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3. What is missing? Find the missing words in the text.

1. Respiratory diseases include diseases which affect ……………….

2. Dogs can contract …………….which is usually caused by combined viral and bacterial infections.

3. ………….. is one of the most reliable signs.

4. ………………..on a leash can produce a fracture of the larynx in the throat.

5. Cats can develop a bacterial infection - ………………

Excessive pulling, kennel cough, nose and throat, cough, the trachea and the lungs, pyothorax.

4. Find mistakes.

1. Respiratory diseases include diseases which affect liver, scull and stomach.

2. Primary bacterial pneumonias also occur in dogs and are diagnosed by feeling temperature.

3. Respiratory diseases cause severe stomach problems.

4. Pyothorax is more common in neutered male cats.

5. Say whether cats and dogs have the same symptoms of the disease.

1. Read the text using your dictionary. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and phrases.

Avian influenza; high morbidity/mortality rate; charac­teristic lesions; subcutaneous hemorrhages; oedema; proventriculus; susceptible to something; the causative agent; mechanical means of transfer of infection; the onset of signs; field outbreaks; inappetence; suffocation; blood-tingled mu­cus; the acute phase; excitation.

Blood Diseases

  1. Read the vocabulary given below.

anemia - анемия

lack - недостаток

to poison - отравлять

supply - снабжение

stick – сгущение, сгусток

marrow - мозг

leukemia - лейкемия

cell - клетка

leucopenia - лейкопения

hemophilia - гемофилия

purpura - пурпура

membrane - мембрана

cancer - рак

X-ray - рентгеновы лучи

fatal – фатальный, смертный

drugs - обезболивающие

bleeding –кровотечение

polycythemia -поликарбонат

  1. Translate word combinations without dictionary and predict some sentences according text’s title.

lack of iron, faulty nutrition poisons, an increase in the number of circulating red blood cells, true polycythemia, bone marrow, fatal disease, irradiation of the bone marrow, use of some drugs, bleeder's disease, overdoses of X-ray;

  1. Read the text and underline by the way most important sentences.

Anemia signifies a decrease in the number of circulating red blood cells. It may be due to blood loss (open or hidden bleeding) or increased blood destruction (in the spleen), to faulty nutrition (e.g. lack of iron in the diet), poisons that depress the activity of the bone marrow, or other causes.

Polycythemia means an increase in the number of circulating red blood cells or in the iron content of these cells. Sometimes this is a compensation for high altitudes or other conditions that decrease the normal oxygen supply. True polycythemia, however, is the result of abnormal production of red blood cells by the bone marrow. In this condition the blood often becomes heavier and stickier than normal, flows more slowly, clots too readily. Treatment includes irradiation of the bone marrow, bleeding, and the use of some drugs.

Leukemia, sometimes called of the blood, is a disease, usually fatal, characterized by a great overgrowth of the tissues that form white blood cells. This overgrowth may occur in the lymph tissue or the bone marrow. The disease may progress slowly (chronic) or rapidly (acute). A great increase in the number of white blood cells is usually found, and there is also an increase in the undeveloped, immature forms of white blood cells. Some hope­ful progress has been made in delaying the course of the disease with certain chemical substances. Leucopenia means a decrease in the number of circulating white blood cells. Among its causes are chemical poisoning, sometimes from drugs; chronic tuberculosis; pernicious ane­mia; measles; and a variety of other infectious diseases.

Hemophilia is bleeder's disease. This is a peculiar hereditary disease affecting males only but transmitted to them through their mothers as a sex-linked characteristic. The bleeder's blood lacks elements necessary for normal clotting; hence slight cuts or even a tooth extraction may result in excessive blood loss. Several royal families have been subject to hemophilia for many generations.

Purpura describes a variety of conditions in which spontaneous bleeding occurs beneath the skin, from mucous membranes, or into the joints. Small hemorrhages are called petechiae. Purpura occurs in many acute diseases, for example, scarlet fever and diphtheria; in scurvy (bleeding gums due to lack of vitamin C), anemia, and leu­kemia; and as the result of a decrease in the number of blood plate­lets.

Bone marrow, which makes blood, may be injured by heavy metal poisoning and some drugs, overdoses of X-ray, and tumors.