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Типовик_Ноябрь 2008 English.doc
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Тема 10. Местоимения We, You, They в неопределенно-личных предложениях


We (you, they) know that mobile phones are widely used all over the world. – Известно, что мобильные телефоны широко используются во всем мире.

Translate the following sentences into Russian


  1. A few years ago they had an exhibition of the modern computer-control equipment in St. Petersburg.

  2. The coming winter, they say, will be extremely cold.

  3. They do not say that in Russian.

  4. When we move the magnet, the magnetic field moves as well.

  5. They say that he was a scientist to be known all over the world.

  6. You can convert the chemical energy of fuel into the electric one.

  7. We know that there are several ways of handling this difficulty.

  8. They say there is no use of speaking about it.

  9. They found a means to avoid overheating.

  10. You know that the basic assumptions of this theory have been seriously called in question.


  1. We know the transformer to be an apparatus designed for changing the alternating voltages and currents by means of magnetic induction, the frequency remaining unchanged.

  2. They report that the plants in question are to be equipped with all the modern installations working under steam pressure and at a very high temperature.

  3. We know of the three-phase induction motors successfully being used in industry.

  4. Of course, we have to increase the voltage supply to the coil in approximately the same proportion in order to gain the magnetic field.

  5. You know that according to law of the Conservation and Transformation of Energy, it is impossible to create or destroy energy but it can be converted from one form to another.

  6. If we were asked today to prove the existence of connection between electricity and magnetism, we could not do better than point to the electromagnet.

  7. We know our physicists to have produced semiconductor thermoelements which without any machinery convert thermal energy into electric energy as efficiently as small steam installations do.

  8. We shall turn our attention to two properties of electric current; one of them is resistance and the other one is self-induction.

  9. You know from spectroscopic evidence that light capable of effecting this process can split halogen molecules into atoms.

  10. In the experiment you shall take into account the main variables such as heat, pressure, and specific weight.

  11. You know that in this case the method of geometrical means leads to more satisfactory results than that of arithmetic means.

  12. Should we weigh the cord, we should find its weight so small as to be negligible.

  13. We know the armature windings to cut the magnetic lines of force in order to produce electric current.

  14. To utilize the generated energy, we need the machine that will reconvert electrical energy back into mechanical one.

  15. In considering this point we must refer to the recent works by Russian scientists.