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2010 English Grammar.doc
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Ex. 1. Open the brackets, chose the proper verb can or may.

  1. He (can, may, must) iron his suit himself, why should you do it?

  2. Children (can, may, must) not remain sitting for such a long time.

  3. Oliver (can, may, must) not stay in the room for a quarter of an hour when a funny gentleman came in.

  4. Children (can, may, must) not play with a knife.

  5. You (can, may) have your photo taken. You are so pretty today.

  6. What (can, may) I do for you.

  7. He (cannot. may not) travel with you, I am sure he intends to spend his vacation in a rest home.

  8. They (can, may) not have gone to the country on such a nasty day.

  9. (May, can) I ask you a question?

  10. You (can, may) take this book for two weeks only.

  11. She is all right and (can, may) go on excursion with us.

  12. (Can, may) little children play with matches?

  13. (Can, may) I take your key, I have left mine in the office and (can, may) not get in.

  14. Pete, you (can, may) invite your friends to the party.

  15. It's raining. - Never mind, I (can, may) take my umbrella.

Ex. 2. Open the brackets, chose the proper verb.

  1. You will (can, may, be able to) speak Spanish in another few months.

  2. I'd like (can, to be able to, to have to) skate.

  3. Nobody answers the phone. They (can, must) be out.

  4. I'm sorry, I (can, could, must) have phoned to tell you I was coming.

  5. To my mind, the government (may, must) take care of old people.

  6. I (can, may, must) get up early on Mondays.

  7. The policeman told the woman she (needn't, couldn't) worry.

  8. (Could, would) you mind passing me the salt?

  9. As you (can, may, must) remember, I was always interested in scientific experiments.

  10. Little children like books with large print. They (can, may, must) read them more easily.

  11. (Could, must) I speak to Jane, please?

  12. My dentist says I (need. must) .not eat so many sweets.

  13. Why hasn't Mr. Grill got in touch with us? - I don't quite know. It (may, must) be that he has lost our phone number.

  14. Liz seems to be avoiding you. - I can't tell you for certain. She (may, must) have been hurt by my words about her boyfriend.

Ex. 3. Translate the sentences into English paying attention to the modal verbs.

  1. Вы можете снять комнату на верхнем этаже. Она в данное время свободна.

  2. Не может быть, чтобы он отсутствовал на встрече, он должен быть здесь.

  3. Здесь можно говорить громко? - Нет, нельзя.

  4. Никак не может быть, чтобы у него был большой опыт в бизнесе. Он окончил институт только в прошлом году.

  5. Бетти сказала, что я могу занять ее место, поэтому я сел рядом с тобой.

  6. Ты можешь взять все, что хочешь. В этом доме все твое.

  7. Я не думаю, что в прошлом году он читал английские книги в оригинале.

  8. Можно я зайду к вам по дороге домой? - Конечно, я всегда рад тебя видеть.

  9. Она не сумела выполнить свое обещание.

  10. Ты можешь заставить его выполнить эту работу, если ты не хочешь или не можешь сделать ее сам.

  11. Вы должны поторопиться, если не хотите опоздать.

  12. Мне сказали, что я могу пойти с ними в театр.

  13. Можно мне подождать в этой комнате? - Можно, если вы не будете мешать мне работать.

  14. Вы должны позвонить ей и все рассказать.

  15. Кто сказал вам, что я могу приступить к работе с понедельника?

  16. Уже 7 часов. Он, вероятно, скоро вернется.

  17. Дети должны проводить много времени на открытом воздухе.

  18. Ник не пришел сегодня на занятия. Он, должно быть, заболел.

Ex. 4. Which do you think is better – must or should?

  1. You know, I think you _______ take a holiday.

  2. Tell Mark he ______ tidy his room at once.

  3. Visitors are reminded that they _____ keep their bags with them.

  4. I’m sorry, but you _____ go. We don’t want you here.

  5. I really _____ go on a diet. I’ll start today.

  6. I suppose I _____ write to Aunt Rachel one of these days.

  7. You absolutely _____ check the tyres before you take the car out today.

  8. All officers _____ report to the Commanding Officer by midday.

  9. You _____ have your hair cut at least once a week.

  10. I think men _____ wear jackets and ties in restaurants.

Ex. 5. Put in must or have/has to.

  1. I’m tired. I _____ go to bed early.

  2. John _____ go to school on Saturdays.

  3. We _____ to get another dog soon.

  4. ‘This is a great book’ – ‘I _____ read it.’

