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The Other Half of the Brain

The recent book Driving Mr. Albert tells the true story of pathologist Thomas Harvey, who performed the autopsy of Albert Einstein in 1955. After finishing his task, Harvey irreverently took Einstein's brain home, where he kept it floating in a plastic container for the next 40 years. From time to time Harvey doled out small brain slices to scientists and



pseudoscientists around the world who probed the tissue for clues to Einstein's genius. But when Harvey reached his 80s, he placed what was left of the brain in the trunk of his Buick Skylark and embarked on a road trip across the country to return it to Einstein's granddaughter.

One of the respected scientists who examined sections of the prized brain was Martin C. Diamond of the University of California at Berkeley. She found nothing unusual about the number or size of its neurons (nerve cells). But in the association cortex, responsible for high-level cognition, she did discover a surprisingly large number of nonneuronal cells known as glia - a much greater concentration than that found in the average Albert's head.

An odd curiosity? Perhaps not. A growing body of evidence suggests that glial cells play a far more important role than historically presumed. For decades, physiologists focused on neurons as the brain's prime communicators. Glia. even though they outnumber nerve cells nine to one. were thought to have only a maintenance role: bringing nutrients from blood vessels to neurons, maintaining a healthy balance of ions in the brain, and warding off pathogens that evaded the immune system. Propped up by glia. neurons were free to communicate across tiny contact points called synapses and to establish a web of connections that allow us to think, remember and jump for joy.

That long-held model of brain function could change dramatically if new findings about glia pan out. In the past several years, sensitive imaging tests have shown that neurons and glia engage in a two-way dialogue from embryonic development through old age. Glia influence the formation of synapses and help to determine which neural connections get stronger or weaker over time: such changes are essential to learning and to storing long-term memories. And the most recent work shows that glia also communicate among themselves, in a separate but parallel network to the neural network, influencing how well the brain performs. Neuroscientists are cautious about assigning new prominence to glia too quickly, yet they are excited by the prospect that more than half the brain has gone largely unexplored and may contain a trove of information about how the mind works.

Текст 8. а) Прочитайте первый абзац текста и переведите его на русский язык, учитывая переводческий комментарий, данный ниже.

A Confederacy of Smarts

Can a Microsoft's assemblage of all-star researchers transform computing?

Thousands of Microsoft product developers - a sea of tieless (1) shirts, dress pants and jeans - have descended (2) on a nondescript building on the company's main campus in Redmond. Wash., one drizzly day in early March. Inside, rows of booths display the latest intellectual output from many of the 700 scientists who make up the software maker s research division. (3) At one booth, there is (4) a microphone that eliminates background noise. (3) At another is software that converts a video image of a face into a graphic animation. Moving along, the visitor comes across a digital camera worn on the body of an exhibitor that snaps a frame every time the camera senses a change in temperature or light. creating a comprehensive record of a person's entire waking life. (6) The annual event, called TechFest, is a means of ensuring that product developers stay aw are of what the research side is doing.

1, 2 - лексические соответствия; 3. - атрибутивная группа: 4 -конкретизация: 5 - объединение высказываний: 6 - смысловое развитие (причина-следствие)

б) Прочитайте второй абзац текста. Сопоставьте текст оригинала и перевода. Найдите переводческие ошибки и недочеты, квалифицируйте их и исправьте.

The displays demonstrate а На дисплеях можно увидеть

mix of ingenuity and cuteness всевозможные хитроумные

typical of academic computer новшества, как это обычно

Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology imme­diately comes to mind. More startling than the displays themselves are some of the individuals walking the floor at the exhibition. Among them are

science departments. The Media бывает в научных компью-

терных отделах, например, сразу вспоминается Медиа Лэб в Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Еще более уди­вительными, чем дисплеи, кажутся некоторые люди, гуляющие по выставке. Среди



Умные датчики под­ключат к сети весь мир.Появляющийся классминиатюрных компью­теров, снабженных дат­чиками и соединенныхмежду' собой припомощи радио, сможетобразовать перспекти­вные сети, способныенаблюдать за работойфабрики, магазина идаже экосистемы. Такиеустройства теснее

свяжут между собой мир виртуальный и

Текст 9. Прочитайте предложенные ниже задания.

Smart Sensors to Network the World

An emerging class of pillbox-size computers, outfitted with sensors and linked together by radios, can form perspective networks able to

engineers, mathematicians and programmers, some of whose ponytails are now graying, who would be shoo-ins for a Computer Science Hall of Fame. Meet C. Gordon Bell, an inventor of the minicomputer. Or James Kajiya, creator of some of the mathematics underlying computer graphics rendering and winner of an Academy Award for technical achievement. Then there is James Gray, a giant in database. These legendary figures have not come for a casual visit. During the past 13 years, using its enormous cash stockpiles. Microsoft has hired scores of these techno-vvizards from universities and competitors to create one of the largest concentrations of talent the field has ever seen.

