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УП_Баранова_ АЯ_1

1.53 Mб

As a member state of the European Economic Community (EES), or Common Market, Britain applies the Common Agricultural market within the EES with its own prices.

Text Exercises

Упражнение 1. Скажите, в каком абзаце текста говорится о:

1)политике правительства Великобритании в области сельского хозяйства;

2)занятости населения Великобритании в сельском хозяйстве;

3)доле Великобритании в мировом экспорте зерновых куль-


4)успехах британских фермеров в выведении новых пород сельскохозяйственных животных;

5)факторах, влияющих на повышение урожайности зерновых.

Упражнение 2. Скажите, какие абзацы текста можно озаглавить следующим образом:

1.Home Food Supply.

2.Cattle Farming.

3.Short History.

4.Arable Farming.

5.The Government‟s Agricultural Policy.

6.Glasshouse Crops.



Упражнение 3. Найдите эквиваленты:


а) следующим английским словосочетаниям


Specialized holding


мясо птицы


Varieties of strawberries


экспорт говядины


Poultry meat


высокие урожаи


Food supply


сорта земляники


Glasshouse crops


фуражные культуры


Arable land


поставка продуктов питания


Beef export


специализированное хозяйство


Native breed


пахотная земля


Folder crops


местная порода

10. High yields

10) тепличные культуры



б) следующим русским словосочетаниям


Скрещивать породы

1) develop breeds


Завозить фрукты

2) respond to consumer demand


Продавать мясо индеек

3) produce high profit


Повысить надои молока

4) cultivate plants


Давать высокую прибыль

5) import fruit


Выводить породы

6) cross breeds


Отвечать спросу потребителя

7) meet needs


Возделывать растения

8) use fertilizers


Удовлетворять потребности

9) increase milk yields

10. Использовать удобрения

10) sell turkey meat

Упражнение 4. Закончите следующие предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста:

1.At present British agriculture is characterized by high level of …

2.Today Britain is self-sufficient in …

3.This country has become a world leader in the export of high quality genetic material from …

4.The average milk yield per cow is more than …

5.Friesian cows are often crossed with other breeds to obtain …

6.Arable crops cultivated in Britain include …

7.Horticultural crops are largely grown on specialized holdings and

on …

8.Glasshouse technology includes the use of …

Упражнение 5. Согласитесь или опровергните следующие утверждения:

1.40 % of the population of Britain is occupied in agriculture.

2.The aim of British agricultural research projects is to improve farming methods, machinery and the genetic quality of livestock and crops.

3.British livestock farmers have developed many breeds of cattle, sheep and pigs.

4.20 breeds of sheep are bred in Britain now.

5.The Friesian breed is predominant in the national dairy herd.

6.Short-stemmed varieties of cereals are not cultivated in Britain.

7.Sugar beet is not grown in this country.


8. Britain is known to be one of the largest exporters of cereals in the world.

Упражнение 6. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1.The existing social structure of agriculture in Britain has been shaped by its historical development, hasn‟t it?

2.When did peasantry appear in Britain?

3.Why was arable land turned into pastures?

4.When did peasantry disappear in this country?

5.Britain became dependant on imported agricultural produce in the 18th century, didn‟t it?

6.Is British agriculture characterized by high level of efficiency and productivity now?

7.What agricultural products does Great Britain produce?

8.What are the aims of British agricultural research projects?

9.British livestock farmers have developed many breeds of farm animals with world-wide reputations, haven‟t they?

10.What can you say about beef export in this country?

11.How many breeds of sheep are bred in Britain?

12.What fodder crops are cultivated in this country?

13.What kinds of poultry are kept in Britain?

14.What horticultural crops are grown on specialized holdings and arable farms?

15.What is hydroponics?

Упражнение 7. Сделайте сообщение по теме “Agriculture in Britain”.

Упражнение 8. Аудирование. Прослушайте, о чѐм Айэн, владелец фермы в Уэльсе, говорит с Полом, Сью и Мэри, показывая скотный двор. Воспроизведите диалог в парах, ответьте на вопросы к нему и выполните задание.

Farm Animals Ian: Those fields are ours and those are, too. Sue: What animals do you keep?

Ian: Just about everything.

Mary: It‟s just like a farm in a story book.

Ian: Is it?


Mary: Yes, there are so many different animals.

Ian: Yes, you are right. Here in the farmyard we have ducks, chickens and a few pigs. Then in that field, we have a few sheep.

Mary: And some lambs, too.

