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Text. Customs and Holidays of Great Britain

There are only eight official public holidays a year in Great Britain. They are New Year Holiday, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day Holiday, Spring Holiday, Summer Holiday, Christmas Day, Boxing Day. They are called bank holidays because these days all banks and post offices are closed. The exact date of some holidays varies each year. But there are many more unofficial holidays with which different customs and traditions are connected.

St Valentine is the patron saint of lovers, and on 14th February young men and women declare their feelings for each other sending cards. Some people go to great lengths to disguise their handwriting in order to maintain their anonymity. Many people hope for cards (valentines) on St

Valentine‟s Day and failure to receive any can cause great disappointment.

The patron saints of Wales, Ireland and England are, in order, St David, St Patrick and St George. Their days are celebrated on 1 March, 17 March and 23 April respectively. National symbols depicting the Welsh dragon or leek, the Irish shamrock and the English rose are worn on the appropriate days, and you will see small gatherings of the various nationalities having a drink together or celebrating in the streets – particularly when they are living away from their native country. St Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland, has his day later in a year on 30 November. Scotland‟s national symbol is the thistle.

Mothering Sunday, or Mother‟s Day falls three weeks before Easter

Sunday. On this day mother is awarded for all her work looking after the house and family. Her husband and children usually buy her a card and a small gift, and traditionally bring her breakfast in bed. Sometimes she will also be taken out for lunch.

Normally called “April Fools‟ Day” is a day when you can lightheartedly make fools of your family, friends and colleagues by playing tricks on them. People send messages intended to mislead, offer fake food, create realistic-looking blood stains and so on. The joke must be received or believed by midday.

At Easter time, the British celebrate the idea of new birth by giving each other chocolate Easter eggs. Tradition says that these eggs are deli-


vered by the Easter Bunny (rabbit) and children like to hunt for small eggs concealed around the house.

Fish is traditionally eaten on Good Friday and Easter Cake is an iced fruit cake with a marzipan ring on the top.

As summer comes, Britain likes to celebrate the end of the winter. In previous centuries this festival was widely celebrated. Today, in many villages on the 1st Monday of May you can see the remnants of the old traditions. Often a local girl is chosen and crowned ”Queen of the May”, and people dance around a May Pole – a tall pole with coloured ribbons attached to the top – on the village green.

Midsummer‟s Eve is celebrated by druids (practitioners of an ancient religion) at the prehistoric stone circle of Stonehenge. In recent years groups of travelers and hippies have also tried to claim the right to enter the circle to see the sun rise on Midsummer‟s Day, but they have generally not been allowed because of fears of damage to the ancient monument.

The name Halloween means “holy evening”. According to folklore, on this night – 31 October – witches and evil spirits roam the country. These days, people dress up as witches and ghosts and have parties. They cut horrible faces in pumpkins and put a candle inside, which shines through the eyes. Children also play “trick-or-treat” on their neighbours, going from door to door and playing a harmless but slightly unpleasant trick on anyone who refuses to give them a sweet or other gift.

In 1605 a group of Catholic conspirators, led by Guy Fawkes, attempted to blow up the Protestant Parliament of King James I. On 5 November the so-called “Gunpowder Plot” was discovered. Fawkes and his associates were caught and later burnt at the stake. On this day children make a “guy” – a dummy of Guy Fawkes – and burn it on a bonfire, and let off fireworks.

Most people in Britain see Christmas as the major festival of the year – an occasion for parties, giving and receiving gifts, eating and drinking, and generally having fun. On Christmas Eve, children hang stockings over the fireplace. They are told that Father Christmas or Santa Clause, arrives at night from the North Pole, climbs down the chimney and fills each stocking with presents. The children open their presents on Christmas morning.

Lunch is the most important point of Christmas Day. The tradition lunch consists of roast turkey with vegetables, followed by Christmas pudding, which is made with dried fruit and brandy.


People all over Britain celebrate the passing of the old year and the coming of the new. In Scotland, Hogmanay – as it is called there – is almost as important as Christmas. The Scots take New Year‟s Eve very seriously. The so called “first footers” go from house to house after midnight carrying lumps of coal as symbol of good luck and they expect a glass of whiskey in each house they visit.

Text Exercises

Упражнение 1. Согласитесь или опровергните следующие утверждения.

1. Mother is awarded for her work looking after the house every


2. First-footer usually brings a lump of sugar as a symbol of good


3.People like to dress up as witches and ghosts on 31st of October.

4.Meat is traditionally eaten on Good Friday.

