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2. Finish the questions:

a) What feelings........................

b) What sensations....................

c) What abilities........................

d) What is the difference..........

e) What sense..........................

3. Finish following sentences and translate:

a) The dog seems to be...............................

b) The sense of scent is...............................

c) Dog has not only external and internal sensations.....................................................

d) There is a profound difference................

e) The dog has a language of.......................

4. Translate in English:

а) Собака намного умнее, чем иногда кажется.

б) Собака обладает такими же ощущениями, как и человек.

в) Собака также обладает памятью, воображением, способностью восприятия ощущений.

г) Огромная разница между человеком и собакой заключается, конечно же, в разуме человека и физической силой собаки.

е) Чтобы выражать свои чувства и эмоции, собака обладает языком звуков и жестов.

5. At home prepare a list of words and word combinations connected with you’re your pet’s life. In the lesson compare your list with your neighbor and discuss about it.

Summary work

I. Supplementary reading.

Talk to the animals

1. Read the text using your dictionary. Five sentences have been removed. Choose from sentences (a—f) the one which fits each gap (1—5). There is one extra sentence which you do not need.

  1. It is our tone of voice which is more important than the actual words.

  2. Another chimp called Sarah was taught to communicate using plastic shapes as symbols for words.

  1. Parrots are very good mimics.

  2. Chimpanzees, however, are near to humans in intelligence.

  1. Washoe learnt very quickly to communicate at a simple level.

  2. Many people believe that human language began as sign language.

Can animals talk? People have always liked to imagine that animals could speak our language. Is it really possible, though, for animals to talk?

(1) They can imitate sounds perfectly, including the man voice, but to use language we need to understand what we are saying, and parrots are not able to do this.

Some animals, including dogs and many circus animals are intelligent enough to be trained to obey certain com­mands. Again, this is not the same as using language.

  1. If you say to your dog gently, "You nasty, dirty, ugly animal!" he will probably roll over to be tickled. If you shout angrily, "Good dog!" he will run away. Dogs are very intelli­gent and their sense of smell is far more sensitive than ours, but they are not able to use our language.

  2. In 1947, an American couple adopted a baby chimp called Vicki. They hoped that if they brought her up as their own daughter she would learn to speak. They did not succeed; after six years, although she understood a great deal, the only words she could say were "mama", "papa", "cup" and "up". It was thought that chimps simply were not intelligent enough to learn human language.

Since then there have been many other experiments.

(4) And a gorilla called Koko learnt to use sign language. She even made jokes and made up her own swear words to insult people. Once she was so cross with her teacher that she called her a "dirty, bad toilet!" It used to be thought that humans were the only animals capable of lying but Koko even learnt to tell lies!

(5) So far, animals have been able to communicate at a very simple level only rather like very young children learn­ing to talk. Still, until recently, it was not thought possible for them to talk at all.