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III. Project work

1.Collect as much information as possible about the re­cent ecological problems in your area and prepare a press-conference on how these problems are being decided by your local and central authorities. You can use following table:

Air pollution

Water pollution

Woods pollution

District of your areа

How decided/not decided

2. In groups of 3-4, make up a list of endangered species in your country, using the latest information from newspa­pers, magazines and TV programmes. Discuss the results in class and work out possible measures to prevent these ani­mals from total extinction.

-Use following vocabulary:

to pollute, enviromental protection, technological progress, to be exhausted, , a movement, to campaign, to keep clean, strict pollution control, wildlife, purifying systems, acid rains, to solve problems

Unit II animals arround us Different kinds of animals

  1. Read following new words to know and make expanded word combinations.

vertebrate - позвоночное

invertebrate - беспозвоночное

backbone - позвоночник

skeleton - скелет

shell - раковина

insect - членистоногое

amphibian – земноводное, амфибия

reptile – рептилия, пресмыкающееся

trout - форель

shark - акула

whale - кит

dinosaur - динозавр

cold-blooded - холоднокровный

warm-blooded - теплокровный

bat – летучая мышь

eagle - орел

to lay eggs – класть яйца

to grow babies – растить детёнышей

to feed on milk –кормить молоком

2. Read and translate the text.

There are many different kinds of animals in the world. About 95% of them are invertebrate, that is to say they do not have internal skeletons with backbones. Many inverte­brates have shells, others have external skeletons. So these invertebrates are soft inside and hard outside. Invertebrates include insects, which make 80 per cent of all the animals in the world.

We know of about one million different kinds of insects, and scientists think there may be the same number still waiting to be discovered.

About 5 per cent of the world's animals are vertebrates. Vertebrates are soft outside and hard inside. They have inter­nal skeletons with backbones. The main groups of vertebrates are fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Fish, which live in water, are the largest group. Examples of two kinds of fish are trout and sharks. But not all verte­brates that live in water are fish. Whales, for instance, are mammals, although they look very like fish. Amphibians live between land and water. A frog is a typical amphibian.

Reptiles, for example snake, are cold-blooded animals, which live on land. For a hundred and sixty million years large reptiles, dinosaurs, were the most animals on the earth.

Birds are like reptiles in many ways but they are warm-blooded. They are the only vertebrates, which can fly, except for bats. Although they look rather like birds, bats are actu­ally mammals. There are big differences between different kinds of birds. Compare an eagle with a duck, for example. Mammals are warm-blooded like birds, but unlike birds, mammals do not lay eggs; they grow their babies inside them, and when the babies are born, their mothers feed them on milk.