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Consolidation 1

  1. Put one word in each space. Contractions are one word.

  1. What…….do you usually eat for lunch?

  2. George and Terry ........................ speak Portuguese.

  3. It's 9.30 and the children........................ sitting at their desks.

  4. Ken like tea. In fact, he hates it.

  5. ........................ you choose your clothes? Or does your mother choose them?

  1. When it rains, you take an umbrella?

  2. What it say on the board? I can't see from here.

h) Becky and Colin doing their homework. They're watching television.

  1. Choose the correct word or phrase.

  1. What time .3., to bed?

1) usually do you go 2) do usually you go 3) do you usually go

  1. Every day Frank..... to work.

1) goes 2) is going 3) go

  1. Stop it!..... it!

1) I'm not liking 2) I don't like 3) I not like

  1. What ? Is it an orange?

1) you are eating 2) are you eating 3) do you eat

e) Sorry, I can't speak to you now...... a bath.

1) I’m having 2) I have 3) I don’t have

f) Yumiko feels ill, so she basketball.

1) doesn't play 2) isn't play 3) isn't playing

g) Pay attention, Philip! ?

1) Do you listen 2) Is it listening 3) Are you listening

h) Excuse me to Manchester?

1) This road goes 2) Does this road go 3) Is this road go

  1. Correct each sentence or question.

  1. I doesn't likes this film. ………………..don’t like…………………

  2. What do you wants? ………………………………………….

  3. Jim walk sometimes to school. ………………………………………….

  4. When the lesson begins ? ………………………………………….

  5. I don't gets up early on Saturdays. ………………………………………….

  6. David do live near the station. ………………………………………….

  7. Tina not like computer games. ………………………………………….

h) Figen watches television every night. ………………………………………….

  1. Rewrite each sentence. Use the words in brackets.

  1. Kate goes to school by bus. (usually) …Kate usually goes to school by bus……

  2. I'm working hard. (not) …………………………………………..

  3. Sara likes sport. (not) …………………………………………..

  4. I get up at 6.30. (always) …………………………………………..

  5. We speak German. (not) …………………………………………..

  6. Pierre goes to the beach. (often) …………………………………………..

  7. George drinks beer. (never) …………………………………………..

h) We're having a good time. (not) …………………………………………..

  1. Tick the correct sentence.

  1. I don't understand this sentence. 

I'm not understanding this sentence.

  1. Do you eat always a sandwich for lunch?

Do you always eat a sandwich for lunch?

  1. Laura is doing her homework at the moment.

Laura does her homework at the moment.

  1. Jane is reading every evening.

Jane reads every evening.

  1. Excuse me, how much do these shoes cost?

Excuse me, how much are these shoes costing?

  1. Helen is never eating meat.

Helen never eats meat.

  1. Present simple or present continuous? Change the verb if it is wrong.

a) Are you owning this motorbike ?

…..Do you own a motorbike?...............................................................

  1. I'm staying in a hotel near the sea.


  1. I'd like to buy this coat. How much is it costing?


  1. What's the matter? The bus is stopping.


  1. I'm usually getting up at 6.00.


  1. This book is difficult. I'm not understanding it.


  1. I watch a lot of TV every night.


  1. Excuse me. Are you knowing the way to the museum?