  5. A soldier _____ obey orders.

  6. We _____ go to London for a meeting.

  7. I think we _____ pay in advance.

  8. You really _____ visit us soon.

  9. I _____ try to spend more time at home.

  10. You _____ go through Carlisle on the way to Glasgow.

Ex. 6. Complete the sentences using must not or do not have to.

  1. Campers _____ play music after 10 p.m.

  2. Students _____ ask permission to stay out after midnight.

  3. Bicycles _____ be parked in the front courtyard.

  4. Residents _____ hang washing out of the windows.

  5. British subjects _____ get visas to travel in Western Europe.

  6. Passengers _____ lean out of the windows.

  7. You _____ pay for your tickets now.

  8. It’s rained a lot, so we _____ water the garden.

  9. You _____ disturb your sister while she’s working.

  10. You _____ knock before you come into my room.

Ex. 7. Put in can or can’t if possible; if not, use could or will be able to.

  1. I _____ pick up tonight, if that’s convenient.

  2. I think I _____ speak English quite well in a few months.

  3. ‘We need some more oil’ ‘OK, I _____ let you some this week.’

  4. Dr. Parker _____ see you at twelve on Tuesday.

  5. She _____ walk again in a few weeks.

  6. If we took the wheels off, we _____ get it through the back door.

  7. Do you think one day people _____ travel to the stars?

  8. This week’s no good, but I _____ bring the car in next week.

  9. If I practiced a bit, I _____ be pretty good at tennis.

  10. In a few years, computers _____ think better than we do.

  11. She _____ give you a lesson this evening.

  12. I’m free at the weekend, so the kids _____ come round.

  13. I’ll post your letter, but I don’t think the postman ______ read the address.

  14. I _____ do your job with no trouble at all.

  15. We’re busy this week, but we _____ repair it by next Thursday.

Ex. 8. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative and translate them into Russian:

  1. I can show you an interesting picture of this city.

  2. He can give you his report on the life of Jack London.

  3. His brother could play the piano very well.

  4. She could translate these English tests.

  1. We must attend a lecture on German History on Tuesday.

  2. You must return my magazines on Wednesday.

  3. You must take your children to the country for the week-end.

  4. I must go to see my grandmother on my day off.

  1. You may discuss these questions after work.

  2. They may take four magazines from that shelf.

  3. She may sit on the sofa in my study.

  4. He may leave Moscow on Saturday.

Ex. 9. Answer the following questions, pay attention to the modal verbs:


  1. Can you speak English?

  2. Can you write English?

  3. How can you speak and write English?

  4. Can you read English well or badly?

  5. Can your daughter play the piano?

  6. How can she play the piano?

  7. Where can we get some English magazines?

  8. What can you see on the walls of this room?


1. Must your son attend any lectures at the University?

2. What must you do to know English well?

3. When must you come to the office?

4. With whom must you work at this report?

5. When must children go to bed?


  1. May I take your pen?

  1. When may your son go to the country?

  1. Till what time may we stay at our library?

  2. May we sometimes finish work at three o'clock on Saturday

  3. When may children go to the cinema?


1. Can you speak French well or badly?

2. What foreign language can you speak well?

3. When must you come to your lessons?

4. May I ask you a question?

5. Can you go to the park now?

6. What time may you leave the office on Saturday?

7. Who can speak German well at your office?

8. May you study at the library?

9. Where can you prepare your lessons?

10. What lesson must you read now?

11. When must you leave the office?

12. How long may your little son walk in the garden to-day?

Ex. 10. Fill in the blanks with modal verbs: must, сап or may.

  1. When you come to your lesson? - I come to my lessons at eight o'clock.

  2. You not go away now, you be here till six o'clock.

  3. I take your pen?—Yes, you . Here it is.

  4. Student N. knows English well. He translate these texts.

  5. I not translate this letter. It is too difficult.

  6. I come into the room?—No, you not.

  7. You come to your lesson in time.

  8. ___ you read this text?—Yes, I .It is easy.

  9. Who bring me "The White Fang?" I prepare a report on this book.

  10. I ____ not go to the library to-day. I have no time.

  11. You read this book. It is very easy.

Ex. 11. Chose the proper modal verb:

1. It is difficult to work with her. Sometimes she ... be very hard to deal with.

a) can b) must c) have to

2. Jack ... look for another job in a month. His position was cut back (сокращена).

a) can b) have to c) must

3. ... I park my car here? — No, you (...). It is a no parking zone.

a) can b) may c) shall

4. Simon borrowed $2, 000 for a year; the year is almost over and he ... pay it back.

a) have to b) can c) may

5. I hate to say that but I ... cancel the meeting. The proposals are not ready yet.

a) have to b) must c) need

6. She ... pass her exams otherwise she will be expelled from the University.

a) is able to b) must c) may

  1. You ... help me if you don't have time. I can do the job myself.

a) mustn't b) don't have to c) can't

  1. You ... go into that room. It's forbidden!

a) don't have to b) might c) may not

9. I ... take the bus yesterday because the subway was closed.

a) had to b) must c) could

10. If you want to be in her class you ... sign up for it by Friday.

a) must b) can c) may

11. If you explain to me how to get there I ... go by myself.

a) may b) can c) must

12. If she really tries she ... pass the exam.

a) may b) can c) must

Ex. 12. Put these sentences into the past and future tenses, use proper adverbial modifiers of time.