5.Druids, travelers and hippies see the sun rise at the prehistoric stone circle of Stonehenge.

6.Father Christmas hangs stockings over the fireplace and fills them with presents.

7.Guy Fawkes failed to blow up the Parliament.

8.St David is a saint patron of all lovers.

9.The banks, post offices and shops are closed only on Sundays.

10.Easter Cake is eaten on Good Friday.

Упражнение 2. Найдите в тексте ответы на вопросы.

1.When might you receive something from an unknown person?

2.What is the connection between George and a rose?

3.Who stays in bed late a few weeks before Easter?

4.When do rabbits lay eggs?

5.When is the first holiday in May?

6.What do druids, travelers and hippies have in common?

7.What happens to people who don‟t give children a “treat‟ on 31


8.What is a “guy”?

9.What is another name for Father Christmas?

10.When and where might you be given a lump of coal?


Упражнение 3. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения.

1.В Британии много традиций и обычаев, связанных с празд-


2.В день святого Валентина, друга и покровителя влюблѐнных, люди открывают чувства друг другу и посылают открыткивалентинки.

3.Дни святых покровителей Англии, Шотландии, Уэльса и Ирландии празднуются людьми различных национальностей, особенно когда они живут далеко от родины.

4.День Матери отмечается в Великобритании весной, перед Пасхой, а в России – в ноябре.

5.Первого апреля, в день смеха, можно подшутить над семьѐй и разыграть коллег.

6.На Пасху в России есть обычай красить яйца, в Великобритании же люди дарят друг другу шоколадные яйца.

7.В мае в британских деревнях выбирают «королеву мая» и танцуют на траве.

8.Канун середины лета друиды отмечают с незапамятных времѐн в доисторическом Стоунхендже.

9.В праздник Хэллоуин люди любят переодеваться в костюмы ведьм и привидений и устраивать весѐлые вечеринки.

10.На рождество в Британии, так же как на Новый Год в России, собирается вся семья, потому что это семейный праздник.

Упражнение 4. Подготовьте сообщение о британских праздниках. Расскажите, какие британские праздники стали популярны в России в последние годы.

Упражнение 5. Аудирование. Прослушайте диалог между туристом и местной жительницей и ответьте на вопросы. Воспроизведите диалог в парах.

Tourist: Excuse me? Woman: Yes?

Tourist: Could you tell me what is happening here, please?

Woman: Yes, it‟s a Bonfire Night.


Tourist: Sorry?

Woman: Guy Fawkes‟ Night. November 5th. Tourist: What is that, please?

Woman: Every November 5th, people make a “guy” – like a dum-


Tourist: I see. And what do you do with these “guys”?

Woman: We burn them on bonfires all over Britain. Then we have fireworks to celebrate.

Tourist: What is it a celebration of?

Woman: We celebrate the fact that Guy Fawkes failed to blow up the King and the Houses of Parliament.

Tourist: When did that happen? Woman: In 1605.

Tourist: You have long memories. Woman: Yes, I suppose so.

Tourist: We have a similar celebration in my country on June 23rd. Woman: What does that celebrate?

Tourist: Midsummer: the longest day of the year. Woman: Oh, I see.

Tourist: Look, the fireworks are starting.


1.What was the tourist interested in?

2.Why do people make a “guy” on November 5th?

3.When did Fawkes want to blow up the King and the Parliament?

4.Did he manage to do it?

5.What do people of the tourist‟s country celebrate?

6.What country do you think the tourist came from?

Упражнение 6. Прослушайте диалог между Полом Смитом и его дочерью Мэри и ответьте на вопрос: Why is Mary looking forward to Christmas? Воспроизведите диалог в парах.

Mary: Oh, I wish it were Christmas today!

Paul: Christmas? But it‟s only September! There‟s a lot to look forward to before Christmas.

Mary: What?

Paul: Well, there‟s Halloween.


Mary: Mm.

Paul: You know you like Halloween. All that dressing up and playing tricks.

Mary: I suppose so.

Paul: Then there‟s Bonfire Night.

Mary: Mm.

Paul: Oh, come on, Mary. You love making a guy and watching fireworks.

Mary. Yes, may be.

Paul: Anyway, why are you so looking forward to Christmas? Mary: Because Mum said I could have a new bike.

Упражнение 7. Составьте диалоги на основе одной из ситуа-


а) местный житель объясняет британцу, почему 8 марта женщинам дарят цветы и делают подарки. Британец говорит, что у них тоже есть подобный праздник, День матери;

б) дочь объясняет маме, почему она ждѐт с нетерпением Нового Года (Рождества, дня рождения и т.д.).

