these new boots.

6. I only cheated in one exam.

7. She doesn't speak French or


8. He works in London.

a) You admitted you cheated in all your exams.

b) You told me she was fluent in both.

c) You told me he was a teacher.

d) You said you were going on business.

e) You said she’d had a boy.

f) You told me you’d seen him last week.

g) You told me his office was in Rome.

h) You said you hated them.

Ex. 8. Read the original questions and decide which reported question is the most appropriate.

1. David: 'What do you think of the new film?'

a) David wanted to know what I thought of the new film.

b) David asked me what you thought of the new film.

2. Linda: 'Is Alice going to be the next group leader?'

a) Linda asked when Alice is going to be the next group leader.

b) Linda wants to know if Alice is going to be the next group leader.

3. Nora: 'Have they seen all the rooms yet?'

a) Nora wondered whether they had seen all the rooms yet.

b) Nora wondered: have they seen all the rooms yet?

4. Cora: 'Why are Kevin and John still traveling?'

a) Cora wanted to know where Kevin and John were still traveling.

b) Cora wanted to know why Kevin and John were still traveling.

5. Dan: 'Steven, can I borrow your car please?'

a) Dan asked if he could borrow Steven's car. b) Steven wants to know can Dan borrow his car.

6. Maggie: 'Did you have enough time to finish your work?'

a) Maggie asked them if they’d had enough time to finish their work. b) Maggie asked me if they’d had enough time to finish their work.

Ex. 9. Read these lines from an old song and comment on the used grammar forms.

Those were the days, my friend,

We thought they’d never end,

We’d sing and dance forever and a day,

We’d live the life we’d choose,

We’d fight and never loose,

For we were young and sure to have our way.

Ex. 10. Translate from English into Russian.

1. Professor Richard Shaw, who runs marketing company VBMF, was one who warned that marketing departments would have to tighten their belts.

2. Many of the delegates agreed that cutbacks were not necessarily a bad thing, as it would give directors the chance to streamline their department.

3. One of the organizers of Adam Smith Conferences said, "The reality here is that many Russian companies work with short term perspectives. The changes are coming, budgets will be cut but they are still optimistic."

4. All items for which we have quoted are made from very best quality leather and can be supplied in a range of designs and colours wide enough to meet the requirements of a fashionable trade such as yours.

5. It was said in this morning’s news that somebody had thrown a bomb at the café.

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