  1. My daughter can sing very well.

  2. Everybody can do this work.

  3. One of our students can write plays of his own.

  4. Can you play this game?

  5. This girl cannot take part in active games.

  6. You must move to another town.

  7. They must wait for us here.

  8. The airplane must land at once.

  9. The boys must run to get to the station in time.

Ex. 13. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.

  1. Our sportsmen could run as fast as Comrade M.

  2. We shall be able to see this performance to-night.

  3. Charles Goodman had to earn his living at an early age.

  4. I shall have to get off at the next stop to do some shopping.

  1. Pete had to agree with his friend because his friend was right.

  2. They had to come again because the director of the office was out at that time.

  3. I shall have to buy new gloves^ Mine are quite old.

  4. They will have to hurry not to be late for the concert.

  5. My friend had to return home to take his watch.

Ex. 14. Ask questions to the underlined words and sentences:

    1. Your son will have to stay in bed because he is still weak (4).

    2. We shall be able to go on an excursion the day after tomorrow (3).

    3. They had to put on their coats because it was very cold (3).

    4. We shall have to stay at home as it will soon begin to rain (4).

    5. They had to knock another time because no one opened the door (3).

    6. This old man could tell very funny stories (3).

Ex. 15. Answer the following questions paying attention to the use of modal verbs' equivalents:

  1. Did you have to earn your living when you were young? Why?

  2. What kind of English novels will you be able to read in a year?

  3. What did you have to do when it began to rain yesterday?

  4. Will you be able to go to the South in the summer?

  5. When will you be able to go somewhere for holiday?

  6. In what year did you move to Moscow? Why did you have to leave your native town?

  7. Did you have to go shopping last Sunday?

  8. Which of your students will be able to take part in the May Day concert?

  9. When will you be able to speak English well?

  10. Why did Gorky have to earn his living at an early age?

  11. Why did Dickens' mother have to live in the Marshalsea Prison with her children?

  12. Why did little Dickens have to help his family?

Ex. 16. Make up 5 sentences according to the following models:

Did you have to work at the office till six o'clock last Saturday?

Вам пришлось работать в учреждении до шести часов прошлую субботу?

We did not have to take а taxi. We got to the station in time by bus.

Нам не пришлось брать такси. Мы добрались до вокзала вовремя на автобусе.

Ex. 17. Translate the sentences into English paying attention to the modal verbs:


  1. Мой друг умеет хорошо говорить по-французски. Он окончил Институт иностранных языков в 1954 году.

  2. Я не могу дать вам эту книгу. 'Я должен приготовить уроки.

  3. Можно убрать эти цветы со стола? — Да, конечно.

  4. Я знаю немецкий язык плохо, но я могу переводить легкие тексты.

  5. Я не смог прочитать эту книгу. Она слишком трудна для меня.

  6. Бы хорошо играете (умеете играть) на рояле?

  7. Кто должен прийти на наш урок?

  8. Какую книгу вы можете посоветовать мне прочитать?

  9. Простите, я не могу отдать вам ваш журнал. Я забыл его вчера на работе.

  10. Вы можете перевести это предложение? Оно очень легкое.

  11. В детстве мой брат хорошо говорил (умел говорить) по-английски.

  12. Теперь он не умеет говорить ни на одном иностранном языке. Он должен снова начать изучать английский язык.

  13. Кто может ответить на мой вопрос? - Крайнев. Он много читает и хорошо знает литературу.


1. Можно войти? (Разрешите войти.)

2. Можете ли вы прийти к нам вечером?

3. Можно здесь курить (могу ли я курить здесь)?

4. Я не умею кататься на коньках, но я хорошо катаюсь (умею кататься) на лыжах.

5. Можно (мне) открыть здесь окно? (Разрешите мне открыть окно).

6. Я не могу открыть это окно. Помогите мне, пожалуйста.

7. Можно мне поговорить с вами сейчас?

8. Мой брат умеет говорить на трех иностранных языках.

Unit 6

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