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Diabetes in Dogs

    1. Read and translate the text using vocabulary.

urine - моча

to skip –скакать, прыгать

vomiting - рвота

insulin - инсулин

shock - шок

When too little insulin is present, the body can't use glucose for energy. It is forced to break down fat for energy. The body produces ketones (acids) and releases them into the blood and urine. When animals with diabetes do not take enough insulin, especially in times of stress or illness, ketones are produced. Ketones warn the diabetes may be out of control.

Diet is important, do not give any food other than what is specified by vet. Healthy dogs can go for days without food, but if a diabetic dog skips two meals, - call the vet. Vomiting is another sign of trouble.

If dog is slow, sluggish, appears confused, with staggering walk, it could be insulin shock. Increased exercise lowers the blood sugar. No treats, in case they contain sugar.Be very careful when dispensing the insulin, use exact amount only.

Must have water at all times.

Dogs can live for years on insulin.

2. Make word combinations with following words: to skip, insulin shock, dispensing, to low, blood sugar, diet, urine.

  1. Make sentences with following word combinations: to get insulin shock, to have staggering walk, to produce ketones, to containe sugar, dispens the insulin.

  1. Fill in the table

What is diabetes?

What are symptoms of diabetes?

What must be done?

  1. Wright five questions which will be a plan of retelling.

  2. Retell the text round the circle. One student begins with the first sentence, the other continues and so on.

Stomach diseases

    1. Read the text using the Vocabulary

tummy – живот(ик)

to be deboned – без костей

to tempt – соблазнять

picky eater – разборчивый едок

Diarrhea can be a sign of many illnesses. It can be caused by fear or stress. If the dog is normal in every other way, try offering mashed pumpkin or yoghurt to settle the tummy. Cooked, deboned chicken & boiled rice may tempt a picky eater. Never force-feed. If the diarrhea persists then get a vet. Puppies are especially at risk from dehydration. There is no time to loose in the case of a puppy!

  1. Rearrange these series of words to form sentences.

a)illnesses, to be, diarrhea, a sign of.

b)reason of, stress, diarrhea, to be, can.

c) sometimes, give, pumpkin, tummy, dog.

d)Must, vet, you, if, to go, to continou, diarrhea.

e)It, forbidden, force-feed, to give, a dog, to be.

  1. Answer questions:

a) What can be a reason of diarrhea?

b) What is to be done, if in the other way the dog is normal?

c) Why do you think, that mashed pumpkin will be useful?

d) Why is force-feed forbidden?

II. Read the text, using the Vocabulary

coprophagia – копрофаги

a dog poo – кал собаки

in the event – в случае

to detect – находить, определять

nutritional stuff – питательный корм

to digest - переваривать

to grow out of habit – становиться привычкой

to chew - жевать

to deworm – избавлять от червей

faeces - кал

to gnaw on – грызть, глодать