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Complex Object без частицы to употребляется:


1. После глаголов

to make в значении – заставлять, вынуждать

to letразрешать, позволять.

Complex Object в таком случае переводится неопределенной формой глагола (совпадая с построением русского предложения):

The cartel made the outsider lower prices.

Картель заставил аутсайдера снизить цены.

2. После глаголов, выражающих восприятие при помощи органов чувств. Как правило, эти глаголы переводятся формами совершенного вида:

to feel - чувствовать

to hear - слышать

to notice - замечать

to observe - наблюдать

to see - видеть

to watch – наблюдать

The scientists notice oligopolists often introduce innovations.

Ученые заметили, что олигополисты часто внедряют инновации.


Exercise 81. Translate these sentences. Underline Complex Object (if any).

1. Under what circumstances should we expect the market to be organized as a monopoly rather than competitively? 2. We would expect the equilibrium amount of pollution produced to be greater than the social optimum, meaning that the market is inefficient. 3. We expect a monopolist’s demand curve to be steeper than a generic firm’s, because consumers lack the ability to substitute the products of other firms.

Exercise 82. Translate into English. Do all sentences need to be translated with Complex Object?

1. Экономисты считают, что потребители стали более требовательны к ассортименту и качеству продукции. 2. Руководство компанией хочет, чтобы, полученный патент обеспечил монопольное положение предприятия на рынке. 3. Стратегия лимитирующего ценообразования монополиста заставила конкурирующие предприятия выйти из рынка. 4. Директор фирмы заявляет, что предприятие получит экономическую прибыль в долгосрочном периоде. 5. Специалисты заметили, что уровень конкуренции на рынке снизился.

руководство компанией – company leaders

лимитирующее ценообразование – limiting pricing

  1. Conversational English Group discussion

Asking people questions

Would you agree that.....?

Don’t you agree that…?

Do you think that it’s right to say that…?

I don’t quite see what you mean I’m afraid

Exercise 83. Think of the following issues. Write down your answer and discuss it with your partners. Use the phrases from the chart.

1. Why do oil prices put upward pressure on inflation?

2. Is there a free market in real life?

3. How do oligopolists raw material structures influence inflation?

4. How do oil prices influence inflation in Russia? Give examples.

Exercise 84. Look through the text and answer the questions:

Progressive Ponderings: opec, Big Oil, u.S. Government conspire against the rest of us

Monday, April 02, 2007

Free market fundamentalists are consistent in supporting their belief that the market, free of constraints, will solve all human problems. Their consistency holds true unless government action or monopolistic practices lead to greater profits. «Free trade» is one of their seducing maxims that is a mockery of the meaning of the word «free».

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was created in 1960 and is now enjoying nearly a half-century of controlling the supply of oil and thus prices. The original founding five nations – Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela – were later joined by nine other nations7, although two 8 have since withdrawn from the organization.

The U.S. and Western nations originally portrayed OPEC as a greedy and unprincipled cartel that brazenly manipulated the price of crude oil. In 1960 the price of oil on the world market averaged $3 per barrel (about $20 inflation-adjusted today). The average price in 2006 was $61. U.S. corporate petroleum giants and their partner, the U.S. government, soon discovered that cooperation with OPEC and emulating its cartel practices would allow the United States to participate in world oil and price controls. Although OPEC produced enough oil to manipulate prices upward, the U.S. has always domestically produced from one-third to one-half of its needed supply. OPEC's rising prices enabled U.S. oil corporations to enjoy the price increase without suffering the blame.

Through mergers and buyouts in this industry the number of significant players has decreased to oligarchic levels. All of this led to a vertical integration of the industry – a single corporation controlling oil from the well to the consumer's tank.

Monopolies with collusive practices that set prices are supposedly against the law where the "free market" is charged with ensuring a competitive environment.

Some results of U.S. corporation/government cooperation with the OPEC cartel:

  • Corporations and government have colluded to guarantee exorbitant profits on a necessity for most Americans.

  • These excessive profits have been used to lobby Congress and propagandize Americans against energy-saving practices such as higher miles-per-gallon (CAFE) standards.

  • The secretive Cheney Energy Task Force*, with corporate energy producers as the only players, continued the corporate/government practice of guaranteeing profits and providing incentives to fossil fuel producers.

  • The Federal Reserve System under chairmen Greenspan and Bernanke formulated a new measure of inflation – citing inflation as a number «not including food and energy».

  • Energy is the most inflationary cost within our economy, since nearly everything we consume has traveled to US via the use of energy.

  • Most states and the federal government have refused recently to raise the tax on energy, especially gasoline. Instead, the federal government silently approves obscene profits that in effect are more devastating to citizens than any increase in energy taxes.

  • The largest share of our current trade deficits come from our oil imports.

  • Concerning Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, what is our historic and current relationship with these founders of OPEC since 1960?

And they said: «It's not about oil».

By Joe Mayer

withdraw – удаляться, уходить

brazenly – бесстыдно

crude oil – сырая, неочищенная нефть

emulate – подражать

merger – слияние, объединение

buyout – поглощение

exorbitant – непомерный

fossil fuel – ископаемое топливо

obscene – неприличный

devastating – огромный; потрясающий

Study questions:

1. Which market classification does OPEC most accurately fit? Why?

2. What do you think the goals of creating OPEC are?

3. How does OPEC influence the world oil prices?

4. Do you know any other cartels other than OPEC?

5. What issues do OPEC and USA cooperate over?

Exercise 85. Render the text into English. Why is oligopoly the most optimal structure in the civil aircraft construction market?

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