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Типовик_Ноябрь 2008 English.doc
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Тема 15. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты can, to be able, may, to be allowed to


1. A computing machine can store information. – Вычислитель-ная машина может хранить информацию.

2. Any moving object is able to do work. – Любой движущийся объект может (способен) совершать работу.

3. You may use this device – Вы можете использовать это устройство.

4. Can I close the window? It is too cold. – Можно я закрою окно?Очень холодно(разрешение в неофициальной обстановке)

5. One is allowed to touch the wire when the circuit is open. – Касаться провода можно (разрешается) тогда, когда цепь разомкнута.

6. He may change his opinion. – Может быть (возможно), он изменит свое мнение.

7. I can see the bird flying in the sky. – Я вижу птицу, летающую в небе (усиление значения).

Task. Translate the following sentences into Russian

A. 1. A computer cannot think for itself.

  1. Scientists are able to solve this problem.

  2. You may use this device.

  3. He may be in his office.

  4. The professor spoke in a low voice but the students could understand what he was saying.

  5. He can put this machine into operation.

  6. He is able to control the operation.

  7. This substance can change its property.

  8. You may be mistaken.

  9. We are not allowed to test this equipment.

B. 1. They will not be able to complete the research.

  1. Many scientific problems can be solved by the methods used in higher mathematics.

  2. A computer may run through writing a programme in a few minutes.

  3. If you replace an ammeter with a voltmeter you will not be able to measure current.

  4. A computer can only operate at high speed according to the instruction.

  5. They are allowed to modify one of the technical components of the installation to increase sufficiently its output power.

  6. The equipment for digital computers is able to provide data within a period of time that is less than a few milliseconds.

  7. You are not allowed to use computer without a break.

  8. Computers can control machines, work out tomorrow’s weather and even play chess, write poetry or compose music.

  9. There are suggestions that laser beams may ultimately replace cables in telecommunications.

  10. A CO2 gas laser can cut through brick or granite at a temperature of 1500°C.

  11. The strength of the laser is such that it can pierce very hard substances such as diamonds and metals.

  12. Various media by which we can communicate quickly and over large distances may leave quite unpredictable influence on the human condition.

  13. Computers can help us to deal with the knowledge explosion in many ways.

  14. Besides their electric properties which in themselves may be of great variety, semiconductors vary in such physical qualities as magnetism, specific heat and thermal conductivity.

  15. A current can heat a conductor, it can have a chemical action when passing through a solution, or it can produce a magnetic effect.

  16. We can measure current by observing their heating, chemical or magnetic effects.

  17. We cannot overestimate the importance of semiconductors in our life.

Тема 16. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты must = to be to – должен (обязан) (по плану, по договоренности), must = to have to – должен (обязан) (вынужденное действие)


1. The experiment must be carried out very carefully. – Этот эксперимент должен быть проведен очень тщательно.

2. We have to start the experiment. – Мы должны (вынуждены) начать эксперимент (в силу обстоятельств).

3. That must be difficult. – Должно быть это трудно (вероятность).

4. We are to get this device for our laboratory. – Мы должны получить это устройство для нашей лаборатории (необходимость, вытекающая в силу предварительной договоренности).

Task. Translate the following sentences into Russian


  1. Students must know the fundamental laws of physics.

  2. The operator must detect a moving object.

  3. When is the lecture to begin?

  4. You will have to finish this task quickly.

  5. The engineer has to improve this device.

  6. You must be joking.

  7. You do not need to use this instrument.

  8. It must be done on time.

  9. The methods applied must show good results.

  10. The radar must continuously track the satellite flight.


  1. We must know the fundamental properties of a magnet well.

  2. The average speed of all molecules must remain the same as long as the temperature is constant.

  3. You must detect the particles using this device.

  4. You have to use special instrument indicating the temperature of the metals.

  5. The scientists are to apply the methods to increase the productivity of motors.

  6. A group of engineers have to improve the efficiency of the machine.

  7. The problem must be settled.

  8. You must put the generator out of action when a short circuit occurs.

  9. We have to use a computer to make these calculations.

  10. When is the lecture to begin?

  11. The professor went about thinking of his discovery and what was to become of it.

  12. You will have to modify one of the technical components of the installation.

  13. You must finish the project quickly.

  14. Scientists have to design an affective non-conventional power station.

  15. There must be a special compensating device connected to the cold end of the thermocouple.

  16. The equipment must have much longer life time.