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2. Correct the sentences.

1. As soon as the calf is removed from its mother, bedding is not of big importance.

2. If the calf is left with its mother, it will start to suckle almost one month.

3. After a few days of birth the colostrums is changed to hay.

4. Whole milk feeding is continued until the end of the first week that is to 7 days of age.

5. High feeding over a short period is the best.

6. The gestation period of the cow is 180 days.

7. In early spring grass is poor in feeding value and amino acids and proteins.

3. Translate into Russian:

1. Молочных коров держат для получения мяса и молока.

2. Очень важно сразу после рождения теленка позаботиться о его месте пребывания.

3. Если теленка оставляют с коровой, то он будет сосать молоко до тех пор, пока не встанет на ноги.

4. Если теленка отняли от коровы, то его кормят смесью воды и молока 1:1.

5. Кормление весенней травой имеет большое значение, т.к. содержит большое количество минералов и питательных веществ.

6. Корм коров во время зимы состоит в основном из сена.

7. Производство молочных продуктов питания зависит от правильного и полноценного питания крупнорогатого скота.

4. There is a plan of the text. Write a retelling of the text.

1. Calf birth.

2. The first 6 months of a calf.

3. Method of feeding giving good results with calves.

4. Summer feeding.

5. Winter feeding.

Animal’s care Dental Care

1. Read the text about dog Frisco using the Vocabulary

to be at risk – находиться под риском

a check-up – проверка, осмотр

to be diagnosed with gum disease – иметь диагноз болезни десен

tooth(teeth) – зубы (зуб)

dental care program – программа по уходу за ротовой полостью

gingivitis – гингивит

Pets at risk: bad breath isn't funny anymore. Frisco caught the guest by surprise in the living room. He planted a big, breathy smooch on her face. "Ugh! Dog breath!" The room erupted in laughter. It wasn't so funny the next day when Frisco had his yearly check-up. The 2-½-year-old dog was diagnosed with gum disease, and he was in danger of losing a tooth if he didn't begin a regular dental care program. According to the American Veterinary Dental Society, Frisco's case is not unique. Studies show that more than 80 percent of dogs by age three and 70 percent of cats by age three show some signs of gum disease. Bad breath could be an early warning sign of the dangerous gum disease gingivitis.

2. Rearrange these series of words to form sentences

a) the dog, regular, if, to begin, to lose, dental, can, teeth, care program, will not.

b) to have, Frisco, breath, bad, that, to funny, not.

c) to be, Frisco, unique, case, not.

d)a lot of, by the age, to show, disease, dogs, three, some signs, gum, of.

e)warning, dangerous, breath, a sign, gum, bad, disease, to be, gingivitis.

3. Explain in English: gingivitis, dental care, dental care program, check-up, to be in danger to lose something., a warning sign.