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Animating Commercials

Advertisers are constantly searching for ways to intrigue television viewers. And one of their latest tricks is using computer animation in their commercials: a bottle of Listenne knocks out gingivitis in a boxing ring, a Bud Light delivery truck suddenly turns into a racing car. a sheet blows off a Lexus car and then the car's skin blows off to reveal a newer Lexus underneath. Volkswagen. Alcoa. Amtrak. and 7-Up also have all taken advantage of the latest in computer graphic technology. The sophistication of the new tools means computers are better at making animated motion more fluid, and at controlling shadow and light. The resulting hard-edged, clean look of the image is somewhere between traditional animation's and photography's realistic, but stop-action images.

Ib Замена частей речи при переводе

Иногда при переводе приходится прибегать к замене частей речи. Это происходит, когда правила сочетаемости слов русского языка не позволяют сделать дословный перевод и. если эта замена не влечет за собой искажение смысла предложения. Например:

Таким образом, за десятилетия, предшествовавшие 1914 году, Германия стала сильнее Англии как в промышленном, так и в военном отношении. По данным опубл и кованного вчера в Женеве «Отчета о состоянии здравоохранения во всем мире», из числа детей и подростков, погибших от несчастных случаев в 21 стране.

During the decades before 1914 Germany had therefore become more powerful than England, both industrially and militarily.

Drowning is the biggest killer of children and young people in 21 countries? According to World Health Report published in Geneva yesterday.



наибольший процент падает на утонувших.

Задание 28. Переведите предложения, используя прием замены частей речи.

  1. Manufactures can pack their goods carefully using modern techniques both cheaply and reliably.

  2. If you thought the annoying lug' of doubt was a distinctly human trait, think again.

  3. "I get up at exactly 5:42, not a minute earlier, not a minute later", she says emphatically. She says most things with similar energy, and when the conversation turns to her work, she becomes, impossibly, even more dynamic.

  4. The-41-year-old Bassler - a professor of molecular biology, winner of a 2002 MacArthur Foundation genius award, and occasional actress, dancer and singer - studies bacteria and how they communicate among their own kind and with other species.

  5. She has figured out some of the dialects - the genetic and molecular mechanisms different species use - but is best known for identifying what might be a universal language all species share, something she has jokingly referred to as "bacterial Esperanto".

  6. In 1999 she formed a company called Quorex with a former colleague from Agouron. Although her involvement is limited at the moment, she is hopeful that the start-up will find new antibacterials.

  7. Finding better treatments has been exceptionally difficult, as several lines of research and possible drugs have hit dead ends.

1-1 Членение предложения при переводе

Членение высказываний бывает внешним, когда одновысказывание преобразуется в два или несколько и внутренним,когда происходит замена простого предложения

сложноподчиненным. Членению обычно подвергаются те английские высказывания, в которых имеются фактически два субъекта, при этом

один субъект является подлежащим предложения, а другой существует в скрытой форме.

Внутреннее членение предложения при переводе

Примером внутреннего членения предложения при переводе может быть перевод инфинитива в некоторых функциях, инфинитивных, причастных и герундиальных оборотов.

Задание 29. Проанализируйте грамматические

трансформации, происходящие в предложении при переводе инфинитива.

То improve old processes one should analyze...

To make steel harder it is necessary...

To be tested the metal is placed...

The metal to be tested is placed...

To be utilized in industry the metals are to be...

The metals to be utilized in industry are to be...

Our task is to vary the properties...

The new substance is to reinforce

Задание 30. Переведите предложения с инфинитивом в разных функциях. Обратите внимание на внутреннее членение предложений при переводе.

1. То remove the oxygen and useless materials, the iron ore along with

coke and limestone are charged into the blast furnace.

  1. Bessemer's idea was to use an egg-shaped container.

  2. To write the program the programmer must have a good understanding

of the problem for the computer.

  1. The machine to be made at our plant will differ from the previous one.

  2. The students come to the laboratory to make experiments.

  3. To understand metallurgy, knowledge of chemistry and physics is


7. To completely identify a DOS file, you must include its name and path

to the root directory.

