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метрек для студентов поуроч 1курс.doc
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Занятие 3

Этапы занятия:

      1. Устная речь.

Опрос по теме: “Work of the Human Heart”. Монологическое высказывание в объёме 15-20 предложений.

      1. Аналитическое чтение:

Произнесите за диктором новые слова:

Auricle - ушко предсердия

Chamber – камера

Con­vey - перемещать, транспортировать, передавать; проводить

Communicate with - поддерживать связь

Comprise - включать, заключать в себе, содержать

Endocardium - эндокард, внутренняя оболочка сердца

Hollow - полый

Mediastinum – средостение

Re­flect - отгибать; загибать

Suspend - вешать, подвешивать

Transparent - прозрачный

Valve – клапан

Ventricle – желудочек

Прочитайте текст. а). Найдите в тексте предложения, содержащие Present and Past Participle, и дайте их перевод на русский язык. б) Выделите смысловые фрагменты текста. в) Составьте краткий пересказ текста по плану:

  1. the role of the heart

  2. the cavities of the heart

  3. the difference between the left and the right side of the heart


The heart is the central organ of the circulatory system. It occupies the mediastinum, and is situated between the lungs.

The heart is a powerful muscular organ, hollow in the centre. In shape it is conical. The pericardium is a tran­sparent membrane, which covers the heart and attaches itself to the root of the large blood vessels: it then re­flects back, forming a completely closed sac, in which the heart is suspended.

The heart is divided into four cavities: a right auricle and ventricle, a left auricle and ventricle.

The two sides are completely separated from each other by a muscular septum, but the right auricle and ventricle communicate with each other. The same applies to the left side. The left side of the heart is altogether stronger, thicker and more powerful than the right.

The auricles comprise the two upper chambers of the heart. The left auricle occupies the left and posterior part of the base. The right auricle - the right and anterior portion. The right is the larger of the two, although its walls are thinner than those of the left.

Each auricle consists of two parts - a principal cavity and a smaller one, the appendix auricle. Externally, these latter appear as soft ear-shaped structures which lie close­ly against the base of the heart at each side. When filled with blood they become distended, and so lose their flattened appearance.­

The ventricles form the lower and larger cavities of the heart. The right ventricle is triangular in shape, its walls forming the main part of the anterior surface.

The left ventricle is longer, more conical in shape, and its walls nearly three times as thick as those of the right.

Between the left auricle and ventricle is the mitral valve, a structure smaller to the tricuspid valve, but altogether stronger. Passing out of the left ventricle is the aorta. This is the largest artery of the body; it con­veys blood to all parts, except the lungs.

At the opening is placed the aortic valve. The struc­ture is Similar to that of the pulmonary valve, but stronger. ­

The inner surface of the heart, including the valves, is cov­ered by a thin transparent membrane - the endocardium.