Ian: Yes. And in this field, as you can see, we have cows. Mary: Can you tell me why they are making that noise? Ian: They need milking.

Paul: Is it true that cows enjoy being milked?

Ian: No, that‟s not quite true. Some cows enjoy it, but some don‟t.

Would you like to help me to milk the cows?

Mary: Yes, I‟d love to.

Sue: And I‟d like to watch you milk the cows!


1.What does Ian do for a living?

2.What animals does Ian keep at his farm?

3.What does Mary think about Ian‟s farm?

Задание. Подберите названия детѐнышей животных, данных в левой колонке.





















Упражнение 9. Прослушайте продолжение диалога и подготовьте сообщение по-английски о ферме Айэна.


Sue: What are your main crops?

Ian: We grow wheat, barley and some oats.


Paul: Am I right in thinking that it is harder to grow wheat than


Ian: No, I don‟t think that‟s correct. In fact, in my experience, the opposite is true.

Paul: Oh.

Mary: When do you plant the crops?

Ian: We sow in the spring, then we harvest in the late summer, early autumn.

Mary: What is the man in the tractor doing?

Ian: He‟s harvesting the wheat. Actually, it‟s not a tractor. It‟s called a combine harvester.

Paul: I think we‟ve all got a lot to learn about the country.

Grammar Exercises

Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, определите функции причастия I и причастия II:

1.The Lord Chancellor sits in the House of Lords on a large cushion stuffed with wool.

2.During the Industrial Revolution in Britain foodstuffs imported from overseas (Australia, New Zealand and Canada) became more profitable.

3.Large farms having over 50 hectares of land and employing 4 or more fulltime workers produce about half of the total agricultural output.

4.Landowners having large estates and deriving income from rents are called landlords or landed aristocracy.

5.The increasing use of intensive methods of production in agriculture has led to greater specialization.

6.Wheat and barley are the main cereals grown in the eastern part of the country.

Упражнение 2. Заполните пропуски причастиями I или II от глаголов, данных в скобках. Предложения переведите.

1.The only force (to act) on a freely falling body in vacuum is


2.Scientists have (to develop) different types of lasers.

3.When (to place) over the fire, a substance becomes hot.


4.The results (to obtain) with a digital computer are more accurate, than the results (to obtain) with an analogue computer.

5.A person can travel by car through any country in Europe (to know) international road signs.

6.The first practical telephone was (to invent) by the American scientist in 1876 and was further (to improve) by Edison.

7.In 1876 he was (to work) in Paris.

8.When (to heat) to a certain temperature, water increases in vo-


9.The man (to make) a report is the dean of our department.

10.Tests are usually (to write) at the end of the term.

Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1.Завод, выпускающий комбайны, находится в нашем городе.

2.Используя этот передовой метод, фермеры могут значительно повысить урожаи картофеля.

3.Подготавливая почву под посев, мы должны вносить удоб-


4.Работа, выполненная этими молодыми специалистами, обсуждалась на конференции.

5.В данной статье опубликованы результаты экспериментов, проведѐнных на полях этого хозяйства.

6.Сельскохозяйственные машины, купленные хозяйством в прошлом году, используются для уборки культур.

7.Деревья, растущие в нашем саду, старые.

8.Нам рекомендовали сорта пшеницы, дающие более высокие


Упражнение 4. Выделите герундий и герундиальные обороты в следующих предложениях и переведите их:

1.Selection is a simple but important method of improving plants.

2.She insisted on her method being applied o the farm.

3.Farmers are sure of obtaining high yields of tomatoes this year.

4.The use of electric power for mechanizing jobs in various production processes is steadily being extended.

5.A part of that income is used for developing and improving pro-



6.We know of these production complexes ensuring high labour productivity.

7.Plowing is carried out in spring and autumn.

8.They insisted on buying this new equipment.

9.You heard of his being sent to Moscow.

10.Their having made those experiments is very important.

11.Protecting the environment from pollution is the most important problem today.

12.She translated the text without using a dictionary.

13.Our having applied the necessary fertilizers resulted in higher potato yields.

Упражнение 5. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на

ing формы.

1.We know of the development of agriculture being closely connected with the development of mechanization and electrification.

2.Our scientists work at finding more efficient ways to increase crop yields.

3.Using selection we can improve plants.

4.She is fond of dancing.

5.He began working at the problem of soil protection a year ago.

6.Applying the necessary fertilizers, we can improve soil fertility.

