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3. What is missing? Find the missing adjectives in the reading.

  1. It is the flowing part of the……………. system.

  2. Blood in the arteries is bright…………. in color.

  3. Blood in the veins is much………….., sometimes a brownish red.

  4. Blood consists of……………………… elements, liquid and solid.

  5. The plasma is the……………………… part of the blood.

  6. It carries from the ……………………… system the nutriments.

  7. It gets rid of their …………………….. products via the kidneys and other organs of excretion.

4. Choose the best word for each sentence. Use each word only once.

transportation organic vessels antibodies

platelets readily hormones circulates

fight off transfers plasma kidney regulate

  1. Blood is the red fluid that………………. through the body...

  2. .. .which may be called the …………… system of the body.

  3. A pint of blood, however, can be ……… spared at proper in­tervals.

  4. These include red and white blood cells, blood ………………………… , and blood plasma.

5. These include, for example, ……………. constituents, such as blood sugar (glucose) and urea.

  1. The plasma proteins make up about 7 to 8% of the ………………………………. .

  2. ... which contains …………………….. against several diseases, notably

measles and polio.

8. It ………………………………………… oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and

the body cells.

9. It conveys …………………………….. .

  1. It helps …………………………………. body temperature.

  2. It provides substances that ……………… infection.

5. Give English equivalents of the following phrases. Use them in sentences of your own.

Система кровообращения, пинта крови, отвечать за 10% веса тела, ярко-красного цвета, тромбоцит, эритроцит, лейкоцит, составлять около 7 или 8% плазмы, распадаться на различные фракции, переносить кислород от легких к клеткам тела, орга­ны выделения, бороться с инфекцией.

6. Answer questions:

  1. How does blood circulate through the body?

  2. What color is blood in the arteries and veins?

  3. What elements does blood include?

  4. What gases have to be carried in blood?

  5. What have you got to know about gamma-globulin?

  6. What are some of specific functions of the blood?

7. Choose the correct word corresponding to the definition below.

liquid, plasma, sugar, secretion, oxygen, anti-body

  1. Gas without color, taste, or smell, present in air and necessary to the existence of all forms of life.

  2. Clear yellowish fluid in which the blood cells are carried.

  3. Profits by which certain substances in a plant or animal body are separated (from sap, blood etc.) for use, or waste matter.

  4. Substance formed in the blood tending to inhibit or destroy harmful bacteria, etc.

  5. Substances like water and oil that flows freely and is neither a solid nor gas.

  6. Sweet substance obtained from the juices of various plants, used in cooking and for sweetening tea, coffee, etc.

8. Use 'no' / 'none' or 'not any'.

Examples: There's no plasma in the test tube.

There isn 't any plasma in the test tube.

I didn't do any experiment last week. / did no experiment last week.

  1. He searched for hours but he didn't find anything at all.

  2. Prof. Simmons met nobody interesting at the conference.

  3. They'd like some more nuclei, but there aren't any left.

  4. He went nowhere at all during his holiday.

  5. You didn't make any mistakes at all.

  6. My assistant knows no one in this group.

  7. Mary's got lots of bread, but I've got none at all.

  8. He doesn't eat any vegetables.