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2. Give the English equivalents for the following:

права животных; благополучие животных; жестокое обращение с животными; забота о животных; с живот­ными следует обращаться гуманно; насилие против любого живого существа; страдания животных; проблемы окружающей среды; надо запретить содержание в клетках (контейнерах); сострадание (уважение) к животным; торговля мехом; бой быков; охота с собаками на зайцев (лис); эксплуатировать и плохо обращаться с животными; безнравственно.

3. Read following words from the text and determine which words are of a lower level of generality, which of the same level, and which of the higher level.

animal, crate , protection, to suffer, livestock , campaigner, belief, hunting, fur trade, to exploit, to mistreat, organization, crate system, hare, to include, humane, welfare, member, society, plant;

4. Imagine that newspaper “Times” ask you to think about attractive title for article about cruelty toward animal. Write some and discuss in your group.

  1. Express your opinion that Britain has been one of the leading countries in the field of animal rights. Use expressions: from the text I got to know that; I agree/disagree with author that; the author makes an emphasis on; the author pays attention on; in the end I can say;

Zoos and National Parks. The London Zoo

1. Read following new words to know and make word combinations.

to establish - основывать

aviary - птичник

to breed – разводить, размножать

to be in danger of disappearing – подвергаться опасности исчезновения

in their native environment – в естественной среде обитания

ostrich - аист

penguin - пингвин

2. Read the text and the dialogue and speak on the history and importance of the London Zoo.

The London Zoo is one of the oldest zoos in the world. It was established in 1828 by the Zoological Society of London. The London Zoo, in Regent's Park, has many famous build­ings, such as the aviary, which was designed by Lord Snowdon.

Today the Zoo contains more than 8,000 animals. As well as keeping and breeding many different animals and birds it studies wild animals and the things that have an effect on the way they live. Being an important scientific centre for the study of animals, the London Zoo breeds animals that are in danger of disappearing in native environments.

3. Ask your partner five special questions about London Zoo.

4. Feel in following word rose:

5. Read and translate the dialogue:

A. - Excuse me. I want to see the pelicans. Can you tell me how I get there?

  1. – Yes, of course. Go past the Elephant Pavilion, that’s just on your right, then past the stork and ostrich house and the Reptile house…

  1. – Where the snakes are.

  2. – Yes, and you’ll see the pelicans straight in front of you.

A. – Excuse me, how do I get to the Snow don Aviary?

B. – Oh, it’s quite a long way from here. The best way is to go straight on, past the penguins and seals on your right. When you reach the Elephant Pavilion, turn right. Then left, go straight on and go under the tunnel by the aquarium entrance. After the tunnel, go straight on, across the canal, turn left and the Snow­ don Aviary is in front of you.