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II.Complete the dialogue:

Vet: What is the matter with your pet?

Owner: ...............................................

V.: So... I’ll look for wet matter inside the ear. I must say, that ear smell is o’k.

O.: ......................................................

V.: Does your dog shake its head every time?

O.: ......................................................

V.: Is it walking in the circels?


V.: Did poke inside the ear?


V.:So, you mustn’t do it.


V.: I think it is mites. I must check it with microscope.

O.:(few minutes later).......................

V.: Now i’ll give you remedies. There are eardrops. Put it everyday in dog’s ear during two weeks.


V.: Get well! See you!


Cat’s diseases

I. Read the text using the Vocabulary

rabies vaccination – прививка от бешенства

guideline – общий курс, указания

timing of boosters – установление времени употребления усилителя роста

intestinal parasites –кишечные паразиты

Have your kitten examined by a veterinarian to ensure that it has no major health problems. Your kitten will need a series of vaccinations. Vaccinations are usually given at 3 week intervals from approximately 6 to 15 weeks of age. At 15-16 weeks old, the kitten can receive its rabies vaccination. Kittens should be checked for intestinal parasites (2 stool samples 3 weeks apart), fleas, and ear mites and appropriate medications given for these problems. Your veterinarian may also recommend a preventative for heartworm disease, which is more commonly associated with dogs, but can also affect cats. These are general guidelines. Remember, your kitten is an individual and need for specific vaccinations, timing of boosters, and risk factors for disease are best assessed by your veterinarian.

1. Correct the wrong statements using the following as phrase openings:

on the contrary, I don’t believe that, it is considered that

a)You shouldn’t examine your kitten by veterinarien to ensure that your pet has no major health problems.

b) A preventative for heartworm desease affects only dogs.

c)Your kitten need specific vaccinations.

d)Risk factors for desease can be assessed also by your friends.

2. Give English equivalents of following phrases. Use them in sentences of your own.

Общий курс, прививка от бешенства, профилактика, специальное лекарство, регулирование периода возбуждения.

3. Explain in English: rabies vacctination, intestinal parasites, preventative, and timing of boosters, to examine.

4. Here are answers. What are the questions?

a) Vaccinations are usually given at 3 week intervals.

b) Vaccinations must be given from approximately 6 to 15 weeks of age.

c) At 15-16 weeks old, the kitten can receive its rabies vaccination.

d) Your kitten can recieve also a preventative for heartworm disease.

e) Risk factors for disease are best assessed by your veterinarian.

II. Read the text “Diabetes in cats” using the vocabulary

to very subtle symptoms – различать едва уловимые симптомы

a mouth infection – инфекция ротовой полости

exerting - влияние

to lose weight-терять в весе

to become lethargic – становиться сонным

foul-smelling – плохо пахнущий

dental clean – чистка зубов и десен

dull coat – тусклая шерстка

to groom - ухаживать холить

a blocked urethra – загрязненный (забитый) мочеиспускательный канал

to be linked to kidneys – быть связанным с почками

kidney failure – приступ в почках

to manage the disease – следить, курировать болезнь

The onset of the first symptoms is very subtle and usually occurs over a long period of time (6-8 months). One tends to think, 'Oh this is just an acute kidney disorder, a mouth infection (gingivitis, etc.)'. DO NOT IGNORE THEM, NO MATTER HOW INSIGNIFANT THEY MAY SEEM!.

The symptoms that present (either in conjunction or isolation) are, among others, as follows:

- The cat will be drinking copious amounts of water and exerting a lot of urine at the same rate;

- She will begin to lose weight and become lethargic (even depressed),

- Despite the fact that she is always voraciously hungry - she'll lose interest in playing and opt for sleeping almost round the clock;

- Her breath will be foul-smelling, even if you've just had her in for a dental clean;

- Her coat will become dull and she will take little interest in grooming herself;

- She may begin deliberately not to use her sand tray - this is her way of trying to tell you something's wrong (the same applies for neutered toms who often suffer from a blocked urethra due to crystals collecting there)

- She will always try to lie in a warm place, even if it's the middle of summer - she will sit, for example, very close to a heater;

- Because diabetes is so closely linked to the kidneys (who bear the brunt of it), any irregular toilet habits must taken seriously. - A change in the color of the urine from the normal light yellow to darker, sometimes even pinkish when there is blood present. It will have a foul smell too. To test the color and odor of the urine, try to catch her in the act and quickly slip a piece of blotting paper (a coffee filter will do) underneath her to check color and odor.

If you see any of these symptoms, take your cat to a vet and ask him/her to do a few simple tests on the urine to test the onset of kidney failure. If the symptoms are presenting very strongly, ask your vet to do blood tests.

If you can diagnose (even in an elderly cat) diabetes in the early stages, you have a very good chance of managing the disease effectively.

1. Fill in the word-rose

2. Here are the answers. What are the questions?

a) The onset of the first symptoms is very subtle.

b) Symptoms occur over a long period of time (6-8 months).

c) The cat will be drinking copious amounts of water.

d) The cat is beginning to lose weight.

e) Any irregular toilet habits must be taken seriously.

f) Odor can be even pinkish.

3. Answer questions:

a) What is a period of symptoms?

b) How much does kitten eat, when it has diabetes?

c) How can you check cat’s odor color?

d) What can you say about cat’s behavior during disease?

e) Is coat changing during disease?

f) Is it necessary to visit a vet?

5. Finish the sentences:

a) During diabetes cats coat......................

b) Pet doesn’t have interest in...................

c) What about eating, so kitten.................

d) To check odor color you must..........

e) Symptoms of diabetes...........................

f) Color odor ........................................

g) Any irregular .......................................

III. Read the text “Cats neutering” using the vocabulary.

to euthanize – усыплять

to spay - стерилизовать

to neuter - кастрировать

tumour - опухоль

reproductive infection – репродуктивная функция

surgical procedure – хирургическая процедура

a male cat – самец (кот)

urine odour – запах мочи

housemate – домашний жилец

The decision to breed a cat is not one to be taken lightly. Thousands of cats are euthanized each year simply because there aren't enough homes for them. If you don't plan to breed your cat as an adult, spay or neuter your kitten. Spaying and neutering decrease incidence of some tumors and reproductive infections, both of which require more serious (and costly) surgical procedures. A male cat must be neutered if it will be a housepet because the strong urine odor of unneutered males will make your cat an unacceptable housemate. Discuss with your veterinarian the most appropriate time to spay or neuter your kitten.