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2010 English Grammar.doc
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Ex. 1. Form adjectives using derivational suffixes and translate them into Russian:

centre, form, to differ, intellect, to change, colour, taste, care, fruit, active, hope, use, home, mother, help, danger, dirt, rain, wind, sun, frost, beauty, wonder, fame, doubt, red, brown, child, chemistry, physics, history, importance, technology, Pole, Scott, Dane.

Ex. 2. Form Degrees of Comparison.

dirty, clean, near, bad, famous, little, clever, much, expensive, good, cheap, important, pale, hot, beautiful, large, practical, fat, early, pretty, happy, bright, dark, dry, flat, fresh, quick, nice, rich, sad, thin, wet, weak, easy, funny, lazy, interesting.

Ex. 3. Open the brackets using the correct form:

  1. Iron is (useful) of all metals.

  2. The Neva is (wide) and (deep) than the Moskva River.

  3. Elbrus is the (high) peak in the Caucasian mountains.

  4. If I were as (young) as you are, I'd have a walking holiday.

  5. His plan is (practical) than yours.

  6. This room is (small) than all the rooms in the house.

  7. London is the (large) city in England.

  8. Silver is (heavy) than copper.

  9. Our house is (low) than yours.

  10. This exercise is (good) than the last one.

Ex. 4. Translate into English. Pay attention to the Degrees of Comparison.

  1. Сегодня у меня меньше свободного времени, чем вчера.

  2. Этот фильм не хуже того, который я видел на прошлой неделе.

  3. Дети играли в самом дальнем углу сада.

  4. Его ответ сегодня лучше, чем два дня назад.

  5. Эта деревня находится дальше от Москвы, чем мы думали.

  6. Разве у него больше английских книг, чем у меня?

  7. Ты думаешь его доклад хуже наших? - Да, это самый неинтересный доклад.

  8. Эти туфли не хуже ваших. Я советую вам купить их.

Ex. 5. Open the brackets using the correct form of adjectives and adverbs:

  1. Out of all the lemons, that one was (самый кислый).

  2. The lines I have drawn are (более прямые, чем твои).

  3. There is another carton of milk in the fridge. Use it. I think it is (свежее).

  4. John said that he had just received (самые пренеприятные новости).

  5. Of Winston's sisters, Joanna is (самая симпатичная).

  6. A plane is (самый быстрый) means of travel.

  7. This is (самый простой) recipe for the lemon cake I have seen.

  8. During our third year at school the work is going to be (гораздо тяжелее, чем сейчас).

  9. Susan is (быстрее, чем любой другой игрок в ее команде).

  10. Thank you. I am feeling (гораздо лучше) today.

  11. He is by far (caмый умный человек) I have ever met.

  12. The superlative degree of adjectives is (более трудная) to use.

  13. I have never had (более счастливый день) in my life.

  14. Margarine is (дешевле) than butter but not (полезнее).

  15. I have never seen (более зеленую) grass.

Ex. 6. Translate the sentences into English:

  1. Сегодня у меня меньше свободного времени, чем вчера.

  2. Этот фильм не хуже того, который я видел на прошлой неделе.

  3. Дети играли в самом дальнем углу сада.

  4. Его ответ сегодня лучше, чем два дня назад.

  5. Эта деревня находится дальше от Москвы, чем мы думали.

  6. Разве у него больше английских книг, чем у меня?

  7. Ты думаешь его доклад хуже наших? - Да, это самый неинтересный доклад.

  8. Эти туфли не хуже ваших. Я советую вам купить их.

Ex. 7. Compare the following nouns according to the models:

a) Moscow is larger than our city.

Москва больше нашего города city (чем наш город).

  1. Moscow, Kiev (large).

  2. English grammar, German grammar (easy).

  3. Comrade N., Comrade P. (young).

  4. My suit-case, your suit-case (small).

  5. These sweets, those sweets (good).

  6. Sugar in my tea, in your tea (much, little).

b) Our flat is more (less) comfortable than yours.

Наша квартира более (менее) удобна, чем ваша.

  1. The English language, the Russian language (difficult).

  2. Your country-house, your flat in Moscow (comfortable).

  3. The Central Park, the Sokolniki Park (beautiful).

  4. This work, that work (important).

  5. Lesson 11, lesson 14 (interesting).

Ex. 8. Answer the following questions paying attention to the degrees of comparison:

  1. Is Moscow larger or smaller than St. Petersburg?

  2. What is the largest city in Russia?

  3. What is the most beautiful place that you know in our country?

  4. Is the Volga* longer or shorter than the Don?

  5. What is the longest river in Russia?

  6. What building is the highest in Moscow?

  7. What was the most difficult subject that you studied at the Institute?

  8. Is English grammar more or less difficult than Russian grammar?

  9. Who is the best student in your group?

  10. Is the weather worse to-day than it was yesterday?

Ex. 9. Answer the following questions paying attention to the degrees of comparison of adjectives:

  1. Здесь очень темно. Давайте заниматься в комнате № 3. Она светлее нашей.

