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2010 English Grammar.doc
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2. Самостоятельный причастный оборот.

Предложение с самостоятельным причастным оборотом является сложным и делится запятой на две части. В каждой части сложного предложения есть свои собственные главные члены предложения, причем роль сказуемого в одной части выполняет глагол, а в другой - причастие.

The weather being fine, they went for a walk.

Так как погода была хорошая, они пошли гулять.

It being very late, they stayed home.

Так как было очень поздно, они остались дома .

There being little time left, we had to hurry.

Поскольку оставалось мало времени, нам нужно было спешить.

Способы перевода самостоятельного причастного оборота на русский язык.

1). Если самостоятельный причастный оборот стоит в начале предложения, до запятой, он переводится придаточным предложением с союзами если, когда, так как.

The work finished, we went home.

Когда работа была окончена, мы пошли домой.

Weather permitting, they will leave tomorrow.

Если погода позволит, они выедут завтра.

2). Если самостоятельный причастный оборот стоит в конце предложения, после запятой, он переводится самостоятельным предложением с союзами а, и, но, причем.

The old man tried to get up, the young man helping him.

Старик пытался встать, а молодой человек помогал ему.


Ex. 1. Form Participle I of the following verbs. Translate into Russian.

to build, to grow, to think, to bring, to determine, to use, to follow, to move, to obtain, to produce, to include, to offer, to get, to carry, to teach, to tell, to make, to begin, to save.

Ex. 2. Form Participle II of the following verbs. Translate into Russian.

to find, to send, to give, to divide, to take, to achieve, to decide, to stay, to speak, to show, to maintain, to leave, to keep, to read, to translate.

Ex. 3. Translate the following word-combinations into Russian, pay attention to the Participles.

  1. the student, attending all the lectures; the plan containing many details; the workers building a new house; the engineer using a new method; the plant producing machinery; the young man entering the Institute; the growing population of the country.

  1. using new methods; achieving good results; dividing the apple into three parts; discovering new lands; receiving important information; graduating from the Institute.

  1. having entered the Institute; having calculated the distance; having decided to leave the city; having divided the apple into three parts; having offered her his help.

d) the achieved results; all developed countries; the apple divided into three parts; help offered by the teacher; the news brought by him; the book left on the table; the railway built between two towns; the lecture read by a well-known professor; the information obtained recently; a well-done translation; a badly-made dress

Ex. 4. Translate into English:

иллюстрированный журнал; журнал, иллюстрированный известным художником; разбитое стекло; стекло, разбитое вчера; сломанный карандаш; карандаш, сломанный мальчиком; потерянный ключ; ключ, потерянный на прошлой неделе; газеты, полученные из Лондона; закрытая дверь; девушка, приглашенная на вечер; упавшее дерево; книга, упавшая со стола; украденные документы; документы, украденные у секретаря.

Ex. 5. State the form and the function of Participle I. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. He had a beautiful old house and being a man of taste he had furnished it admirably.

  2. Judging him by his figure, his movements he was still young.

  3. Being very tired with his walk he soon fell asleep.

  4. There were four girls sitting on a bench.

  5. The man came in carrying his suitcase.

  6. I am going to Saint Petersburg having friends there.

  7. Having breakfast I went out.

  8. The street was full of people going home.

  9. Watching them he drank coffee.

  10. I sat quite silent watching his face.

  11. She was always a laughing girl.

  12. It was a bright Sunday morning promising heat.

  13. While eating and drinking they talked loudly.

  14. I sat on the doorstep holding my little sister in my arms.

  15. I used to tell all my troubles to Mrs. Snow, our neighbour living next door to us.

Ex. 6. Use the appropriate form of Participle I of the verbs in brackets:

  1. (to look) out of the window she saw a man in the garden.

  2. (to descend) to the hall he came on Mr. Dunn (to cross) to his study.

  3. (to do) all that was required he was the last to leave the office.

  4. He couldn't join his friends (to be) still busy in the laboratory.

  5. (to finish) his work he phoned his manager.

  6. He left the room again (to close) the door behind him with a bang.

  7. (to turn) to the main street he ran into the children (to return) from school.

  8. (to return) from the expedition he wrote a book about Central Africa.

  9. (to inform) of their arrival the day before he came to the station to meet them.

Ex. 7. Translate the sentences into English using Participle I as an attribute.

  1. Полицейский подошел к человеку, стоявшему рядом с машиной.

  2. По обеим сторонам дороги, ведущей к церкви, росли деревья.

  3. Дети, украшавшие новогоднюю елку, играли и веселились.

