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3. A says a word. B must say a second word that connects with the first in some way. Then c offers a third word to connect with b’s word, and so on round the circle.

4. Translate into English:

1. Кожа – кожа покрывает – кожа покрывает все тело - кожа покрывает все тело и состоит из двух главных слоев - кожа покрывает все тело и состоит из двух главных слоев: эпидермиса и слоя соединительной ткани.

2. иметь– кожа имеет – кожа имеет различные кожные соединения - кожа имеет различные кожные соединения, одни из которых поверхность губ, вульва, анус.

3. соединение – плотное соединение – существует очень плотное соединение между эпителием и соединительной тканью - существует очень плотное соединение между эпителием и соединительной тканью, но не между дермой и подкожным слоем - существует очень плотное соединение между эпителием и соединительной тканью, но не между дермой и подкожным слоем, т.к. здесь волокна одной ткани переходят в волокна другой ткани.

5. Retell the text. Grammar

  1. Choose the correct participle.

1. The horn of antelopes and the antlers of deer are obvious examples of weapons (possessed/possessing) by mammals.

  1. Horns, usually (possessed/possessing) by both sexes, are permanent features which continue to grow throughout the animal's life. They consist of bony processes (jutted/ jutting) out from the skull covered/covering with a hard substance (known/knowing) as keratin, which is tougher than bone.

  2. (Covered/covering) with thick plates the armadillos can roll themselves into a ball so that their soft parts are inaccessible even to the most persistent predators. Others ward off attacks (pressed/pressing) themselves flat on the ground beneath the arch of rigid plates (covered/covering) their backs.

  3. Almost every cell (known/knowing) to man is micro­scopic in size, that is, cells cannot be observed with the (unaided/unaiding) eye.

  4. The plasma membrane, sometimes (referred/referring) to as the cell membrane, is located at the surface of the cytoplasmic portion of the cell.

  5. The lysosome, (discovered/discovering) in the mid-1950's, is a spherical, saclike body (contained/containing) a number of hydrolytic enzymes.

B. On Saturday, I took my children to the circus. I thought I would have a (boring/bored) time, but actually I was quite (astonishing/astonished) by the (amazing/amazed) acts. We were (stunning/stunned) by the acrobats. They balanced on top of each other with incredible ease. We were really (im­pressing/impressed) by their performance. The children found the lion-tamer's act (exciting/excited). I felt (terrifying/ terrified) when he put his hands into the lion's mouth, but the children were (amusing/amused) and they clapped loud­ly. A magician performed many incredible tricks; it was (fascinating/fascinated) to watch him make various objects disappear and reappear.

The children were more (interesting/interested) in the elephant act. When the huge animals came into the arena, the audience cheered. The elephants were well-trained and their tricks were (entertaining/entertained). Some children from the audience were invited to ride on the elephants' backs. My children were (disappointing/disappointed) when they were not chosen, but their disappointment faded when the clowns took the centre ring. It was quite a (captivat­ing/captivated) show. By the time we got home we all felt (exhausting/exhausted).