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IV. Warehouses (Склады)

/. Translate the following expressions into Russian.

Storage, owning, renting, leasing, storing in transit, private, public, requirements, commodity, bulk, liquid, low, temperature, household, articles, merchandise, facilities, receipt, the bill of lading, inventory, report, to store, to own, terms and conditions, contract, negotiable, nonnegotiable, to issue, endorsement, carrier, upon receipt, to file a claim, item, basis.

2. Read the text and translate § 2.

1. Any organization in need of storage space has a number of options. These choices are (I) owning, (2) renting, (3) leasing, and (4) storing in transit. Each offers a different level of cost, risk and managerial involvement. Warehouses are generally classified into private or public. The private warehouse is often built to specialized user needs. The public warehouse must of necessity serve a wide range of user requirements.

2. Public warehouses can be classified into five basic types. Commodity warehouses limit their services to certain commodity groupings (as lumber, cotton, tobacco, and grain).

Bulk-storage warehouses offer storage and handling of products in bulk, such as liquid chemicals, oil, highway salts, and syrups. Mixing products and breaking bulk may also be part of the service.

Cold-storage warehouses are controlled low-temperature warehouses (perishables such as fruits, vegetables, and frozen foods, as well as some chemicals and drugs).

In Household-goods warehouses storage, handling of household articles, furniture are the specialty of these warehouses.

General-merchandise warehouses handle a broad range of merchandise, which usually does not require the special facilities or special handling noted in the four previous types of warehouses. In practice, a public warehouse may not strictly be one of these types.

3. Answer the questions:

  1. What are the choices of the organization in need of storage space?

  2. How are warehouses classified into?

  3. What is the private warehouse built for?

  4. What is the public warehouse built for?


5. How can public warehouses be classified?

4. Read the text, think of the suitable heading and answer the questions:

  1. What are the principal documents of a public warehouse?

  2. What does the warehouse receipt identify?

  3. What warehouse receipt do you know?

  4. When is nonnegotiable receipt issued?

  5. How can the negotiable receipt be passed?

  6. What is the bill of lading?

  7. When is the over, short and damage report issued?

  8. What does the inventory- status report show?

Several types of documentation become important to the smooth operation of a public warehouse. The principal documents are (1) the warehouse receipt; (2) the bill of lading; (3) the over, short, and damage report; and (4) the inventory-status report. The warehouse receipt is the primary document. It identifies what is being stored, where the goods are stored, who owns the goods, to whom they are to be delivered, and the terms and conditions of the storage contract. Warehouse receipts may be negotiable or nonnegotiable. A nonnegotiable receipt is issued to a designated person or company. The negotiable receipt may simply pass from one person to another by endorsement of the receipt. The bill of lading is the contract document used in the movement of goods. It spells out the terms and conditions under which a carrier moves goods. The over, short, and damage (O.S. &D.) report is issued upon receipt of the goods at the warehouse, and only if the goods do not arrive in good condition or as stated on the bill of lading. The O.S.&D. report serves as a basis for filing a claim with a carrier. The inventory-status report shows the inventory position in the warehouse at the end of the month in terms of item, quantity, and weight. It may also be used as the basis for computing the monthly storage charges.

5. Read the text from exercise 4, note down the principal documents in the operation of a public warehouse and translate them.

6. Write a summary of the text and think of the suitable heading.

Склад существует, главным образом, как хранилище, где в безопасных условиях находятся грузы, не требуемые в данный момент, но которые понадобятся в будущем. Они, таким образом, сглаживают колебания в потребности и наличии грузов.


Склады существуют во многих пунктах на пути потоков распределения грузов. По назначению склады подразделяются на производственные, сельскохозяйственные, торговые и транспортные.

Транспортные склады размещаются на грузовых ж/д станциях, в морских, речных и воздушных портах. Такие склады предназначены для краткосрочного хранения грузов. В отдельных случаях перевалочные склады используют для накопления, сортировки и формирования партий грузов.

Характерной особенностью складов речных и морских портов является большая номенклатура грузов. Склады портов классифицируются по следующим признакам: месту расположения на территории порта, конструкции и типу здания, виду грузов и характеру их хранения, материалу, из которого построен склад.


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