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1. Give English equivalents of following phrases. Use them in sentences of your own.

Стерилизовать, кастрировать, инфекции половой системы, запах мочи, хирургические процедуры.

2. Explain in English: neutering, spaying, reproductive infection, unneutered male, , unacceptable housemate.

3. Correct mistakes in following sentences:

a) The decision to breed a cat depends upon its owner.

b) Spaying and neutering rises incidence of some tumors and reproductive infections.

c) It is your dicision to choose the most appropriate time to spay or neuter your kitten.

d) Reproductive infections don’t require more serious (and costly) surgical procedures.

4. Express your opinion about neutering/spaying of cats.Use following phrases:

on the one side on the other, on the contrary, it is considered that

Summary work

Translate in English:

a) Вашему котенку необходимо сделать серию прививок.

б) В возрасте четырех месяцев необходимо сделать вашему котенку прививку от бешенства.

в) Ветеринар может вам также посоветовать сделать прививку против болезней сердца.

г) Кастрация/стерилизация уменьшают риск заболеваний половой системы.

д) Ваш кот должен быть кастрирован, иначе в вашей квартире будет постоянный запах мочи.

е) Время кастрации/стерилизации выбирайте вместе с вашим ветеринаром.

ж) Все кошки точат свои когти.

з) Домашним кошкам подрезать когти лучше только на передних лапках.

и) Уличным кошкам лучше не подрезать когти, а надевать наконечники на когти.

к) Когти являются защитой кошек.

л) Симптомы диабета могут проявляться у кошек в течение 7-8 месяцев.

м) Во время диабета кошки пьют большое количество воды.

н) Во время диабета шерстка кошки не такая опрятная.

о) Во время диабета кошки стараются найти теплое место.

п) Диабет очень тесно связан с функцией почек.

р) Из-за болезни цвет мочи меняется.

с) Чтобы точно определить диабет, ваша кошка должна сдать анализы мочи и крови.

Unit VI Breeding and Cloning What is genetic engineering?

1. Read the text using vocabulary:

gene – ген alga – водоросль

genetic – генетический, генный stacked together – соединены

to modify – видоизменять tissue – ткань

modification – видоизменение organic tissue – органическая ткань

to shuffle – мешать to perform functions – выполнять функции

soybeans – соевые бобы capacity – способность

maize – кукуруза the storage place – хранилище

sugar beet – сахарная свекла thread – нить

cell – клетка abbreviation – сокращение

single-celled – одноклеточный acid – кислота

living matter – живая материя acidic – кислый

amoeba – амеба nucleus – ядро

to multiply – размножаться to be structured – быть построенным

to pass smth. on smth. – передать to be encoded – быть закодированным

bundled up – перепутанный distinct – определенный

knot – узел to be break through - пробиться через ч-л.

loop – петля unrelated – несхожий

to possess – обладать to splice – соединить

to stretch out – вытянуть rape – рапс

to code – кодировать cotton – хлопок

Genetic engineering (GE), genetic modification (GM) or genetic manipulations — all the three forms mean the same thing, the reshuffling of genes usually from one species to another. Existing examples include: from fish to tomato or from human to pig.

Today we find it mixed in our food — genetically engi­neered soybeans and maize, sugar beet, wheat, potato, straw­berries and so on. But if you want to understand genetic engineering, it is best to start with some basic biology.

A cell is the smallest living unit, the basic structural and functional unit of all living matter (a plant, an animal or a fungus). Some organisms such as amoebae, bacteria, some algae and fungi are single-celled. Humans are quite different and are made up of approximately 3 million cells. Cells are stacked together to make up tissues, organs or structures (brain, liver, bones, skin, leaves, fruit, etc.) In an organism, cells depend on each other to perform various functions and tasks.

Proteins are the basic building materials for a cell giving cells the capacity to function properly.

Chromosomes means "colored bodies". They look like bundled up knots and loops of a long thin thread. They are the storage place for all genetic (or hereditary) information. This information is written along the thin thread, called DNA. "DNA" is an abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid, a specific for acidic material found in the nucleus. The genetic information is written in the form of a code. When a cell multiplies it will also copy all the DNA and pass it on to the daughter cell.

The totality of the genetic information of an organism is called genome. Cells of humans, for example, possess two sets of 23 different chromosomes, one set from the mother and the other from the father. The DNA of each human cell corresponds to 2 meters of DNA if it is stretched out. The length of DNA contained in the human body is approxi­mately 60,000,000,000 kilometers. This is equivalent to the distance to the Moon and back 8,000 times!

The information contained on the chromosomes in the DNA is written and coded in such a way that it can be understood by almost all living species on earth. Thus it is called the universal code of life.

The information for how any cell is structured or how it functions is all encoded in single and distinct genes. A gene is a certain segment (length) of DNA with specific protein.

Genetic engineering is used to take genes and segments of DNA from one species and put them into another species. Using a set of techniques, GE makes it possible to break through the species barrier and to shuffle information between completely unrelated species; for example, to splice an insect-killing toxin gene from bacteria into maize, cotton or rape seed, or genes from humans into pigs.