Упражнение 8. Кроссворд «Праздники». Переведите следующую группу слов на английский язык. Запишите их в соответствующие клеточки. Решив кроссворд, в колонке по вертикали вы прочтѐте ещѐ одно слово по текущей теме.

Годовщина, Рождество, поздравления, Пасха, помолвка, фейерверки, Хэллоуин, свадьба.



Grammar Exercises

Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы have to, be to.

1. I was to wait for her at the railway station. 2. We were to go to the cinema that afternoon. 3. They were to start on Monday. 4. Roses are to be planted round the pond. 5. He is to come here at five o‟clock. 6. He had to take it. 7. I had to read the letter twice before I understood it. 8. I had to go there alone. 9. He was to tell her where to find us. 10. She was to graduate that year.

Упражнение 2. Завершите следующие высказывания по образ-


a)Example: I missed the last train. (spend the night at the station.)

I missed the train so I had to spend the night at the station.

1. I missed the last bus. (walk home) 2. There were no seats in the train. (stand) 3. I lost my dictionary. (buy) 4. I couldn‟t find a hotel. (stay at my relatives‟) 5. My radio-set wasn‟t working. (repair) 6. Our lift was out of order. (walk up to my flat) 7. We couldn‟t hear what the speaker was saying. (change our seats).

b)Example: I have a toothache. (go to the dentist) – I’ll have to go to the dentist.

1. I‟m busy now. (write the report by Monday) 2. I‟ve lost my dictionary. (buy a new one) 3. It is raining. (you, take an umbrella) 4. She is out. (you, to wait) 5. The bus is late. (we, take a taxi) 6. Peter didn‟t pass his exam yesterday. (take it again in a week) 7. Mike can‟t translate the text himself. (I, help him).

c)Example: Tom had to go to the police station. (why) – Why did he have to go there?

1. Ann has to leave tomorrow. (what time) 2. We had to answer a lot of questions at the exam. (how many) 3. I have to get up early now. (why) 4. Somebody will have to help him. (who) 5. I shall have to go to the station today. (why) 6. I had to return home. (why) 7. Mike has to spend his weekend at home. (why) 8. I had to wait for Peter. (how long).


Упражнение 3. Составьте предложения, используя модальные глаголы, данные в скобках.

1. It isn‟t necessary to buy a ticket (need). 2. I advise him to be more careful (ought). 3. I think that is John‟s car (must). 4. I don‟t think he is her brother (can‟t). 5. He couldn‟t swim when he was five (to be able to). 6. You are not allowed to play in the garden (mustn‟t). 7. It‟s not possible for you to eat so much (can‟t). 8. We don‟t have to go shopping with Mum (needn‟t). 9. Is it really possible that she‟s 50 years old (can)? 10. I advise you to study harder (should).

Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, используя модальные глаголы.

1. Он ещѐ не может читать такие сложные книги. 2. Мы можем начать работу сейчас же. 3. Я не могла заниматься английским в прошлом году, я была очень занята. 4. Я надеюсь, что смогу сделать эту работу сам. 5. Он не смог встретить нас вчера. 6. Можно мне посмотреть этот журнал? 7. Ему не разрешают приходить домой поздно. 8. Тебе позволили брать эти книги? 9. Я должна написать доклад к пятнице. 10. Мы должны навестить еѐ ещѐ раз. 11. Мне надо перевести всю статью? 12. Тебе приходится делать это каждый день? 13. Почему ему приходится так рано вставать? 14. Можете пользоваться словарями. 15. Он должен был приехать вчера. 16. Я опаздывал, поэтому мне пришлось взять такси. 17. Вам не надо отвечать на все вопросы. 18. Мне не надо ходить в магазин. Папа купил все продукты. 19. У нас достаточно времени. Торопиться незачем. 20. Вам не следует так разговаривать с ней. 21. Вам необходимо посетить эту выставку. 22. Я могу заварить чай. 23. Этого нельзя делать. 24. Поезд должен прибыть через час. 25. Я не могу есть много хлеба. 26. Я должен был встать в семь утра. 27. Мне нельзя здесь долго оставаться. 28. Они не могли бежать очень быстро. 29. Тебе придѐтся говорить с ними по-английски. 30. Ему разрешили остаться здесь.

Упражнение 5. Переведите следующие предложения, содержащие повелительное наклонение, на русский язык.