: tug - усилие, напряжение, борьба; спор



8. These computers may not be on the same networks and require avariety of passwords and protocols to communicate.

9. Writing a computer program involves analysis of the problem to be

solved and an algorithm to solve it.

Задание 31. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на инфинитив в функции определения и на преобразования в структуре предложения, происходящие при его переводе.

  1. What are the lessons to be learned devoted to?

  2. This is not an opportunity to be thrown away.

  3. An interesting distinction to be made here is between problems and techniques.

  4. Another factor to be taken into consideration is the power of modem experimental techniques.

, 5. The rate of our know ledge growth w ill surely increase in the years to come.

  1. An important point to be dealt with in the next chapter is different techniques of data-processing.

  2. Although Earth's airless satellite was the first planetary object to be explored by spacecraft and the only body ever visited by astronauts, scientists still have many unanswered questions about its history, composition and internal structure.

Задание 32. Переведите предложения, обращая особое внимание на функцию инфинитива и внутреннее членение предложений при их переводе.

  1. A programming device is used to input the desired instructions.

  2. Push buttons (sensors), in this simple example, connected to a PLC inputs can be used to start and stop a motor connected to a PLC through a motor starter (actuator).

  3. By reprogramming the T 37 contact as a normally closed contact, the function of the circuit is changed to cause the indicator light to turn off only when the timer times out.

  4. The problem to be considered here is to determine the indication of power and energy meters as a result of their location at certain places in electric circuits, and not their indications as a result of temperature

changes, position and types of coils used, the shape of iron cores, etc., in the meters themselves.

  1. In the discussion to follow, it should be constantly kept in mind that so far as connecting them in the circuit is concerned, there is absolutely no difference between indicating and integrating power and energy meters.

  2. During the next few months, the agency will develop an intensive monitoring program to begin in January.

  3. The first women to work outside the house in substantial numbers were single farm girls who took jobs in the new textile mills of new England beginning in the 1820s.

U.I Задание 33. Переведите текст, обращая особое внимание на перевод инфинитива.

The design of an automatic computer is not a simple matter. To understand how to use a computer one must fully appreciate its design. Therefore, a brief introduction to the logical design is necessary for the users to understand the underlying idea. To present some background material on theoretical and philosophical aspects of information processing is to give the user more profound understanding of computers* application. From what has been said above, it is clear that a computer may be thought of both as a machine by which to handle information and a machine by which to transform one set of symbols into another. For the user it is a machine to process the information, a way to obtain an output by applying to an input a specified sequence of logical operations. The designer considers a computer to be a device for applying a sequence of logic operations to symbols representing information.

Since mathematical operations are a particular group of logic operations, the consideration of logic operations by definition includes mathematical operations. To appreciate the significance of the conventional character of logic, and to gain some understanding of computer logical design we must consider a few simple games. These games are to illustrate some significant factors.

Рубцова М.Г. Чтение и перевод научно-технической литературы [Текст] : лексико-грамматический справочник / М.Г.Рубцова. - М. : ООО «Издательство Астрель\>.,2002г. -С. 265.



Объектный инфинитивный оборот (Complex Object)

подлежащее + сказуемое + дополнение + Infinitive

1. I have never known him to be working at this problem.

2. I know him to have informed about the meeting.


  1. Я никогда не знал, что он в то время работал над этой проблемой.

  2. Я знаю, что ему сообщили о собрании.

Объектный инфинитивный оборот состоит из существительного в общем падеже или местоимения в объектном падеже и инфинитива. Употребляется после глаголов, выражающих желание (want, wish) и умозаключения, например:

to appear - казаться (что), по-видимому

to expect - предполагать, ожидать (что)

to consider - считать, думать (что)

to take - принимать, считать (что)

to believe - считать, полагать (что)

to prove - оказываться, доказывать (что)

to hold - полагать, считать (что)

to have, to get - добиваться того, чтобы, заствлять

to make, to force, to cause, to lead - заставлять, вынуждать, делать так.


