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Possession 2: apostrophe, of

A bit of theory

Possessive apostrophe

We use an apostrophe when we talk about things belonging to people.

Singular (’s)

This is Jane’s house. That’s my friend’s bike.

Plurals (s’)

These are the boys’ desks.

Two words with apostrophe together.

Is that Ann’s aunt’s car? = Is this the car that belongs to the aunt of Ann?

Belonging to two people.

This is Carol and Tony’s house.

Written notices, no apostrophe.

Welcome to Wallsend Boys Club.

Names ending in s.

St James’ Park St.James’s Park

• No apostrophe in front of the s of plural words.

• No apostrophe in possessive pronouns yours, hers, its, ours, theirs.


We can use of when we talk about things belonging to things.

The roof of the house was damaged.

of is not always necessary

I saw this dress in the shop window.

own and belong

I own this bike. Do you own this bike?

This bike belongs to me. Does this bike belong to you?


s/s’ (people or animals)

  • singular noun + ’s the cat’s claws, the boy’s hats

  • regular plural noun + ’ the tourists’ passports

  • irregular plural noun not ending in s + ’s the men’s room, the children’s playroom

  • compound noun + ’s his mother-in-law’s car

  • s after the last of two or more names to show common possession Ann and Sally’s flat (They share the same flat) but: Ann’s and Sally’s flats (each one has got a flat)

of (inanimate things)

  • of + inanimate thing/abstract noun the door of the house, the beauty of the view

  • of + possessive case/pronouns when there is a determiner (this, any etc) before the nouns Look at this painting of Picasso’s. (one of Picasso’s paintings), a dress of hers (one of her dresses)

  • of + people (in longer phrases) That’s the brother of one of my friends.

  • s/of to talk about places or organisations London’s attractions/the attractions of London

Note: phrases of place + ’s (at the butcher’s) time/distance expression + ’s/’ (last week’s news, three days visit).

  1. Put in any missing apostrophes. In some sentences, no apostrophes are necessary.

  1. Is that book yours or Sams?

  2. Davids sisters cats name is Syrup.

  3. Have you met Pats brothers?

  4. Are those shoes hers?

  5. These are the girls fathers.

  6. Those are the teachers cars.

  7. These sandwiches are ours, not yours.

  8. My books are in my friends bag.

  9. Whose gloves are these?

  10. That is Jacks fathers bike.

Is that book yours or Sam’s?.................










  1. Make compound words.

  1. the window of the shop

  2. the leg of the table

  3. the door of the car

  4. the playground of the school

  5. the wheel of the bicycle

  6. the handle of the door

the shop window……………….






  1. Choose the correct word underlined in each sentence.

  1. Does this motorbike own/belong to you?

  2. Does Tim own/belong this bike?

  3. Is this book yours/your’s?

  4. Who’s/Whose running shoes are these?

  5. It’s/Its not mine.

  6. Ann says this isn’t hers/her’s.

  7. It’s/Its got two legs and wings.

  8. The dog has lost it’s/its ball.

  1. Complete each sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence.

  1. This desk belongs to Jim.

This …is Jim’s desk…………………………

  1. That belongs to her.

That’s …………………………………….

  1. Does this belong to you or him?

Is this …………………………………….?

  1. Who does this ruler belong to?

Whose ……………………………………?

  1. Do the empty seats belong to them?

Are the …………………………………...?

  1. We own this swimming pool.


  1. Complete the sentences. Use – ’s or s’ + a noun.

1 David and Sue are husband and wife. David is ..Sue’s husband…

2 This car belongs to Ann. It’s ………………………… .

3 The king lives in a very beautiful palace. The ……………………………. is very beautiful.

4 I was with Elena at her house last night. I was at ………………………….. last night.

5 All the students have put their books on the table. All ………………………. are on the table.

6 My sister was born on 28th June. The 28th June is ……………………………….. .

7 Mrs Penn makes delicious cakes. ……………………………………. are delicious.

8 My grandparents have a house next door to us. My …………………… is next door to ours.

9 Mr and Mrs Smith have a daughter, Chris. Mr and Mrs Smith are ……………………….. .

  1. This is Mike and Alan’s room. Whose are the objects in the room – Mike’s or Alan’s?

Mike likes: football, motorbikes, chocolate, wild animals.

Alan likes: reading, playing the guitar, computer games, running.

1 …The elephant poster is Mike’s. ………. 5 ………………………………………..

2 ………………………………………… 6 ………………………………………..

3 ………………………………………… 7 ………………………………………..

4 ………………………………………… 8 ………………………………………..

  1. Complete the sentences. Use –’s/-s’/the … of ….

1 What’s ..the name of this street?.. (the name/this street)

2 When’s ..Alice’s birthday?.. (the birthday/Alice)

3 Which is ………………………………………………? (the favourite team/John)

4 When’s ……………………………………………….? (the end/the programme)

5 When’s ………………………………………? (the anniversary party/your parents)

6 How big are …………………………………………..? (the windows/the house)

7 What’s ………………………………………? (the telephone number/the station)

8 Do you know ……………………………………….? (the daughter/Mr Turner)

9 Did you go to ………………………………………? (the wedding/your aunt)

  1. Rewrite the following using the correct possessive form.

1 the butterflies – the wings …the butterflies’ wings…………………………

2 the students – the books …………………………………………………

3 drive – three hours ……………………………………………………….

4 the department store – the staff …………………………………………

5 living – the cost ………………………………………………………….

6 some friends – my brother ……………………………………………….

7 bread – the price …………………………………………………………

8 the baby – the pram ……………………………………………………...

9 John and Paul – the wives ……………………………………………….

10 the men – the changing rooms …………………………………………...

11 the sea – the waves ………………………………………………………

12 a climb – two hundred meters …………………………………………...

13 Lucy and Emily – the mother ……………………………………………

14 the house – my father’s closest friend …………………………………...

15 the president – the decision ……………………………………………...

16 my physics professor – the report ………………………………………..

17 the park – the playground ………………………………………………..

18 the Smiths – the car ………………………………………………………

19 my mother-in-law – the garden …………………………………………..