них можно увидеть инженеров,математиков и программистов,некоторые из них, сзавязанными в «конскийхвост» уже седеющими воло­сами - возможные претендентына место в Галерее Славыкомпьютерной науки. Позна­комьтесь с Гордоном Беллом,изобретателем мини ком-

пьютера. Или с ДжеймсомКаджийа. который матема­тически обосновал компью­терную график) и получилОскара за техническиедостижения. Здесь можновстретить Джеймса Грея -непревзойденного знатока

базы данных. Эти легендарные фигуры здесь не случайно. В течение последних 13 лет, используя огромные денежные средства. Майкрософт нани­мает десятки специалистов из разных университетов и переманивает их у конку­рентов, чтобы создать самую большую концентрацию та­лантов, невиданную до сих пор в этой области.

текст, затем выполните

monitor a factory, a store - even an ecosystem. Such devices will more intimately connect the cyberworld to the real world.

Today we coddle our computers. They are fragile and expensive, so each typically belongs to an owner who looks after it. When we need to connect many of them into a single system, we hire experts and set aside large amounts of time and money for the job. The sheltered cyberworld of computers still hardly intersects with the real world of birds and trees, ships and bridges.

Where the two worlds do connect, it is often because people have carefully altered objects and methods of work to be computer friendly. Stores stick bar codes on everything they sell or ship. Warehouse clerks attach radio-frequency identification (RF1D) tags to pallets. Tagged goods must then funnel through a few scanners so that the computers can do their accounting.

0Ш а) Прочитайте три варианта перевода заголовка статьи и вступления к ней. Отметьте неточности перевода, квалифицируйте их, выберите наиболее адекватный вариант или соедините наиболее удачные предложения из разных вариантов для получения нового перевода, или сделайте свой собственный перевод.

Шикарные сенсоры, ко­торые соединят мир вединую сеть.При помощи маленькихкомпьютеров размеромс коробочку для пи­люль, с датчиками ирадиосвязью, можносоздать многофункци­ональные сети, конт­ролирующие работуфабрики, магазина ицелой экосистемы.Такие приборы ещебольше соединяткиберпространство с

Программируемые дат­чики опутают весь земной шар.

Следить за работойфабрики, магазина идаже целой экосистемыспособны крошечныекомпьютеры нового

поколения. Они осна­щены специальными датчиками и радио­связью, соединяющую их в единую сеть, что в перспективе теснее свя­жет между собой два мира - компьютерный и



реальным миром.


The Quest for Affordable Energy

  1. Письменно переведите первый и второй абзацы текста. Обратите внимание на перевод подчеркнутых слов, словосочетаний и предложений.

  2. Поменяйтесь переводами с соседом по парте. Прочитайте его вариант, отметьте неточности или смысловые ошибки перевода. Предложите свой вариант их исправления.

  3. .Обратите внимание на удачный перевод слов, словосочетаний или отдельных предложений. Квалифицируйте использованные переводческие приемы.

e) .Оцените качество всего перевода с точки зрениянорм русского языка.

А Текст 10. Письменно переведите текст, учитывая переводческий комментарий.

  • Thumb-size (1) computers called motes (2) combine microprocessors and memory with radio transceivers, onboard power supplies and a variety of sensors.

  • Moles are inexpensive enough to deploy by the thousands in factories, farms or wildernesses. (3) Each mote can collect and analyze sensor readings independently but can also link up with neighboring motes in a meshlike perceptive network. (4)

  • Motes are already being manufactured by Intel and others. Early prototype systems have helped biologists study seabird nests and redwood groves. Perceptive networks are also being developed to monitor vibrations of manufacturing equipment, strain on bridges, and people in retirement homes.

1. лексическое соответствие 2. определить переводческий прием: выбор лексического соответствия, описательный перевод или транскрипция? 3. лексическое соответствие 4. атрибутивная группа

Текст 11. Сделайте резюмирующий перевод данной рецензии на статью. Затем сделайте выборочный перевод части текста, в которой рассказывается об авторе рецензируемой книги.


Asking the hard questions - and providing some answers

By John P. Holdren

"Power to the People: how the coming energy revolution will transform an industry, change our lives, and maybe even save the planet".

by Vijay Vaitseeswaran, 2003

Energy is the lifeblood of industrial civilization and an absolutely necessary (albeit certainly not sufficient) condition for lifting the world's poor from their poverty. But current methods of mobilizing civilization's energy are more disruptive than anything else that humans do.