Задание 34. Сравните пары предложений, обращая внимание на изменение структуры предложений при переводе объектного инфинитивного оборота.

  1. The engineer wants to carry out some experiments.

  2. The chemist expected to obtain a new substance with some new properties.

  3. I'd like to repeat this reaction.

  1. The engineer wants the students to carry out some experiments.

  2. The chemist expected his assistant to obtain a new substance with some new properties.

  3. I'd like this reaction to be

repeated. Задание 35. Переведите предложения, в состав которых входит объектный инфинитивный оборот, и проанализируйте изменения структуры предложений при переводе.

  1. They consider the methods of purifying materials to have undergone great changes in recent years.

  2. The scientist supposed the presence of the second element to change the stable form of a solid metal.

  3. The teacher wanted his students to type the text as quickly as possible.

  4. I know him to be the best programmer in this team.

  5. We consider Norbert Wiener to be the father of Cybernetics.

  6. The customers expected the company to provide them with technical support.

  7. Due to the fast development of IT technology we expect this type of dual system to be in place within just a few years.

Ill После глаголов, выражающих физическое восприятие (to see, to hear, to feel, to watch) инфинитив употребляется без частицы to.

Задание 36. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на внутреннее членение предломсений при переводе объектного инфинитивного оборота.

l.The visitors saw the skilled worker assemble the tiny devices very quickly. 2. We can make an atom serve the needs of man. 3. The technician felt something heavy strike the platform. 4. I have never heard anyone give so much interesting information in one report. 5. The great heat made the engineer utilize other working conditions. 6. He didn't hear anybody enter the laboratory.

А Задание 37. Переведите текст', выделяя оборот «дополнение с инфинитивом». Сравните грамматическую структуру переведенных предложений и подлинника,

Рубцова М.Г. Чтение и перевод научно-технической литературы [Текст] : лекеико-грамматический справочник / М.Г.Рубцова. - М. : ООО ЧИздательство Астрел^>., 2002 г. -С. 278.



Men of science consider Lobachevsky to be a great mathematician. The whole world knows Lobachevsky to have strictly demonstrated and explained the principles of the theory of parallel lines, We consider him to be a great organizer of popular education, and we know him to have written much on the problems of education.

Lobachevsky was born on December 1. 1792 near Nizhny Novgorod. His father died when he was only a child, leaving the family in extreme poverty. The family moved to Kazan where Lobachevsky was admitted to the gymnasium. We know his progress to have been extremely rapid in mathematics and classics. At the age of 14 he entered the University of Kazan where he is known to have spent 40 years as a student, assistant professor, and finally rector. Under his direction great improvements were made at the University. We know an observatory to have been founded and equipped and a mechanical workshop to have been established.

For 2200 years all the mankind believed Euclid to have discovered an absolute truth. Lobachevsky proved Euclid's axiom on parallel lines not to be true. He built a new geometrical theory quite different from that of Euclid. We know his ideas to have greatly influenced not only geometry, but mechanics, physics, astronomy as well. Like Galileo. Copernicus and Newton he is one of those who laid the foundation of science.

й Абсолютный (независимый) инфинитивный оборот

Абсолютный (независимый) инфинитивный оборот обычно стоит в конце предложения и вводится союзом with. При переводе часто используются союзы: причем, а, и. Переводя инфинитив, сказуемым придаточного предложения, русский глагол ставится или в форму будущего времени, или переводится со словом должен.

Задание 38. Прочитайте образец перевода независимого инфинитивного оборота и переведите предложения с этим оборотом.

The acid production will be doubled Производство кислоты будетwith one third of the product to be удвоено, причем одна третьshipped to the works. продукции будет отправлена на


  1. We asked him to help us. the work to be done in a week.

  2. We shall make the experiment with the raw materials to be taken from another laboratory.

  3. The primary objective is to develop a framework (структура) to support uniform access to a diverse collection of tools (набор средств), some already existing and some to be developed.

