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2. Read the text using vocabulary:

preventive - защитный

to include - включать

environmental exposure – подвергание влиянию внешней среды

rabies vaccination – прививка против бешенства

to check for smth. – проверять ч-л

intestinal parasites – кишечные паразиты

fleas - блохи

heartworm – сердечный червь

You will want to have your new puppy examined by a veterinarian to ensure that it has no major health problems and is started on a program of preventive care. Your puppy's health care plan includes a series of vaccinations. Vaccination protocols are designed on the basis of your puppy's risk of infection and may vary depending upon your puppy's age, breed, and environmental exposures. Vaccinations are usually given at 3 week intervals from 6 to 16 weeks of age. At 15 to 16 weeks of age, the puppy receives its first rabies vaccination. Puppies should be checked for intestinal parasites (usually 2 stool samples 3 weeks apart), fleas, and heartworm disease (depending on age), and appropriate treatment or preventatives administered.

3. Make word combinations with the words: vaccination, rabies, infection, disease, treatment, exposure, parasite.

4. Find possible objects to the verbs: to depend upon, to receive, to include, to examine, to check.

5. Imagine, that you are a vet and must give recommends, how to care dogs. Horses

Missouri Fox Trotter

1. Read the text using the Vocabulary

a settler - поселенец

riding – езда верхом

sure-footed - безошибочный

gait – походка/бег

stock – гонка

imprint - отпечаток

distinguished characteristic – отличительные характеристики

to trot - рысить

hind feed – задняя нога

fatigue - усталость

canter – легкий галоп

The Missouri Fox Trotting Horse was developed in the rugged Ozark hills during the 19th century by settlers who needed easy riding, durable mounts that could travel long distances at a sure-footed, ground consuming gait. Easy gaited stock imported to the USA during the Colonial era left their genetic imprint on the Fox Trotting Horses of the Ozarks, the American Saddle Horses of Kentucky, and the Walking Horses of Tennessee. The Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association was founded in 1948 at Ava, Missouri by fifteen men concerned with preserving this unique breed.

The distinguished characteristic of the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse is the Fox Trot gait; the horse walks with the front feet and trots with the hind feet. This extremely sure footed gait gives the rider little jar since the hind feet slide into place. The Fox Trot is a rhythm gait and the horse can maintain it for long periods of time with little fatigue. The Missouri Fox Trotter also performs a rapid flat foot walk and a delightful canter.

2. Translate into English and complete your own sentences with following word combinations:

изобретать (развивать), легкая езда верхом, уверенный бег, легко бегущая порода лошадей, отличительные характеристики, уникальная порода, бежать рысью задними ногами, шагать передними ногами.

3. Fill in the word-rose:

4. Complete questions with following words and word combinations:

sure-footed, ground consuming gait, easy gaited stock, imprint, distinguished characteristic, to trot, hind feed, jar.

5. Finish the sentences:

a) The Missouri Fox Trotting Horse was developed by settlers..............................................

b) ....................................left their genetic imprint on the Fox Trotting Horses of the Ozarks.

c) The Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association..........................................................

d) The distinguished characteristic of the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse..................................

e) The horse can.........................................................................................................................

f) Besides the Missouri Fox Trotter performs...........................................................................