The following question defines the core of the energy challenge in the century before us: how can we supply enough affordable energy to permit the billions who are currently poor (and the billions more who will be added to their numbers in the decades ahead) to attain prosperity - and to sustain and expand the prosperity of those already rich - without suffering intolerable damage to the environmental dimensions of human well-being in industrial and developing countries alike?

How difficult will meeting this challenge be? Can the privatization of energy sectors in the developing countries and the restructuring and deregulation of energy sectors in industrial countries be accomplished in ways that provide the economic benefits of competition while still preserving essential public benefits such as the reliability and resilience of the electricity system?

In his book. "Power to the People". Vijay Vaitheeswaran tackles these and the other hard questions at the core of society's energy dilemmas with style, balance and insight. The style is entertaining and accessible. The balance is impeccable - Vaitheeswaran generally lets the most forceful and effective exponents on different sides of the major issues state their case in their own words - but after ventilating the various positions he is not afraid to let the reader know where he comes out.

And this is where the insight comes in. Vaitheeswaran brings to these questions the respect for markets and marketlike mechanisms of a writer for the Economist, the understanding of technology of an MIT-trained engineer, and the sympathy for the plight of the world's poor of an


individual born in India - all of which he happens to be. He also happens to have, in my judgment, a good sense of how to think about - and convey - the interplay of the economic, technological, environmental and sociopolitical dimensions of the energy issue as well as the reasons that the uncertainties afflicting our knowledge of all the dimensions do not add up to a good reason for inaction.

Among the critically important points about all this that the book convincingly conveys:

  • Civilization is no immediate danger of running out of energy or even just out of oil. But we are running out of environment - that is. out of the capacity of the environment to absorb energy's impacts without risk of intolerable disruption - and our heavy dependence on oil in particular entails not only environmental but also economic and political liabilities.

  • Choices that countries make about energy supply commit them to those choices for decades, because power plants and other energy facilities typically last for 40 years or more and are too costly to replace before they wear out. This is one of the reasons it is imprudent in the extreme to wait for even more evidence than we already have before letting climate-change risks start to influence which energy options we choose.

  • Energy technologies that exist or are under development could greatly increase energy efficiency in residencies and businesses, reduce dependence on oil. accelerate the provision of energy services to the world's poor, increase the reliability and resilience of electricity grids, and shrink the impacts of energy supply on climate and other environmental values. The most promising of these options include renewable sources of a variety of types, advanced fossil-fuel technologies that can capture and sequester carbon, and hydrogen-powered fuel cells for vehicle propulsion and dispersed electricity generation.

There are a few small technical slips in the elaboration of all this, but not many, and none that matter to the thrust of the argument.

Written for the intelligent layperson. Vaitheeswaran's book is by far the most helpful, entertaining, up-to-date and accessible treatment of the energy-economy-environment problem available. Its title. Power to the People, might strike some at first as too cute or too presumptuous. By the time I finished the book, though. I thought the title was apt. and in more ways than one. One must hope that knowledge translates to power in the

political sense and that the knowledge to the people conveyed here willhelp lead to the political outcomes needed to bring the book's optimisticvision into being. Scientific American

£я Текст 12. Письменно переведите текст.

Отредактируйте ваш перевод, учитывая нормы русского языка. Обратите внимание на передачу собственных имен и названия учреждений.

For some people, burning leaves and the woody, damp crisp smell of fall can do it. For others, it may take rosewater or lavender, the peculiar but particular mush- dust of a certain attic or the stiff starch perfume of an ironed shirt. Whatever it may be that pulls your past into your present, that evokes a powerful and visceral remembrance, a rare experience of simultaneity. Rachel S. Herz plans to get to the bottom of it.

The psychologist at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia has been studying these phenomena for a decade, examining how smell, memory and emotion are related. Although the link between odor and recollection is something most people are familiar with as well as fascinated by, Herz is one of a surprisingly small number of researchers examining its underpinnings and implications. Her work has shown that odor is indeed a potent memory cue - but that it is better for recalling emotion than for recalling fact. She has explored, among other things, sexual differences in smell and mate selection, the role odor can play in performance on tests, hemispheric variations in the perception of scents and the influence of words on how we sense smell.

Текст 13. Сделайте письменный перевод текста, используя приемы перевода лексики и прибегая к грамматическим трансформациям та.», где это целесообразно. Назовите эти переводческие приемы и трансформации.

