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  • Incentive travel

  1. Answer the question. Why an incentive travel award is pleasant?

  2. Match the explanation of Key Goals of incentive program with percents.

  1. Increase production and marketing

  2. Promotion of new products/services

  3. Improving morals in the team

  4. Support the purchasing power of consumer

  5. Leasing competition

  1. 27%

  2. 29%

  3. 50%

  4. 55%

  5. 78%

  1. Choose the right answer(s).What are the main classes of incentives?

  1. Remunerative incentive

  2. Personal incentive

  3. Moral incentive

  4. Group incentive

  5. Coercive incentive

  6. Travel incentive

  1. What is other word for “Remunerative incentive”?

  1. Academic

  2. Financial

  3. Personal

  4. Promotional

  • The exhibition industry

  1. What are the main types of exhibitions?

  2. Match categories of exhibitions with their right definition.

  1. Trade fairs/shows

  2. Consumer fairs/shows

  1. Generally open to the public with any products or services that people are prepared to purchase

  2. Restricted to those seeing to purchase products or services for use in their business or professions

  3. Attract visitors and exhibitors from a number of countries and are regarded as important stimulators of inbound tourism for the host nation

  4. Attract large numbers of visitors but most of them attend for only day and drawn mainly from the local or regional area

  1. What are the right stages of exhibit selling?

  1. Closing the encounter

  2. Qualifying your prospects

  3. Show your arrogance and displeasure

  4. Engaging your visitors

  5. Not presenting your goods

  • Corporate hospitality

  1. What does “corporate hospitality” mean?

  2. Corporate hospitality plays a key role in:

  1. developing and maintaining customer relationships within business.

  2. creating networking opportunities

  3. doing business well

  4. cementing business relationships

  5. producing new stuff

  6. building relationships with customers

  1. Choose the right types of Corporate Hospitality Events:

  1. Sporting events

  2. Birthday events

  3. Take-part events

  4. Shows

  5. Exhibitions

  6. Trips and tours

  7. Markets

  1. What are the main levels of relationship marketing?

  2. Match words below. Ethical considerations.

1. Buyers

2. Suppliers

a) Conflicting markets

b) Fans' criticism for giving too much priority to corporate hospitality customers

c) Lack of serious attention towards the game from corporate guests

d)Legal issues - possibly being guilty of corruption

  • The business and pleasure interface

  1. Choose the right decision-making process tips?

    1. Delegate characteristics

    2. Meeting characteristics

    3. Conference characteristics

    4. Business characteristics

    5. Destination characteristics

  1. What the role of key players in stimulation and facilitation leisure add-ons to business trips?

  • Destination marketing organizations

  • Meetings planners

  • Meetings planners- Recommendations for a successful guest program

  • Hotels

  1. What are the main roles of leisure elements:

  1. Motivating the business travelers

  2. Work to finance a prolonged travel

  3. Combining business with pleasure

  4. Being central reason for making the trip in the first place

  5. Extraordinary paid work

  6. Compensating in part for the visitor spending time away from home

  1. What is the typology of business and pleasure interface ?

  2. Combining business with pleasure. Match the words below with their right description.

  1. Extenders

  2. Guests

  3. Social programs

  4. Returners

  1. Short trip: seeing very little of the destinations

  2. Short extension breaks as a trade-off for intensive travel and working long hours

  3. Often professional people with high levels of disposable income

  4. For self-employed, tax-deductibility for their pleasure

  5. The Saturday night rule

  6. Long trip

  7. Interest in experiencing new places

  8. One of three reasons for participants to attend conferences

  9. Extending is reasonable for them

10) Typical types: excursions and gala evenings

11) A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

12) From "wives" or "ladies programs" through "spouse programs" to "partner", "accompanying persons" or "guest programs"