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Eye diseases

I. Read the text using vocabulary

to cure - лечить

ointment - мазь

eyelid - веко

irritation - раздражение

eyeball – глазное яблоко

to spread infection – распространять инфекцию

pimple – угорь, прыщ

Eye infection

If eyes get an infection, yellow matter might be seen coming from the eye. This can often be cured easily with eye ointment from the pharmacy. The matter might be a sign of something else, though, like worms, ticks, fleas or a cold. Wipe the matter off the eyes with wet cotton wool or soft tissue. Use a separate tissue for each eye to prevent the spread of infection.

It could also be caused by an irritation. Peel back the eyelids to see if there is a hair growing towards the eyeball, or a small growth like a pimple. A small op can save years of irritation and possible loss of sight.

1. Fill in the word-rose:


2. Decide if each statment below is true or false according to the text. If the statment is false, tell why.

a) If eyes get an infection, yellow matter might be seen to becoming black.

b) The matter might be a sign of worms, ticks, fleas or a cold.

c) Do not use a separate tissue for each eye to prevent the spread of infection.

d) Go to a doctor if there is a hair growing towards the eyeball, or a small growth like a pimple.

e) A small op can save years of irritation and possible loss of sight.

3. Complete word combinations with following words:

eyelid, ointment, irritation, to pell back, eyeball, a small op, to spread, to save, loss, yellow matter, to cure.

II. Read the text using the vocabulary:

cyst-like - кистообразный

rim – ободок, край

to obscure – затемнять, делать неясным

tear duct - слезная железа

prolaps – пролапс, выпадение

Cherry eye

A red cyst-like growth on the rim of the eyelid that looks like a cherry needs to be removed surgically as it can grow bigger until it obscures the eyesight and causes blindness. If the tear duct is prolapsed, it may need the skill of an eye specialist as removal of the duct will result in dry eye: the eyelid sticks to the eyeball.

1. Here are some answers. What are the questions?

a) A red cyst-like growth on the rim of the eyelid that looks like a cherry.

b) A red cyst-like growth on the rim of the eyelid causes blindness.

c) Removal of the duct will result in dry eye: the eyelid sticks to the eyeball.

d) If the tear duct is prolapsed, it may need the skill of an eye specialist.

III. Read the text using the vocabulary

blindness - слепота

to affect – воздействовать на ч-л, влиять

eyesight - зрение

movement - движение

night blind – отсутствие видеть ночью

damage - повреждение

retina - сетчатка


There are many eye illnesses that affect dogs. You can test his eyesight by moving your hand at each side of his head to see if he notices the movement. Some dogs become "night blind" and they cannot see well at night. This may be caused by damage to the retina. It sometimes progresses to total blindness. Always place the food dishes in the same spot so the dog can find them. Blind dogs can live a happy, contented life in a familiar environment.