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Типовик_Ноябрь 2008 English.doc
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Тема 25. Условные придаточные предложения третьего типа


  1. If he had known mathematics better, he would have passed the exam. – Если бы он лучше знал математику, он сдал бы экзамены.

  2. If the calculations had been made accurately, the accident would not have taken place. – Если бы расчеты были выпол-нены точно, авария бы не произошла.

Task. Translate the following sentences into Russian

A. 1. If he had arrived yesterday, we should have asked him to take part in the experiment.

  1. If the scientists hadn't built the steam train in 1829, we should have had horses till now.

  2. The students would have done the experiment, if they had had everything necessary for it.

  3. If we had had more time, we should have considered all the suggestions.

  4. If I had had any free time yesterday, I should have done the work myself.

  5. If the computers had not been worked out, many important problems might not have been solved.

  6. Unless he had been so lazy at school, he would have entered the institute.

  7. I should have bought more books, provided I had had more money.

  8. If she had given us the tickets, we should not have waited for her now.

  9. If the worker had kept all the safety rules, he would not have been injured.

B. 1. If the people of the past had known that the lightning was a discharge of electricity, they would have been surprised greatly.

  1. If you had sent us the samples in time, we could have started our tests some days ago.

  2. If they could have seen the machines in operation, then they would have got a better idea of the design.

  3. We should have increased our deliveries last year, if we hadn't begun the great reconstruction.

  4. If they had examined all the devices more attentively, they might have noticed all alterations made by engineers.

  5. If they had doubled the number of tools they wanted to buy, we should have given them 2% discount.

  6. If you had reequipped the shop last year, you would have increased the output of your production,

  7. If they had repaired the device quickly, they would have renewed their researches.

  8. The accident would not have happened, if everything had been done according to the rules.

  9. Unless there had been contacts between different countries, people would not have known much about each other.

  10. If she had known everything beforehand, she would not have gone there alone.

  11. If they hadn't told their friends about the accident, the friends would not have been able to help them.

  12. If we had had an ammeter at the last laboratory work, we should have been able to measure current in the circuit as well.

  13. If we had had advanced equipment, we should have been able to get a higher profit.

  14. Provided the circuit had been broken, there would have been no current in it.

  15. Provided we had had an optical pyrometer instead of a thermocouple, we should have measured the temperature in the fire-chamber.

  16. Unless we had known the voltage and the resistance in the electric circuit, we should not have calculated the current.

  17. Provided the wires had been insulated, the short circuit would not have happened.

  18. If we had compressed the gas, it would have become liquid in high pressure conditions.If you had placed a floppy-disk near a magnet, you would have lost your data.