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2. Choose the correct word corresponding to the definitions below:

1. Long hair on the neck of a lion or hoarse.

2. To pass the tongue over or under.

3. Female lion.

4. Does not give birth to offspring.

5. To prey on others.

6. Continue to live or to exist.

7. The act of chasing wild animals.

8. Waste matter dropped by animals.

predator, mane, to lick, dung, lioness, hunting, male, survive;

3. Explain in English following phrases: to kill; to mark territory; hunting and drinking areas; to be transient; female lions; lion's share; lion prides;

4. There is a sentence, you have to expand this sentence, and your neighbor has to expand your expanded sentence and so on. Example: Lions live in groups. - Lions live in groups, called prides. - Lions live in groups, called prides, which consists of eighteen adult females. - Lions live in groups, called prides, which consists of eighteen adult females with their cubs, and one to nine adult males.

5. Retell the text in 8-10 sentences. Use answers of following questions.

  1. What is a pride?

  2. How do lion usually hunt?

  3. Is there a leader in a pride?

  4. How do lion treat each other in a pride?

  5. Do the lions now their territory well?

  6. Do all lions belong to a pride?

The psychology of the dog

1. Read the text using the Vocabulary

to be acute – быть сообразительным

external and internal sensation – внешние и внутренние ощущения

to perceive – воспринимать, ощущать

a power of sensible perception – способность ощущать

twitching and galloping movement – совершать быстрые и поддергивающие движения

slight yelps – тихий лай

The dog seems to be a very much more intelligent animal than is often supposed. It has very distinct feelings of pleas­ure and pain, and keen special senses. Its sense of touch is very delicate; its eyes are highly organized, and its hearing is extremely acute, but the sense of scent is so far above that of the human and all other animals as to be very remarkable. It is obvious also that external and internal sensations — more or less similar to those external and internal sensations of ours by which we instinctively move from place to place, judge of distance, direction, and time, and perceive resist­ance and pressure — must be possessed by the dog also. But the dog has not only external and internal sensations; it has memory, imagination, a power of sensible perception, and of associating images in complex mental pictures which are more or less associated with pleasurable or painful feelings. Moreover, we remember how common it is for sleeping dogs to show by slight yelps and twitching and galloping move­ment of the feet that they are dreaming.

But in spite of all this resemblance, there is a profound difference between the mind of man and the highest psychical powers of the dog. We can talk, while neither the dog nor any other beast or bird has the gift of speech as we have it. Never­theless dogs can and do communicate between themselves.

The dog has a language of sounds and gestures to express its feelings and emotions. But we have further, what neither the dog nor any other beast or bird has — a language of sounds and gestures to express our thoughts.