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Work in groups. Discuss these questions:

  1. Think of a historic place or an archaeological site you’ve visited and tell your partners about it.

  2. What was most impressive and interesting about the place?

  3. What was disappointing or dull about it?

8 – 10. The national park-its aims (In Clips 8 to 10 parks and how they are different from country to country).

Before you view

Work in pairs. Read the text about national parks. Find the answers to these questions in the text:

  1. When was the world’s first national park set up?

  2. Which is the largest national park in the world?

  3. How many national parks are there in the world?

  4. What is the main difference between Dartmoor National Park and national parks in most other countries?

National Parks

The first national park in the world was Yellowstone (9.000 sq km) in the United States, established in 1872 to protect the beauty of an unspoilt natural area. There are now more than 50 American national parks covering 320.000 sq km, including Yosemite (3.000 sq km) in California, the Grand Canyon (5.000 sq km) in Arizona, Bryce Canyon (150 sq km) in Utah and the Everglades (6.000 sq km) in Florida.

There are well over 2.000 national parks in more than 100 countries. These include:

  1. Serengeti National Park, Tanzania (15.000 sq km).

  2. Great barrier Reef National Park, Australia (50-150 km offshore, 2.000 km long).

  3. Greenland National Park (the largest park at 700.000 sq km).

  4. Galapagos National Park, Ecuador (7.000 sq km).

  5. Kruger National Park, South Africa (20.000 sq km).

Comprehension tasks

Clip 8.

Willem talks about the purposes of national parks. Fill the gaps below.

    1. The ____ of the landscape: its ____ history and the ____ heritage.

    2. The ____ of the landscape for public ____.

Clip 9.

Willem explains how the national parks in Britain are unique. Each of these sentences contains a mistake. Find the mistakes and correct them:

      1. English and Welsh national parks are managed in a similar way to other national parks.

      2. 3.000 people live in Dartmoor National Park.

      3. The efforts of farmers and other residents don’t help to conserve area.

      4. National parks in other countries have become large nature reserves.

Clip 10.

We hear about some of the problems of the national park. Fill in the gaps in this summary:

There are ____ between different kinds of visitors, and between the ____ and the visitors ____ they all want to use the land for different purposes. The national park authorities have to tread ____ between those interests and ____ the conservation of the area.


Fill each gap in these sentences with a suitable word or phrase used in the video sequence, chosen from the list below:

(appropriate, aspect, communities, heritage, locals, promoting, resources, tensions, tread carefully)

    1. Which ____ of nature conservation do you want to discuss?

    2. Historic buildings and beautiful landscapes are part of our national ____.

    3. Advertising is one way of ____ a product.

    4. In some ____ there are ____ between different racial groups.

    5. When you’re a tourist on a short visit it’s difficult to get to know the … .

    6. Oil, iron ore and coal are natural ____.

    7. If someone’s feeling touchy or upset it’s wise to ____ when you speak to them. It may not be ____ to tell them to pull themselves together!

11 – 13. Conservation (In Clips 11 to 13 we hear about the problems of conserving the landscape and some solutions to these problems.)

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