1. Say your name. 2. Have some chocolate. 3. Do as you wish. 4. Show him where we are. 5. Do not worry. 6. Don‟t do that again. 7. Don‟t drop the glass. 8. Don‟t whisper the answer. 9. You start and I continue.


10. You go and stand there, Alison. 11. Let‟s have a bite. 12. Let‟s go to Mexico together. 13. Let‟s go shopping. 14. Let him read. 15. Let him alone. 16. Let them write. 17. Let it be. 18. Let them be angry. 19. Let me think. 20. Don‟t let him hurry. 21. Let me explain. 22. Don‟t let me down. 23. Don‟t let him smoke. 24. Don‟t let the fire go out. 25. Let the music play. 26. Do sit down. 27. Do be careful. 28. Let the music play. 29. Let‟s finish the job first. 30. Please, somebody, answer the phone.

Упражнение 6. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, употребляя повелительное наклонение.

1.Уходи. 2. Садитесь на диван, пожалуйста. 3. Да садитесь же!

4.Пусть она тоже присядет. 5. Пишите быстрее. 6. Не делайте ошибок. 7. Пусть они пишут тоже. 8. Не разговаривайте в классе. 9. Пусть они не пишут на парте. 10. Не берите ручку Джона. 11. Пусть он пишет своей ручкой. 12. Отпустите их. 13. Не дайте им упасть. 14. Давайте отправимся пораньше. 15. Пускай они переводят эту статью. 16. Разрешите ей поспать. 17. Да выходите же из класса. 18. Позвольте Бобу выпить молока. 19. Не давайте ему старую книгу. 20. Давайте пойдѐм куда-нибудь, где мы можем потанцевать.

Упражнение 7. Переведите на русский язык предложения, со-

держащие Passive Voice Perfect.

1.Mary is proud. Her work has been praised. 2. What‟s happened?

The window has been broken. 3. Jane hasn‟t been told about it. 4. Many new buildings have been built in our town lately. 5. Dick is happy. His dog has been found. 6. There isn‟t any food left. All of it has been eaten. 7. I can‟t find my car anywhere. I think it has been stolen. 8. The house looks quite new. It has been painted. 9. Have you ever been interviewed on television? 10. Today‟s post hasn‟t been brought up yet, has it? 11. The room had been prepared for the Hunts but they didn‟t come. 12. By 5 o‟clock the experiment had already been completed. 13. The car will have been repaired by Saturday. 14. The work will have been finished before you come back. 15. The roof will have been painted by the evening.

Упражнение 8. Ответьте на следующие высказывания, используя подсказки в скобках.

Example: Can I see today’s paper? (receive) – I’m afraid you can’t. It hasn’t been received yet.


1. Can I read the telegram? (not to deliver) 2. Can you give me the book? (not to bring) 3. Can I have dinner? (not to cook) 4. Can I take the documents? (not to sign) 5. Can I use your phone? (not to fix).

Example: Will you please fix the tent? – As a matter of fact it has already been fixed.

1. Will you inform them about the meeting? 2. Will you instruct him how to do it? 3. Will you repair the TV set? 4. Will you please translate the letters? 5. Will you please send the documents?

Example: Let’s go to Peter’s birthday. (invite) – How can we? We haven’t been invited.

1. Let‟s listen to Text 10. (not to record) 2. Let‟s unpack the luggage. (not to bring) 3. Let‟s play the piano. (not to tune) 4. Let‟s have dinner. (not to cook) 5. Let‟s watch TV. (the TV set, not to repair).

Example: She was angry. (lose the tickets) – The tickets had been


1. He came too late (discuss the question). 2. She looked happy (praise for good work). 3. He was surprised (not, invite). 4. He was worried (not, send a visa). 5. Mr Smith was angry (damage his car).

Example: The books will be published soon. (by the end of the year)

The books will have been published by the end of the year.

1.The work will be done tomorrow (by tomorrow). 2. Everything will be arranged in time (before he comes). 3. The papers will be signed at 5 o‟clock (by 5 o‟clock). 4. The letters will be sent on Sunday (by Sunday). 5. The computer will be tested in a few days (by the end of the working day).

Упражнение 9. Запомните и переведите этот шуточный минирассказ. Обратите внимание на место предлога.

He was talked about. He was sent for. He was waited for. He was looked at. He was listened to. He was laughed at.

Упражнение 10. Переделайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice, обращая внимание на место предлога.

Example: We often speak about her. – She is often spoken about.