  4. Девочка, так красиво украсившая елку, обладает хорошим вкусом.

  5. Балерина, танцевавшая партию Одетты, имела большой успех.

  6. Европейцы, прибывшие в Америку в 17 веке, селились в восточной части континента.

  7. Делегаты, прибывшие для участия в конференции, сегодня осматривают город.

  8. Человек, написавший эту книгу, много путешествовал.

  9. Студенты, взявшие книги в библиотеке, должны сдать их после экзамена.

  10. Я всегда с интересом читаю книги, описывающие жизнь великих людей.

Ex. 8. Translate the sentences into English using Participle I as an adverbial modifier.

  1. Получив телеграмму, моя сестра немедленно выехала в Москву.

  2. Войдя в класс, учитель поздоровался с учениками.

  3. Будьте осторожны, пересекая улицу.

  4. Прожив много лет в Англии, он хорошо говорит по-английски.

  5. Читая эту книгу, я нашел много интересных фактов.

  6. Увидев своих друзей, пришедших проводить его, он подошел к ним.

  7. Заметив меня, она остановилась.

  8. Не зная адреса Петрова, мы не смогли проведать его.

  9. Поскольку я никогда не был в Сибири (не побывав), я получил большое удовольствие от его рассказа об этом крае.

  10. Подойдя к окну, он открыл его

  11. Он взял мой словарь, не спросив разрешения.

  12. Не зная грамматики, он сделал много ошибок в разговоре.

  13. 0н уехал, не оставив адреса.

  14. Не получая от нее писем, он послал ей телеграмму.

  15. 15.Сняв пальто и шляпу, он прошел в свой кабинет.

Ex. 9. State the function of Participle II. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. London, like most cities, which have a long history, is a collection of once separated towns and villages which have grown together.

  2. The child kept silent and looked frightened.

  3. He lived in a little village situated at the foot of a hill.

  4. Seen from the hills the town looks magnificent.

  5. She entered the drawing-room accompanied by her husband,

  6. For a moment he stood as if turned into stone.

  7. He spoke when spoken to.

  8. Miss Casey though not well known in the city had been spoken well of by all people.

  9. Thus absorbed he could sit for hours.

  10. He bowed low when presented to her.

  11. A man sat at the table laid for dinner.

  12. With closed eyes he leaned on the bench.

Ex. 10. Translate the sentences into English using Participle II as an attribute.

  1. На листе бумаги было несколько строк, написанных карандашом.

  2. Вот новые учебники, присланные для нашей школы.

  3. Количество школ, построенных за последнее время, не очень велико.

  4. Девушка поставила в вазy цветы, присланные ей на день рождения.

  5. В библиотеке есть рукописи, написанные много столетий тому назад.

  6. Письма, отправленные до 12 часов, доставляются в тот же день.

  7. Музыканты говорили о днях, проведенных в Москве.

  8. Директор подписал бумаги, принесенные секретарем.

  9. Товары, экспортируемые этой фирмой, очень хорошего качества. 10. Оплата купленных товаров была произведена в Москве.

  10. Книги, издаваемые в нашей стране для детей, очень хорошо иллюстрированы.

Ex. 11. Translate the sentences into English using Participle II as an adverbial modifier.

  1. Если меня спросят, я скажу правду.

  2. Книга будет здесь, пока ее не спросят.

  3. Хотя он был очень удивлен, он не сказал ни слова.

  4. Вода кипит, когда ее нагревают до ста градусов.

  5. Когда его спросили, он ответил, что будет отсутствовать в течение трех месяцев.

  6. Если микстура не хранится в темном месте, она портится.

  7. При применении метод дал хорошие результаты.

  8. Как видно из условий контракта, товары будут отгружены немедленно.

Ex. 12. Choose Participle I or Participle II. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. What foreign and Russian companies (providing, provided) auditing and consulting services do you know?

  2. The marketing services (providing, provided) by this firm are thought very high of.

  3. The shares (buying, bought) from this investment fund will bring big dividends to their owners.

  4. People (buying, bought) shares of different state enterprises promote the process of privatization in Russia.

  5. Business (running, run) by experienced managers do not get bankrupt.

  6. The complaint (receiving, received) by the firm was given careful attention to.

  7. The wording of the clause (stipulating, stipulated) the replacement of defective goods was approved by the contracting parties.

Ex. 13. Translate the sentences paying attention to the forms and functions of the participles.

  1. We would like to contact someone in your institute interested in our programme and sharing our ideas.

  2. All the workers operating this equipment must read the instructions very carefully and follow them.

  3. The city has houses representing various architectural styles.

  4. The houses damaged by the fire will be rebuilt.

  5. Congratulating the film director on his success the speaker said that his film was a great achievement of the whole team.

