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Welsh Pony

All Welsh ponies are descended directly and entirely from animals registered with the Welsh Pony and Cob Society in Wales. Welsh Native Ponies are divided into 4 sections:

Section A - The Welsh Mountain Pony is the original and smallest, probably descended from the Celtic pony, Arabian, Andalusia and Thoroughbred. Over the last 200-300 years, two Arabian stallions have roamed the Welsh Mountains to improve native stock.

Section B - Bred as a quality children's riding pony. Created by crossing Welsh Mountain mares with a small Thoroughbred stallion

Section C - Slightly smaller version of mountain-type pony. Used for trekking, a good hunting pony for children. Used mainly in harness in the past

Section D - Welsh Cob is slightly larger version of mountain-type pony. A cross between Welsh Mountain ponies and Spanish horses. Good trotter, used to create and improve trotting breeds worldwide.

Characteristics Small head with concave face and crested neck. Sloping shoulders on a short back with a high tail. Short legs with neat feet. Powerful loins and hindlegs. Strong hock joints engaged well under the body

Height Section A - Not over 12.2 hands

Section B - Not over 14.2 hands

Section C - Not over 13.2 hands

Section D - Over 13.2 hands

Colors Any color, except piebald and skewbald, gray, brown, chestnut and palominos

Personality Tough, sure footed and quick. Energetic, brave and versatile

II. Read names of animal and use them for making sentences.

ёж - hedgehog

крот - mole

летучая мышь - bat

бобёр - beaver

сурок - marmot

соня-полчок - loir

хомяк - hamster

куница – marten, (сумчатая куница –tiger-cat)

хорёк -polecat

ласка - weasel

горностай - ermine(в зимней шкурке), stoat (в летней шкурке)

барсук - badger

енот – raccoon

кабан – wild boar, hog, boar

лось - elk, moose - американский лось

благородный олень – read deer, (двухлетка) brocket, royal stag – не моложе шести лет

лань – fallow-deer, самка лани - doe

дикая коза - goat, ангорская коза - angora

рысь – lynx, (американская) bobcat

барс – panther, snow leopard

мул - mule

III. Match the words in the box with the description given below.

fly, bee, giraffe, rabbit, worm, dolphin, shark, whale

1. It lives in the hole in the ground and has long ears ....

2. It lives in a hive and makes honey ....

  1. It has yellow fur and a long neck ....

  2. It is a large dangerous fish ....

  3. It lives in the earth and we can use it when we go fishing ....

  4. It is the largest kind of animal in the world ....

IV. Translate into English:

  1. 95% всех животных на земле беспозвоночные.

  2. Беспозвоночные животные – это животные, которые не имеет внутреннего костного скелета.

  3. Насекомые относятся к беспозвоночным животным.

  4. Позвоночные животные делятся на рыб, земноводных, пресмыкающихся, птиц и млекопитающих.

  5. Млекопитающие животные – теплокровные, они вынашивают детенышей в себе.

  6. Самки млекопитающих кормят детенышей молоком.

  7. Пресмыкающиеся – холоднокровные животные, которые живут непосредственно на земле.

  8. Если млекопитающие животные чувствуют холод, то у них появляются мурашки, которые приподнимают их шерстку.