7.British livestock farmers achieved great success in improving cattle breeds.

8.They could solve this difficult problem having made a lot of experiments.

9.In solving this problem we must take into consideration many


Упражнение 6. Найдите предложения, содержащие инфинитивные обороты, и переведите их.

1.We expect this crop to be grown in our region.

2.Electric power is known to be transformed into light energy in the electric lamp.

3.We expect thousands of new jobs to be created in this field.

4.Deliveries of the equipment for atomic power stations are reported to grow.

5.To get those data we had to make numerous experiments.


6. The housing problems are known to rank first in today‟s country-


7.It is necessary to raise the efficiency of the use of both irrigated and drained lands.

8.To get this magazine they were to go to the library.

9.We discussed the methods to be used in our work.

Упражнение 7. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя инфинитивные обороты.

1.Многие сельскохозяйственные процессы, как известно, механизированы.

2.Сообщают, что делегация приезжает завтра в 9 часов.

3.Говорят, он работает на нашем факультете.

4.Агроном хочет, чтобы новые сорта картофеля выращивались

внашем регионе.

5.Эти растения, как известно, широко используются для кормления крупного рогатого скота.

6.Вы считаете, что эти удобрения вносятся осенью?

7.Мы хотим, чтобы новое оборудование было установлено в нашей лаборатории.

8.Декан хочет, чтобы студенты первого курса приняли участие


9.Фермеры полагают, что данные сорта огурцов будут хорошо расти в теплице.

Test № 9

Agriculture in Great Britain

Выберите правильный ответ.

1.When did peasantry appear in Britain? a) by the end of the 16th century;

b) by the beginning of the 15th century; c) by the end of the 15th century.

2.Many landowners were dissatisfied with …

a) rents of tenants; b) varieties of wheat; c) dairy cows.

3. What product produced high farm profit in Britain in the 18th century?

a) wool; b) meat; c) butter;


4.At present British agriculture is characterized by … . a) low level of efficiency;

b) loss of arable land;

c) high level of productivity.

5.Britain is the world‟s sixth largest exporter of … .

a) vegetables; b) cereals; c) poultry meat.

6. Short–stemmed varieties of wheat give … .

a)higher yields; b) low yields; c) high doses of fertilizers. 7. Is Great Britain a member of Common Market?

a)yes, she is; b) yes, it is; c) yes, they do. 8. Are strawberries grown in Britain?

a)no, it is not; b) yes, they are; c) yes, they do.

9. Are Scottish raspberries popular in this country?

a)yes, they are; b) no, it is not; c) no, the are not.

10. Friesian cows are crossed with other breeds … .

a)to get high quality milk;

b)to increase milk yields;

c)to obtain high quality meat.

11.What is one of the aims of British agricultural research


a) to improve farming methods; b) to reduce sheep production; c) to get rid of tenants.

12.What part of the country‟s needs do home-produced flour, cheese, bacon and ham meet?

a) all the country‟s needs;

b) half of the country‟s needs;

c) one third of the country‟s needs.

13.There are more than 40 breeds of … in Britain.

a) sheep; b) cows; c) pigs.

14.What is the most popular bird at the Christmas market? a) chicken; b) duck; c) turkey.

15.What are the most important glasshouse crops?

a)lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes;

b)wheat, oats and barley;

c)turnip, swede and kale.


Грамматический комментарий

Имя существительное (The Noun)

Существительные в английском языке обозначают предметы и вещества (a chair – стул, a glass – стакан), живые существа (a dog – собака, a boy – мальчик), отвлеченные понятия и явления (snow –

снег, lesson – урок).

Отличие существительных в английском языке от русского языка в том, что:

1. Обычно перед существительными ставится особая частица –

артикли a, an, the


I am a boy.

Я мальчик.

Shut the window, please.

Закройте окно, пожалуйста.

2.Только одушевленные существительные имеют два падежа:

общий (a girl, girls) и притяжательный (girl's, girls')

What is the girl's name?

Как имя девочки?

Where are the boys' balls?

Где мячи мальчиков?

3.Соответствуют прилагательным в русском языке, если употребляются в качестве беспредложного определения к другим существительным:

You must hear your class teacher. - Вы должны слушать классно-

го руководителя.

Множественное число имен существительных

В основном образуется путем прибавления окончания -s:

a table – стол

tables – столы

a girl – девочка

girls – девочки

Если исходное существ. оканчивается на -ch,-x,-sh,-ss,-o, то во множественном числе оно имеет окончание -es: