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3. Write some predictions about the future. Use the verbs in the box.









In the year 2050 people will live on the moon but they won’t ………………………….

We use will and won’t when we make promises, decisions of the moment and when we refuse to do things.

  • Meetings and appointments

I’ll see you outside the cinema at 7.30.

I’ll see you later.

I’ll meet you for lunch.

  • Promises

I’ll give you the money tomorrow.

I won’t forget.

I won’t do it again.

  • Decisions of the moment

Waiter: What would you like?

Customer: I’ll have chicken, please.

  • Refusing

Come here!’ ‘No, I won’t!’

Apologize to your mother!’ ‘I won’t’

4. Read what George says about his life at the moment and his future.

Friday 25th

At the moment I have to work very hard. I study at home every night and tonight is the same. I’ll be at home as usual. I’ll be in my bedroom with my books.

But tomorrow is Saturday – no college and no work! So tomorrow morning I’ll probably be in the city centre. I want to buy some clothes.

College finishes next month so at the end of the month I’ll be on holiday in Paris with my friends.

A few years from now I’ll probably be married.

In 2030 I’ll be 40 years old. My children will probably be at school. I don’t know where I’ll be in 2040.

Are these statements true? Correct the sentences that are wrong. Use will and won’t.

1. George’ll be at the cinema this evening. No, he won’t. He’ll be at home

2. He’ll be in his bedroom. True .

3. Tomorrow morning he’ll be at college. ____________________________

4. Next month he’ll be in Paris. ____________________________________

5. He’ll be on his own. ___________________________________________

6. A few years from now, he’ll probably be married. ___________________

7. He’ll be 28 in 2015. ___________________________________________

8. His children will probably be at university. ________________________

9. He’ll be in Paris in 2020. _______________________________________

And you? Where will you be? Write sentences about yourself. Use I’ll be .../ I’ll probably be... / I don’t know where I’ll be.

This evening __________________________________________________

Tomorrow morning _____________________________________________

Next month ___________________________________________________

A few years from now ___________________________________________

In 2020 _______________________________________________________

5. Complete each dialogue with a phrase form the box

I’ll bring it tomorrow I’ll see you later I won’t I’ll have a sandwich I won’t forget I’ll see you outside the cinema

a) ‘Bye for now’ ‘Bye, I’ll see you later .

b) ‘Give me that piece of cake!’ ‘No ________________________! It’s mine’

c) ‘Where’s your homework?’ ‘ ___________________________, I promise!’

d) ‘What would you like to eat?’ ‘ _____________________________, please.’

e) ‘Where are we going to meet?’ ‘ _________________________.’

f) ‘Please remember to bring your dictionary tomorrow!’

‘Don’t worry, _________________________________.’