Cool Shirt

Sweat cools your body as it evaporates from the skin, but clothing traps that moisture, raising body temperature and causing you to sweat even more. To help, garment makers are infusing the athletic-apparel



market with "'moisture management" fabrics that wide away sweat and dry quickly - and these are just the first of high-tech clothes to come.

Several factors enhance fabrics such as Coolmax from DuPont and Moistex from Asahi Kasei. Manufactures are extruding advanced polyesters into fibers with a moisture content as low as 0.5 percent, versus 4 percent for nylon and 6 to 7 percent for cotton, so that they wick and dry more quickly. New extrusion techniques also allow makers to produce fibers with unusually shaped cross sections that channel away sweat. Crafting the coolest fabric "is a balancing act of many properties." says Michael Hunt, senior research chemist at DuPont Textiles and Interiors in High Point, N.C.

To make winter gear that dissipates moisture but holds in heat, manufacturers use specially extruded hollow fibers that retain insulating air. "The hair in polar bear fur is hollow." Hunt notes. CW-X, Under Armour and other makers of so-called compression garments, which help to hold muscles in place, are also combining the wicking fibers with the compressing strands (often Lycra) so that the snug fit doesn't cause athletes to overheat.

Scientists are vying to create smart fabrics that actually react to changing conditions, such as shirts that change color in sunlight and airy-jackets that suddenly become waterproof when raindrops hit. They are conductive fibers made of polymers doped with additives, such as camphorsulfonic acid, that can conduct charge. Rain would alter the fabric's conductivity, causing dopants to shrink, pulling closed a garment's pores.

"We have produced conductive yarns and have woven them into fabric." says Frank Ко. materials engineering professor at Drexel University. But products are at least several years away. "The challenge now"'. Ко adds, "is to make the fabric stable enough to survive sweat and tough enough to survive the washing machine."

А Текст 14. Прочитайте рекламные материалы о промышленности, научно-исследовательских институтах и высших учебных заведениях Кореи. Сделайте резюмирующий перевод одной статьи и письменный перевод выделенных в ней предложений.

Korea, Fair Trader in World Steel

The World's Fifth-Largest Steel Producer

Spurred by the continuous expansion of domestic steel-consuming industries-such as the automobile, shipbuilding and machinery industries-along with rapid economic growth. Korea today produces over 17 times more steel than just three decades ago. Production has climbed from a mere 2.6 million tons of crude steel in 1975 to 45.4 million tons in 2002. Currently. Korea is the world's fifth-largest producer, generating 5.0% of the global crude steel production and accounting for 4.5% of global steel exports.

The Korean steel industry has exhibited remarkable growth since POSCO's completion of its first phase of construction in 1973. Steelmakers continue to meet rigorous quality standards and various needs of the market by expanding production of value-added materials, such as high strength low alloy steel, EDDQ and stainless steel.

In addition, Korea completed construction of the world's first FINEX Demo Plant in 2003 and is attempting to develop related technologies in order to commercialize this know-how by the year 2008. This is a very significant development because FINEX is an innovative next-generation iron-making process, one that is expected to replace the blast furnace method currently used worldwide.

Promoting Joint Development

Korea is actively participating in international cooperation lo grow in partnership with other members of the global steel community. The industry has been communicating closely with key steel-trading partners including those in the US. the EU and Japan in an effort to promote cooperation in the steel-sector. Korean steelmakers are particularly active in supporting multilateral negotiations in OECD fora. endorsing a reduction of excessive sleelmaking capacity worldwide and the elimination of governmental subsidies.

Furthermore. Korea is scheduled to open its domestic market through removal of local tariffs on steel imports from 2004; we are recognized as a fair trader in the international steel markets. In the meantime, the countrv is establishing itself as a role model for international collaboration by pursuing joint-investment projects with steel businesses in the US. China and others.




КГГЕСН: Innovation Leader in Manufacturing Technology

Founded in 1989. the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH) places the greatest emphasis on "application" of its R&D efforts. This reflects the institute's very reason for existence: technology development and support for the small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) of Korea.

Accordingly, there was an increasing demand for an agency dedicated to meeting the demands from those in manufacturing production The need was for agency able to support industrial production technologies, something quite different from the needs of basic science.

Also important in the birth of KITECH was the perceived need for genera/ and long-term technology policies, ambitions ones different in nature from those in the past. KITECH has made its way to the future it promised hy pursuing a coherent goal of developing and supporting production technologies. Its innovation efforts for traditional industries, and development activities for advanced technologies, have been applied widely: from developing and supporting weak technologies on the production front to formulation of large-scale national policy projects whose ripple effect has been to spread across industries. Only based on solid foundations can high technology achievement he possible.