  2. Ваше место (seat) самое неудобное.

  3. Зимой дни короче, чем летом?

  4. Какой месяц самый короткий в году?

  5. Baша дочь старше моей. Моей дочери только шесть лет, а вашей уже семь.

  6. Завтра мы поедем за город самым ранним поездом (train).

  7. Около окна холодно. Давайте сядем сюда, здесь теплее.

  8. Это менее важный вопрос, давайте обсудим его завтра. Сейчас уже очень поздно.

  9. Было очень рано, но когда я подошел к реке, мой младший брат уже сидел в лодке и ждал нас.

  10. „Сейчас вы смотрите на самое высокое здание в Москве", сказал учитель ученикам.

  11. Новая квартира сестры удобнее и светлее ее старой квартиры.

  12. Будет лучше, если вы навестите друга завтра. Сегодня он чувствует себя слишком плохо.

  13. Улицы Москвы сейчас красивее, чем они были несколько лет назад.

  14. Вы моложе сестры? — Нет. Я старше ее на два года.

  15. Вы можете показать мне самый короткий путь на Красную площадь? — Поезжайте туда на метро. Это займет у вас не более 20 минут.

  16. Эти конфеты дешевле, чем те, которые мы купили вчера.

  17. Какую еще (другую) книгу вам дать? — Дайте мне книгу чуть-чуть (немного) полегче, чем его книга.

Ex. 10. Answer the following questions paying attention to the degrees of comparison of adverbs:

  1. Do you speak English better or worse now than you spoke it three months ago?

  2. Where do you usually speak slower: at the lesson or at the examination?

  3. Do you work at your English harder now than last month?

  4. Did the students come to the lesson yesterday earlier or later than the teacher did?

  5. Which-of you makes spelling mistakes more often?

  6. Which of you can play chess best of all?

  7. Which of the new films did you like best of all?

  8. Which of you can skate fastest of all?

  9. Does it usually rain more often in September or in October?

  10. Did it snow harder in Moscow this winter than it did last winter?

  11. Why does Nick attend lectures at our club this year more seldom than he did before?

  12. Do you read more or less now than you did in your childhood?

  13. When do we usually ask people to speak louder?

  14. Do you come home earlier on Saturday or on other week-days?

Ex. 11. Make up six sentences according to the models:

I speak English worse than my sister does.

Я говорю по-английски хуже, чем моя сестра.

Comrade Nikitin knows English best of all in our group.

Товарищ Никитин знает английский язык лучше всех в нашей группе.

Ex. 12. Translate the sentences into English paying attention to the degrees of comparison of adverbs:

  1. Постучите в дверь громче, если вы вернетесь позднее 10 часов, а то мама не услышит вас. Она уже будет спать в это время.

  2. Если ты придешь домой сегодня позднее, чем вчера, будешь ужинать один.

  3. Почему вы вчера написали диктант хуже всех?

  4. Студент Ломов может лучше заниматься, если будет уделять больше времени домашним заданиям.

  5. Вы должны упорнее работать над английским языком, если хотите научиться лучше говорить по-английски.

  6. Давайте завтра пойдем в библиотеку немного раньше. Там будет меньше народу.

  7. Какая официантка в нашей столовой работает лучше всех?

  8. Завтра мы встанем раньше, чем обычно, потому что мы уезжаем на экскурсию.

  9. Какой из московских театров вам больше всего нравится?

Ex. 13. Fill in the blanks with as ... as, not so ... as and translate the sentences into Russian:

I. My husband is _____ old yours.

2. His daughter is young mine.

3. Are there many places of interest in Moscow in Leningrad?

4. This building is (not) high _____ the building of our Institute.

5. Is Lesson Sixteen simple Lesson Fifteen? —No, it is not. Lesson Sixteen is (not) simple Lesson Fifteen.

6. Have you got many friends in Leningrad in Moscow? —Yes, I have.

7. This year you do not work at your English much _____ you did last year.

8. Literature is interesting to me History.

9. Does your son study well now he did last year?

Ex. 14. Answer the following questions paying attention to the degrees of comparison of adverbs:

      1. Is St. Petersburg as big as Moscow?

      2. Do you know English as well as French?

      3. Was the weather not so fine yesterday as it is to-day?

      4. Does it usually snow in January as often as in December?

      5. How many days are there in April?

      6. What other months are as long as April?

      7. What months are longer than April?

      8. Was last winter as cold as this winter?

      9. Does it usually get warmer or colder when it begins to snow?

      10. When is the weather as fine as in May?

      11. Why is it not so difficult to get up early in summer as it is in winter?

      12. Why do you not get up as early on Sunday as on week-days?

      13. Why are you not so busy on Saturday as on the other week-days?

      14. Is it easier for you to learn a text by heart or to retell it in your own words?

      15. Why don't you work at your English in summer as hard as you did in winter?

      16. Can you learn new foreign words now as easily as you did in your childhood?

Ex. 15. Choose between the adverb and the adjective given in brackets to complete the sentences.