  6. While introducing her guests to each other the hostess says a few kind words to each of them.

  7. When planning your daily routine don't forget to leave time for outdoor exercises.

  8. Not knowing our partners' point of view we decided not to give a definite answer.

  9. Being very strict he never allowed his students to miss classes.

Ex. 14. Read the story and use the proper forms of Participle I or Participle II. Translate the story into Russian.

The man ... at the window is my uncle John (standing, stood). He is rather unusual person. He's got five pets ... in his house (living, lived). One of these pets ... Greeny is a young crocodile (calling, called). It lives in the bathroom not ... anybody but his master to come in (allowing, allowed). The other pet is a parrot ... to speak (teaching, taught). He says rather strange things sometimes. The other two pets are bulldogs ... at everybody ... to the door of the flat (barking, barked; coming, come). It's not surprising that uncle John lives alone ... by his wife two years ago when his fifth pet - a large snake ... to him by a famous traveller appeared in his flat (leaving, left; presenting, presented).

Ex. 15. Open the brackets using Participle I or Participle II. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. The man often (to see) in our library came to ask for a new book.

  2. (To know) all the figures very well he could answer our questions.

  3. Last year I read his book (to translate) into Russian.

  4. The children came in (to push) each other.

  5. (To change) into ice water becomes a solid.

  6. She came (to carry) the child in her arms.

  7. While (to learn) the pronunciation of the words we learned their meaning.

  8. In one of the plants (to visit) the delegation was shown new types of equipment.

  9. The goods (to require) could not be shipped immediately.

  10. She frowned a little as though (to puzzle).

  11. (To finish) his dinner he sat there (to turn over) weekly papers.

  12. (To say) that he left the room.

Ex. 16. Replace the participial constructions by the attributive or adverbial clauses:

  1. It was a film about some researchers making interesting experiments in a sphere of science unknown to most оf the viewers.

  2. While reading the letter he smoked one cigarette after another.

  3. When driving in this road do not exceed 60 miles per hour.

  4. Peeling very tired he cancelled all his appointments.

  5. Being very careful he never drives dangerously.

  6. A man bringing good news is always welcome.

  7. While skating yesterday he fell and hurt himself.

  8. Having lived in this town all his life he knew it very well.

  9. She showed the travellers into the room reserved for them.

  10. Having arranged everything he went home by the 10.30 train.

  11. Books read in childhood seem like old friends.

  12. Reaching the top of the hill my companion stopped.

  13. The letter beginning with "Dear sir" was not signed.

  14. Having addressed and sealed the parcel I went out at once to the post-office.

  15. A middle-aged woman wearing a brown coat stood at the door of the cottage.

  16. The leaves lying on the ground reminded us of autumn.

  17. Being told of his arrival I went to see him.

Ex. 17. Replace the attributive clauses by the participial constructions.

  1. A large branch, which had been broken by the wind, lay across the road. 2. At a conference of the Academy of Sciences, which is now being held in Moscow, a number of important scientific problems are being discussed.

  2. He saw a small village, which was situated at the foot of the hill.

  3. I'll show you the article which has been written by my brother.

  4. The child that was left alone in the large room began to cry.

  5. They were pleased with the results which were achieved by the end of the month.

  6. He said the book which I had chosen belonged to his father.

  7. I asked the librarian to show me the magazines which were sent from Canada.

  8. There lay a loaf of bread which was divided into two halves.

  9. The English people love their green hedges which are covered with leaves and flowers in summer.

  10. The centre of the cotton industry is Manchester which is connected with Liverpool by a canal.

  11. The students have lots of exams which are held at the end of each term.

  12. We got in touch with the firm which produces computers.

  13. The firm sent us material which describes the manufacturing programme of this company.

  14. We received the cable which informed us of the arrival of the goods at our port.

  15. i6. The poster which attracted my attention advertised road-building machinery.

  16. The man who is sitting near the captain is their new coach.

  17. I do not know the name of a man who is speaking to Mr. Brown.

  18. She looked at the plane which was disappearing in the clouds.

Ex. 18. Replace the adverbial clauses by the participial constructions.