KITECH's application rate of R&D projects is 71%. the result of its conviction and hard work This places KITECH at the top among all the research institutes under the Korean government.

The Institute supports SMEs b\ dealing with an average of 30,000 cases a year. Without its efforts, to lower die criteria applied to enterprises and to establish a new communication system, a public agency could not have achieved such impressive performance results.

KITECH was originated "in the field" and invented as it pursued its efforts for applications. Now it aims to innovate, and for that its organization has recently been rearranged Having reached the initial goal-"To be the best research institute specialized in manufacturing technologies"-KITECH needed a new inspiration: "Being the world's best."

There is no doubt that KITECH's brisk efforts and activities to support Korean enterprises through the development of application-

oriented technologies will play a pivotal role in making Korea a nation of strong technology power earlier than expected.

An Automotive Technology, Research and Service Center KATECH

Since its first, original model passenger car in 1976, the Korean automobile manufacturing industry has grown to become fifth-largest in the world. This remarkable achievement has been made possible due to strategic investments by automobile manufacturers and their close cooperation with the Korean automotive component industry which is mostly comprised of small- and medium-sized enterprises. The two industries have undergone a severe restructuring process since the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997 and, these days, are bouncing back very strongly with much enhanced quality and cost effectiveness as is demonstrated by their increased market share in the US and Europe.

Located at the center of the Korean peninsula (in Chonan. Chungnam Province), the Korea Automotive Technology Institute (KATECH) is a research organization established through a joint sponsorship of the two industries. The main purpose of the institute is effectively to support Korean automotive component suppliers in their effort to enhance their technological levels, which have been hampered by the dearth of sufficient basic technology. R&D engineers, equipment and test facilities. Since its establishment in 1990, KATECH has been actively developing various key automotive technologies in cooperation with the two industries.

Next Generation Vehicle Technology Development Project has been one of the most important R&D projects undertaken by KATECH. The project was a long-term, large-scale national project over a period often years, from 1992 to 2002, and its main effort was devoted to the development of technologies related to the areas of low emission, safety and the electric vehicle. Key technologies for GDI engine, HSDI diesel engine, CNG vehicle. VDS. ECD, advanced safety vehicle, navigation, ITS, hybrid vehicle and fuel cell vehicle have been developed through the project. Many of these have been already commercialized in the world market by Korean automobile manufacturers and component suppliers.

KATECH is preparing to launch another long-term, large-scale national project-Future Vehicle Technology Development Project-that will



continue for the next ten years. In carrying out the project, much R&D effort will be concentrated on hybrid vehicles, the fuel cell vehicle and the smart vehicle with telematics, areas which have been designated as "Growth Engine" for the future of Korea.

In addition to its R&D activities. KATECH is providing various services such as component performance test and evaluation, reliability testing and assessment, vehicle test, information and technical training as needed by the industries.

KATECH is planning to broaden and strengthen its horizon of joint technological cooperation with outstanding international research organizations such as the University of South Carolina in the US, Fraunhofer Institute-LBF in Germany and NTSEL in Japan-working in the fields of fuel cells, durability' design of components. DME diesel engine and the like.

Based on its accumulated technologies and experience. KATECH is striving to become a leading automotive technology research institute in Korea, ready to expand its areas of activities to the world. The door of KATECH is wide open not only to Korean industries but also to industries abroad.

Korea Electronics Technology Institute: Striving for Core Expertise

About the Institute

Established in 1991 as a government-funded institute under the supervision of MOCIE (Ministry of Commerce. Industry and Energy) of the Republic of Korea, the Korea Electronics Technology Institute ("the KET1", http://www.keti.re.kr) reinforces the international competitiveness of the electronics, information and other related components industries by fostering the R&D necessary for technological innovation and by supporting small and medium enterprises.

Although the KETI employs only around 310 researchers and 50 staff, it has published more than 810 papers and secured 530 global-wide patents since 2000. Its budget for the year 2003 is about USD 48 million.

KETI's R&D Fields

With the object of enhancing the technological level of Korea's domestic electronics and information industries, national competitiveness and technological independence in the future, the KETI is concentrating in

organized R&D, ranging from high technology key components (which are highly dependent on foreign technology) to machinery systems.

There are three core R&D divisions within the KETI. First, the Electronic Components Materials R&D division focuses on high-frequency materials, optical telecommunication, wireless communication, information display, precision machinery, reliability and failure analysis.

Second, the electronic system R&D division places emphasis on SoC, ubiquitous computing, digital multimedia broadcasting, wireless personal area networks and home networks.