  1. It is (correct/correctly).

  2. Spell the word (correct/correctly).

  3. You know it (well/good).

  4. Of course, it is (well/good).

  5. It is (cold/coldly) in the room.

  6. Don’t look so (cold/coldly) at me.

  7. I can do it (easy/easily).

  8. I always worry if you come home (late/lately).

  9. You are tired. You must not work so (hard/hardly).

  10. She looks just (wonderful/wonderfully) in that new dress.

  11. I can’t hear the actors (well/good) from the last row.

  12. I think it a (real/really) good play.

  13. This soup makes me feel (bad/badly).

  14. The actress is speaking (soft/softly), but I can hear her (clear/clearly).

  15. The roses will (sure/surely) smell (sweet/sweetly).

  16. The victim of the accident looked (helpless/helplessly) across the road.

Ex. 16. Use the appropriate form of the adjectives in brackets.

  1. He is the (amusing) person you’ve ever met.

  2. She felt (bad) yesterday than two days ago.

  3. The (dim) light in the room grew (dim).

  4. Of the two evils let us choose the (little).

  5. This problem is as (serious) as the others.

  6. The (near) house is five miles away.

  7. She is much (young) than her sister.

  8. The (near) item on the programme is a piano concert.

  9. She seemed to be (angry) than I expected.

  10. The first edition of this book was (good), the new one is even (good).

  11. Try on both costumes and see which is (becoming).

Ex. 17. Use the appropriate form of the adjectives in brackets.

  1. The voices of the singers were growing (faint) and (faint) as we walked away.

  2. Your mother thinks you ought to be (respectful), she doesn’t approve of your behavior.

  3. This task is not so (difficult) as the rest.

  4. The party was as (interesting) as I had expected.

  5. David was the (talented) of the two brothers.

  6. Uncle John was the (old) son of the family.

  7. This wine is (good) I have ever tasted.

  8. What do you think of his (late) film if you saw it?

  9. She is a (kind) woman, (kind) I have ever seen. And today she has been (kind) than ever.

  10. This bedroom is (sunny) in the house.

  11. My brother is much (young) than myself.

  12. The opera house is one of the (beautiful) buildings in our city.

  13. What is (high) mountain in the world.

  14. I cannot imagine (awkward) situation.

Ex. 18. Translate the sentences into English paying attention to the degrees of comparison:

  1. Последний поезд прибывает в полночь.

  2. Моя старшая сестра на два года старше меня.

  3. Наш директор – старейший и наиболее уважаемый сотрудник этого предприятия.

  4. Этот текст гораздо труднее, чем тот, который мы переводили на днях.

  5. Комната хорошая, но все же не такая хорошая, как мне бы хотелось.

  6. У вина волшебный аромат, а на вкус оно еще лучше.

  7. Этот мальчик – старший сын моего старейшего друга.

  8. Скажите, пожалуйста, где ближайшая остановка автобуса.

  9. Эта проблема не так серьезна, как Вам кажется.

  10. Нам нужен стол поменьше, так как комната небольшая.

  11. Я читала обе статьи. Первая значительно интереснее второй.

  12. Ей столько же лет, сколько мне, хотя она и выглядит значительно моложе.

  13. Чем больше Вы будете гулять, тем лучше будет Ваше здоровье.

  14. Чет труднее задача, тем больше времени занимает ее решение.

  15. С каждым днем погода ухудшалась.

Ex. 19. Answer the following questions paying attention to the degrees of comparison of adverbs:

  1. Is it light or dark in your class-room?

  2. Is it usually cold or warm in April?

  3. Was it already late when you returned home yesterday?

  4. Was it a quarter to three or three sharp when I saw you in the restaurant yesterday?

  5. Is it usually dark or light in the streets at five o'clock in the morning in summer? (in winter?)

  6. Was it warm or cold yesterday?

  7. Will it be warm or cold tomorrow?

  8. Is it usually hot in spring or in summer?

  9. Isn't it light in this room?

  10. Won't it be late if I ring you up at eleven o'clock to-night?

  11. Is it colder or warmer to-day than it was yesterday?

  12. Is it always hotter in summer than in spring in Moscow?

  13. Which month of the year is the shortest?

  14. Is it usually warmer or colder in May than in April?

  15. Is it the shortest (longest) day of the year to-day?

  16. Is it darker in our room than in theirs?

  17. Why is it darker in their room?

Unit 3

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