  1. When I saw him, I felt happy.

  2. As she looked out of the window she saw her father.

  3. While they were travelling in Europe they visited Spain.

  4. After he had done his homework he went for a walk,

  5. When she spoke to Peter, she asked his advice.

  6. After they had settled all the questions they had lunch.

  7. As he did not know what to do he asked his brother's advice.

  8. While he was speaking to John, he invited him to his birthday party.

  9. When they arrived at the airport, they saw their friends there.

  10. While we were crossing the bridge, we saw Dick who was speaking to an old man.

  11. As we were very tired we refused to go for a walk.

  12. As he had been taught English by a very good teacher, he knew the English language very well.

  13. When we were signing the contract we stressed the importance of using this particular material.

  14. They organized the exhibition and invited many businessmen from all over the world.

  15. They opened a new research centre and named it after a famous doctor.

  16. They wrote a reply and accepted the invitation to participate in the exhibition.

Ex. 19. Point out the Object Participial Construction with Participle I. Translate into Russian.

  1. She heard a small bird singing.

  2. We saw a taxi waiting outside.

  3. We found Mr. Black knocking at our door.

  4. I saw her packing her things.

  5. I heard the visitor walking restlessly backwards and forwards.

  6. She turned and saw him standing down there.

  7. At that moment I saw Charles sitting farther in the hall.

  8. He felt the bridge shaking under his feet.

  9. She watched him working for a long time.

Ex. 20. Point out the Object Participial Construction with Participle II. Translate into Russian.

  1. His face clouded when he heard his name spoken.

  2. She had her drawing-room redecorated.

  3. For the New Year's Eve party she wants all the furniture moved out of the room.

  4. She had her table moved to the window.

  5. When he comes next day he will find everything settled.

  6. He had his luggage sent to the station.

  7. He thought it necessary to have the walls of the room whitewashed.

  8. They found the door locked.

  9. Get the rooms dusted and aired bу the time they arrive.

  10. I have my watch repaired.

  11. I'm having a new dress made.

  12. How often do you have your carpets cleaned?

Ex. 21. Translate into English using the verb to have or to set followed by the Object Participial Construction.

  1. Я переделала свое зимнее пальто.

  2. Я не починил вчера часы.

  3. Где вы делали себе это новое платье?

  4. Где вы починили велосипед?

  5. Мне покрасили эту дверь на прошлой неделе.

  6. Она сказала, что хочет, чтобы эту бумагу напечатали как можно скорее.

  7. Они хотят, чтобы товары были отгружены на этой неделе.

  8. Я должен послать письмо своим компаньонам.

  9. Мне чинят обувь в этой мастерской.

  10. Мы решили сфотографироваться после экзаменов.

Ex. 22. Translate into English using the Object Participial Construction.

  1. Капитан наблюдал, как разгружали корабль.

  2. Я видел, как рабочие упаковывали товары.

  3. 3 Мы наблюдали, как ремонтировали машину.

  4. Мы видели, как пароход медленно плыл по реке.

  5. Я слышал, как он кричал что-то с противоположного берега.

  6. Управляющий хочет, чтобы ящики были сосчитаны и взвешены.

  7. Мы наблюдали, как он медленно подходил к воротам.

  8. Мы видели, как он искал что-то не земле.

  9. Он слышал, как она поет в саду.

  10. Я хочу, чтобы документа были отпечатаны быстро.

Ex. 23. Point out the Absolute Nominative Participial Construction. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. The weather being cold, he had no desire to walk.

  2. This being settled, the conference was over.

  3. The next morning, it being Sunday, they went to the park.

  4. All things considered, there was nothing to be done.

  5. A week later I returned from school and found the house empty, my mother being at the shops.

  6. We went back to the сamр, it being about six o'clock then.

  7. They began to mount the path, Joseph lighting the way.

  8. It being very cold, they made a fire.

  9. It was dark, the sun having set an hour before.

  10. My brother having taken the key, I could not get home.

  11. The moon being bright, everything was clearly visible.

  12. All this having been settled, we went home.

  13. The key having been lost, they could not enter the cottage.

  14. We are not giving you any particulars, the letter containing the necessary information.

  15. The novel completed, I was able to take a month's holiday.

  16. There being a strong wind that day, it was impossible to go boating.

Ex. 24. Translate into English using the Nominative Absolute Participial Construction.

  1. Так как Петр отсутствовал, Александр сам сделал эту работу.

  2. Так как было очень тепло, дети спали в саду.

  3. Корабль медленно плыл вдоль берега, и сотни птиц кружились над ним.

  4. Было очень темно, так как на небе не было звезд.

  5. Когда солнце село, туристы развели костер.

  6. Договор между Россией и КНР составлен на двух языках, причем оба текста имеют одинаковую силу (to be equally valid).

  7. Пароход не мог войти в док, так как его длина превышает 120 метров. (dock, length, to exceed).

Unit 7.

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