Finally, the nano-fusion technology R&D division concentrates on NEM5 (nano-electro mechanical systems), guantum devices, data storage for mobile electronic devices, the solar cell and nano-based biotech.

Kyung Нее University: Display Technology and Oriental Medicine

Kyung Нее University Advanced Display Research Center: Overview

The Advanced Display Research Center (ADRC) was established in 2001. based on the TFT-LCD National Lab (since 1999) and LCD research association (since 1997), located at Kyung Нее. The Center collaborates with Korean display-related companies for the development of new materials and devices for TFT-LCD. OLED, FED, etc. The ADRC has a clean room facility providing a full range of processing capabilities for TFT arrays up to 6" by 6" including deposition, etching and photolithography. It is supported by the Korean government (Ministry of Commerce. Industry and Energy) and is open for use by both the academic and industrial R&D communities. At present, graduate students in Ph.D. or M.Sc. or M.Eng. programs are conducting basic research for thin-film devices for displays and other applications. Since 1998, more than 100 papers in SCI-rated journals were published and 200 technical papers have been presented in international conferences. Major Research Areas

Amorphous silicon thin-film transistors for liquid-crystal display (LCD) and organic light-emitting diodes (OLED)

A new device and circuits based on amorphous silicon thin-film transistors were developed for liquid-crystal display, organic light-emitting diode and image sensors. A very stable OLED was developed with a novel pixel circuit for active-matrix of OLED (IEEE EDL September issue.



2003). LC cell and OLED processes are being carried out together with the TFT fabrication.

High-quality polycrystalline silicon film for display andelectronics on flexible substrate

We developed a unique method, the electric field enhanced silicide (силицид) mediated crystallization (SMC) of a-Si. Now, a-Si on glass can be crystallized at relative low temperatures within a short time. For example, a-Si on 370x470 mm2 glass can be crystallized at 550°C for one hour annealing. To reduce metal contamination and have uniform grain size with a clean and smooth surface, we have introduced Ni mediated crystallization of a-Si using a thin Ni layer on a SiNx/a-Si (metal induced crystallization with capping layer), where the capping layer (SiNx) plays a role as a filter for metal diffusion (APL, December 15, 2003). We have achieved high-quality poly-Si with a grain size of -87 urn. This is an innovative result on low temperature poly-Si without using a laser.

Low temperature carbon nanotubes on glass for displays andnanoelectronics

POSTECH: In Pursuit of Excellence

Leading the Way in the New Millennium

As a research-oriented university. Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) strives to provide the highest quality of education to a small number of elite students, while fostering and applying advanced scientific research results to industry Founded in 1986 by POSCO. one of the world's largest steel-producing companies, POSTECH was created to develop new cutting-edge technology and to lead Korea into the forefront of the international scientific research community. POSTECH has 11 highly competitive departments which include chemistry, life sciences, mathematics and physics in the science programs and chemical, computer science, electronic & electrical, environmental science, industrial, materials science and mechanical engineering in the engineering fields. POSTECH also offers two specialized graduate schools, including information technology and iron & steel. Currently composed of 1,200 undergraduate and 1,600 graduate students. 212 faculty members. 700 researchers and 200 staff members. POSTECH provides the most ideal environment conducive to teaching and learning.

Where Brilliant Minds Gather

Admitting only 300 undergraduates each year from the top one percent of graduating high school seniors in the country, POSTECH's low student-to-professor ratio of 6:1 is maintained and adhered to so that professors can conduct research vigorously, while sharing their expertise with students. It is a noteworthy fact that 100% of POSTECH graduates in 2002 have found employment upon leaving the university. In order to provide an opportunity for global education, the university has entered into academic exchange agreements with 50 universities in 13 countries. Thanks to POSTECH's flexible curriculum, the credits acquired from these programs are fully transferable. A friendly atmosphere can be found in POSTECH's residential area that accommodates all students and faculty members on campus. POSTECH provides not only free housing to all graduate students enrolled at the university, but also a full academic scholarship that covers their tuition and living expenses.

A World of Research

POSTECH supports 49 independent research centers as well as two outstanding research facilities. The Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL) is Korea's first synchrotron radiation facility, operating the Pohang Light Source at 2.5 GeV. The POSTECH Biotech Center is pursuing large-scale collaborations between academia and industry to generate maximizing synergy effects in the biotechnology industry field.

The total number of papers published by 2 19 full-time professors in various academic journals both at home and abroad, and presented at conferences in the year 2002, numbered 1.219 and 790 SCI papers. This is equal to an average of 5.6 papers and 3.8 SCI publications per professor, achieving an international standard as well as reaching the top class of productive research in the nation, particularly in comparison with other general universities that have a larger number of graduate students.

