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Сборник лучших докладов_2014.pdf
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напиток отмечался на доске мелом. По результатам батла выигравшей команде выделялся день, когда она могла пить какао бесплатно.

Таким образом, нам потребовалось не только рассчитать статистику продаж, альтернативные издержки, количество размещений в СМИ, просмотров и отзывов, статистику затрат на выигрыш , но также раскрыть достоинства, которые может принести эта акция.

Издержки: рисунок на меловой доске (время, талант), затраты на выигрыш.

Эффективность данной акции оказалась очевидной – мы рассчитали альтернативные издержки от опубликования данной публикации в карельских СМИ: размещение одной публикации в газете стоило бы нам 7000 руб., соответственно на 2 публикации = 14 000 руб.; предложен новый продукт – какао с маршмеллоу; размещение в блогах известных карельских личностей; увеличение активности в посещении сайта кофейни.

Далее мы наблюдали, как изменялся темп прироста продаж этого продукта за 10 дней, на протяжении предыдущих 3 месяцев и одного последующего. Отметим, что максимальный прирост был в марте (57,81%), когда проводилась сама акция.

Таким образом, партизанский маркетинг на сегодняшний день довольно широко используют малые и крупные предприятия, однако самая большая проблема партизанского маркетинга заключается в том, что изначально очень сложно предусмотреть финал акций. Для того, чтобы эффективно использовать партизанский маркетинг необходимо хорошо знать особенности своей целевой аудитории и применять методы продвижения, адекватные ментальности этой группы людей.





В. С. Ушкова, студ. 4 курса

Научный руководитель ст. преп. А. В. Ананьина

Once a couple decided to adopt, the next decision is decide what is better for them – to adopt domestically or internationally? It goes without saying that adoption is very difficult and long process. That is why I have decided to


discuss the issues of adoption’s definition, its classification, to show some general aspects of its both types, to compare them and find some basic similarities and differences.

Well first of all we should consider the question of the definition of adoption. The point is that nowadays you will not be able to find a legal definition of adoption anywhere – neither Russian legal sources nor international ones contain it. However, taking into consideration legal practice, as well as a number of legal acts regulating relations of adoption we can make it’s, in some words, informal definition. Adoption is the act of one who takes another’s child into his own family, treating him as his own, and giving him all the rights and obligations of his own child [1]. Another important thing to mention is classification of adoption. Adoption can be either international or domestic. When the child and adoptive parents all live in the same country it is a domestic adoption. Contrary when the adoptive parents live in a different country than the adoptive child it is referred to as an international adoption.

Before making certain comparisons I would like to pay certain attention to the statistic information. According to the latest research made by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, in 2012 about 61.4 thousand children were placed on family basis, of which – 45% were placed on the domestic adoption, 37% were adopted by the foreigners and 18% were placed to the other forms of family basis such as custody, patronage, foster family and etc. At first sight it may seem that domestic adoption was always more prevalent that the international one. But if you look closer you’ll notice that the situation wasn’t always the same. One more study concerned the quantity of the Russian children were adopted in 2012 by the foreigners and the Russians. It shows that domestic adoption wasn’t always popular. In 2003 and 2004 international adoption was prevail over the domestic one. Also it’s quite attractive that in 2012, the countries with the most Russia adoptions were USA, Canada, Italy, Spain, France, Germany and etc. The leader among all adoptive countries became Italy. The Italians adopted 762 healthy Russian children and 53 disabled ones. I might add that there is one more fact, showing the positive results of international adoption. In 2012 75 adopted children were returned by Russian families, and only 3 children – by foreign ones.