  4. We are going to overcome this difficulty with various means to be tried.

  5. There are two approaches to the solution of the problem, one to be used in analytical investigations, the other is simulation.

  6. A brief overview is given in this paper of some concepts required for applying formal methods to software design (проектирование математического обеспечения), with examples to show how they may be used.

  7. It also meant that the machine could work on different tasks by simply installing the required set of instructions and data, with a mechanism to select the appropriate set when needed.

И Субъектный инфинитивный оборот (Complex Subject)

Сложноподчиненные предложения с главным предложением, выраженным неопределенно-личным оборотом типа it is said (говорят), it is known (известно), it seems (кажется), it is likely (вероятно), имеет свой эквивалент - простое предложение, в которое входит особая конструкция Complex Subject («Сложное подлежащее с инфинитивом» или «Субъектный инфинитивный оборот»). Эта конструкция, выраженная существительным в общем падеже или местоимением в именительном падеже с инфинитивом, переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением:

// is said that they are students of Siberian State Industrial University. = They are said to be students of Siberian State Industrial University. Говорят, что они студенты Сибирского Государственного индустриального университета.

Сказуемое английского предложения (are said) при переводе на русский язык преобразуется в сказуемое главного предложения, представляющее собой неопределенно-личный оборот (говорят), подлежащее (they) становится подлежащим русского придаточного



предложения, а инфинитив (to be) - его сказуемым. Придаточное предложение в русском переводе вводится союзом что.

«Сложное подлежащее с инфинитивом» употребляется с глаголами, обозначающими утверждение, знание. просьбу, приказание и физическое восприятие: to say, to know, to think, to report, to suppose, to expect, to see, to hear, а также:

to be likely - вероятно

to be unlikely - маловероятно

to be apt - возможно, вероятно

to be sure - наверняка

to be certain - безусловно

Глаголы to seem, to appear, (казаться), to prove, to turn out (оказаться), to happen (случаться), также использующиеся в"Сотр1ех Subject." могут стоять в действительном залоге.

This device proves to operate well. Оказывается, этот механизм хорошо работает.

Задание 39. Переведите предложения, соблюдая правила перевода субъектного инфинитивного оборота и анализируя структурные изменения предложения, происходящие при его переводе.

  1. This type of computer is said to be the best.

  2. A keyboard, a mouse and a monitor are known to be the parts of computer hardware.

  3. Many materials seem to be mixtures of isotopes.

  4. The computer proves to be able to do computation in milliseconds.

  5. This type of computer control plant operation is considered to be the most profitable.

  6. This support team is known to work successfully for the company.

  7. Technical engineers were expected to install all the computers at the plant.

  8. Regarding the architecture of future automation systems, it is proposed to divide these into systems for the basic control of the fumace-which are expected to have a live time similar to any one of the mechanical parts.

  9. The action is said to culminate on Thursday.

  10. Internally, the moon also appears to be quite lumpy.

0» Задание 40. Письменно переведите предложения, обращая внимание на их внутреннее членение при переводе конструкции Complex Subject

  1. I argue that the level of dangerous anthropogenic influence is likely to be set by the global temperature and planetary radiation imbalance at which substantial deglaciation becomes practically impossible to avoid.

  2. Thus, they are found to be successful in setting up a Regional innovation system and in positioning themselves as regional technology innovation leaders.

  3. "I am not meant to be stopped in time."* she laughs."' I am supposed to be every where at any time."

  4. Accounting is often said to be the language of business.

5. Fortuitously (случайно), an existing drug is proving highly effective.Traditionally used to prevent bleeding, the hormone vasopressin hasunexpectedly turned out to be powerful as a treatment for shock.

6. Both quantum theory and general relativity are expected to have largeeffects.

ffl Задание 41. Прочитайте текст. Найдите предложение с субъектным инфинитивным оборотом и переведите его. Сделайте устный перевод всего текста. Назовите виды переводческих преобразований, целесообразных при переводе выделен н ых предложений.