POSTECH is now focused on opening and expanding upon new technologies such as biotechnology, nanotechnology and information technology based on the fundamental sciences and highly innovative research in those engineering fields which have been concentrated on since POSTECH's establishment. In order to develop such core research areas, POSTECH provides intensive support for them to create new research fields through interdisciplinary cooperative research. Outstanding research achievements have already been recognized by renowned science magazines, such as Vaccine, Science, and Nature.



In Pursuit of Academic Excellence

In 1998, Asiaweek magazine ranked POSTECH as the best science and technology university in Asia. The JoongAng Daily Newspaper proclaimed POSTECH as the nation's top university in 2002 and 2003. Mam other accolades and awards have been adorned on POSTECH as it continues its pursuit of excellence.

POSTECH has continually addressed the three independent goals set by its founding fathers: providing quality education, fostering advanced research and the industrial application of scientific achievements. POSTECH is committed to educating and guiding Korea's gifted youth in becoming outstanding world leaders in science and technology. The ultimate goal of POSTECH is the betterment of not just Korea, but of the entire global family-human civilization in the 21st century and beyond.

Korea Polytechnic University: Prestige in Industrial Technology

Korea Polytechnic University (KPU) was established in 1998 as an engineering university specialized in industrial-academic cooperation, and to play a leading role in promoting technological innovation of companies located in the west coast region encompassing the Sihwa. Banwol and Namdong industrial complexes in Gyeonggi Province.

KPU consists of ten departments and two graduate schools offering master's and doctoral degrees and research courses, encompassing approximately 6,000 students and 383 faculty members (105 full-time, 186 part-time members, two invited and 90 adjunct). Results are coming in: our graduates have achieved employment of 100% every year for the three years since our university was opened. Job offers far exceed our number of graduates. Companies prefer KPU graduates because we offer an "industrial-academic monolithic education " model. When President Roh Moo-Hyun paid an exceptional visit to KPU on June 24, 2003, he instructed related Ministries and Organizations to spread the KPU models of engineering education nationwide. This is another example of the good reputation KPU enjoys at home and abroad.

KPU is the "hub university for industrial-academic cooperation". First, KPU operates a "customized curriculum for prospective customers" reflecting the results of a survey on demand of industrial businesses

through reorganization of curricula. KPU operates a specialized majoring program geared to demand for technology available on the jobsite through a "full guidance professor system", and operates an intern curriculum and training. In the research sector, KPU supports industrial businesses in developing breakthrough technology through the "family company system", linking KPU with approximately 1,300 companies. Our newest research instruments, materials and our institutes are available 24 hours to local companies. This is why KPU has such a good reputation with them. Vision 2007: KPU building the greater future of industrial technology

KPU is not content with its efforts so far. but is now getting ready to take off again. We are introducing an all-out engineering house system to realize our vision.

The engineering house system will make most KPU laboratories (except its basic common laboratory) into spaces where KPU professors and students and company engineers will work jointly to develop commercial products. Students will receive intern training on job sites, as participant companies assign their employees to serve as part-time professors, providing students with their jobsite as a training space.

KPU is also promoting the "Industrial Park" Project as its regional vision, so as to make the whole university an institute where local companies located in neighboring industrial complexes can participate.

This dynamic research and industrial-academic exchange will lead to relocation of institutes of local companies into the campus and a further foundation for new; knowledge-based companies. KPU intends to develop its campus into an "Industrial Park" by clustering all of its supporting facilities so that new-born companies may freely use all facilities on the campus to grow effectively. We, KPU, expect that our efforts for industrial-academic cooperation will offer a momentum to accelerate the knowledge-based industrial society in me 21st century, even a little.

National Academy of Engineering of Korea

The National Academy of Engineering of Korea (NAEK) founded in 1995 is the most prestigious institute among Korean engineering societies. The NAEK's mission is to contribute to the advancement of engineering



and technological science of Korea and the world, and to maintain and improve ties between the academy and the general public. The NAEK has currently 555 members selected by their peers from academia, industry and government institutes, comprising prominent engineering faculty members and CEOs of the major industries and research institutes in Korea. The NAEK, as one of the 26 members of the International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences (CAETS), actively interacts with other sisterly academies in the world including the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) and the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) in the US.

Highlights among the major activities carried out by the NAEK are the following:

  • The NAEK consults on major national policy related to Research an Development of emerging technologies, to strengthen national competitiveness and to enhance the quality of life in the 21s1 century.