Now it is important to analyze some basic issues of both types of adoption. Firstly I’d like to comment on the aspect which is called the procedural issues. Firstly, I need to say about time and travel expenses. There is no doubt that generally it takes less time for the domestic adoption process since there is no language barrier, less paperwork and little-to-no travel time involved. For example, couples adopting domestically will not have to budget for a visa, unlike couples adopting internationally. Secondly, it is important


to mention the waiting time. The time it takes for a couple to receive a child depends on many factors. Some of them can be the age, race and a set of the features of the child and birth parent medical or social histories. The more restrictive a family’s adoption plan (such as only being open to one race), the longer the family may wait. There may be long waiting lists and the better option for them is to adopt internationally from the appropriate for future child’s features country and waiting time for them will be much shorter. The third issue concerns the age of adopted child. Most of adoptive parents try to adopt a very young child. So with domestic adoptions, adopters have a better opportunity of being placed with a newborn, because of the fact that the Russian Federation firstly tries to give child a chance to be adopted by the Russian citizens and secondly – to place a child for international adoption. That’s why according to the Russian legislation foreign adoptive parents may receive our children not earlier than after 12 months since the date the child became available for the domestic adoption procedure. And the last but not least here are medical issues. If couple adopt domestically the Child Protection Services of the Russian Federation can provide adoptive parents with the information about the process of childbirth, the age of the biological parents and their health status. Contrary to it the medical history of children adopted internationally is often very sparse, if available at all. But despite these entire facts statistic I mentioned before show us one attractive phenomenon – foreigners open for adoption Russian seriously ill children (with Down syndrome, blindness and etc).

Now I’d like to draw your attention to the next point of my analysis which is called the legislative issues. Modern Russian legislation contains a huge number of legal acts – both national and international ones – which regulate the adoption procedure. The most essential of our domestic acts are: Federal laws such as the Family Code, the Civil Procedure Code, the Federal Law “On the state bank of the children deprived of parental care”, The Federal law “On the general guaranties of child’s rights in the Russian Federation”, the Federal Law

On Sanctions for Individuals Violating Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms of the Citizens of the Russian Federation" (Dima Yakovlev Law) and etc. Moreover there are a lot of by-laws and departmental acts which have a detailed regulation. In addition Russia has a great number of multilateral international treaties such as UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Geneva Declaration on the Rights of the Child and others and bilateral international treaties with Latvia, Moldova, Georgia, Italy, France, Estonia and others. Such a plentiful legislation allows Russia to regulate and control adoption relationships both on the national and international levels.


Analyzing this aspect I should add that today some Russian’s laws aren’t allowed citizens of special countries to adopt our children. Nowadays there are a lot of debates about the egregious abuse of adopted Russian children abroad. Just remember a notorious case with the Russian boy Dima Yakovlev, who was adopted by American couple in 2008. His tragic death has led to the passing of Russian law prohibiting adoptions by U.S. citizens. Moreover last year the Russian government passed a new Federal law. It stated that citizens of countries that permit same-sex marriages are no longer able to adopt orphans from Russia [2]. And it may lead to annulment of great number of bilateral treaties. One of such a possible termination may happen to Italy, the country which adopted the most number of Russian children in 2012, because nowadays Italy’s government is intended to legalize same-sex marriages.

So, the last but not least comparison regards to the execution and control’s issues. Talking about the domestic adoption I need to mention that situation here is pretty clear. In order to protect rights and interests of adopted children the Child Protection Services at the adopted child’s place of residence shall monitor the conditions of his life and upbringing. Such control is held annually during the first 3 years after adoption. According to the results of the control examination specialist of the Child Protection Services makes a report on the living conditions and upbringing of the adopted child. Contrary the situation in the case of international adoption can be twofold. First variant happens when adoptive parents aren’t intended to change his adoptive child’s citizenship from Russian to another one. In this case adoptive parents are obliged to register their child to the consular post or the diplomatic mission of the Russian Federation abroad within three months from the date of entry in the country of adopters’ residence. And second variant takes place when new foreign parents would like to change their adoptive child’s citizenship. In this case the Russian Federation loses all the control over adoptive child. Such situation provokes a lot of disputes, because of the fact of an increasing number of cases when adoptive children, ex-Russian-citizens became victims of their adoptive parents’ abuse, when new parents are deprived of their parental rights and children became orphans again. That’s why some of the Russian authorities now talking about the necessity of passing an amendment to some laws and prohibit adoptive parents to change their adopted children’s citizenships from Russian to another one.

So, as we have seen today adoption is a truly complicated procedure. Modern Russian legislation concerning the both types of adoption is very plentiful, having a huge number of different act regulations this kind of family relationships but unfortunately it still has a lot of legal gaps and lack of serious cooperation in this area. Most of my readers may still think that to