  • The NAEK publishes a series of books on engineering and technology' to improve public appreciation of engineers and public awareness of the importance of engineering and technology. In addition, it offers a collective view on government policy, to provide clear-cut proposals to national leaders and public officers in local and central governments, regarding all aspects of industrial technology, engineering education and engineering as a way of life.

  • The NAEK has been successfully conducting the following regular meetings:

  • CEO forum: a monthly gathering to discuss contemporary issues in engineering and technology. The invited speakers are the leaders of various sectors including Ministers and chairmen of relevant organizations.

  • CEO breakfast meeting: a monthly meeting to exchange business information and share experiences.

- NAEK Roundtable Meeting: a bimonthly meeting for in-depthdiscussion on the current hot issues, including technically qualifiedjudges.

  • The NAEK carries out various research projects aiming for concrete results for the development of engineering and technology-cooperating with universities, industries and government-supported institutions.

  • The NAEK continues to strengthen mutually beneficial relationship with other engineering academies through CAETS annual meetings.

joint symposia among Academies and especially with CAE (The Chinese Academy of Engineering) and EAJ (The Engineering Academy of Japan) through the annual Round Table Meeting and the task-force activities for joint projects.

KOTEF: Stairway to Innovation, Open to Networking

Today's world economy is knowledge-based, one in which innovation and technology are indices of national wealth. An increase in the international mobility of products, services and enterprises spurs a single consolidated market in which every entity must compete internationally. This change in the global environment, and the financial crisis of 1997, gave Korea a chance to rebuild its system from its very foundation.

The Korea Industrial Technology Foundation (KOTEF), a nonprofit organization under the auspices of MOC1E. was established to reinvent the industrial technology sector of Korea-to develop it into one of the best in the world. With the purpose of networking technology-related entities for the most productive industrial technology infrastructure, KOTEF has since played a key role in this field both inward and outward. Situated in the heart of "Teheran Valley", which is comparable to such technology-driven regions as the Silicon Valley and Japan's Bit Valley, KOTEF works to foster the best environment and infrastructure for a second miracle on the Han River.

KOTEF's role in promoting industrial technology in Korea can be summarized in five goals: Industrial Technology Diffusion, Industrial Technology Networking, Human Resources Development & Education. Technology Policy Research and International Cooperation.

Industrial Technology Diffusion

KOTEF works to promote a public-friendly technology culture throughout the nation and a market-friendly environment for enterprises by hosting various forums, exhibitions and awards. "New Tech Korea", the largest technology exhibition in Korea, just concluded its 11th five-day exhibition, where events attracted over 130,000 visitors-fostering innovative activities in both the public and private sectors.

Industrial Technology Networking

KOTEF interlinks systems for universities, companies and research institutes for efficient information exchange and networking among major innovative players. "The National Innovation Committee" and "The World



Class Product Enterprise Club" are such successful efforts in this area.

Human Resources Development and Education

KOTEF supports technicians and engineers to lead the future of a technology-oriented Korea, and builds a system where these valuable human resources can be placed at the right time in the right place. Roadmaps are drawn to analyze the supply and demand for competitive human resources while science and engineering students are given on-site training to better prepare them for post-graduation.

Technology Policy Research

Current issues and trend analysis is crucial in redesigning policies to go alongside ever-dynamic Korean industries. Creating roadmaps of industrial technology and materials/components development to secure future growth engines is one activity on which KOTEF concentrates. The feedback system is another: regular panels with a total of 1.500 members are held, in which the private sector - the major beneficiaries of these policies - is given the opportunity to give their views and ideas to implement for technology policy betterment.

International Cooperation

KOTEF currently holds joint forums, seminars and technology exchange fairs with counterparts in the Australia, China, Japan and Russia. KOTEF's solid relationship with partners is demonstrated through the project "Korea-UK High-Tech Industry Forum", entering its fourth year. Events such as these are the arena for technology cooperation among innovative enterprises that are looking abroad for collaborations. Projects are implemented with expertise; practical assistance efficiently arranged, always giving companies' needs top priority.

А Текст 15. Письменно переведите текст, учитывая переводческий комментарий.

Smart Censors to Network the World

A new class of microelectronic devices (1) frees us to mix computers much more freely with the objects and places of (2) everyday experience. Our research groups at the University of California at Berkeley and Intel, as well as at start-up firms and other universities, have joined simple computers to radio transceivers and sensors to form small autonomous

nodes that we call (3) "'motes". Running system known as TinyOS. each mote links up with its neighbors from the moment it is turned on. An assembly of hundreds of these smart sensors can spontaneously organize into a perceptive network that is spread throughout the physical world, able to perforin tasks no ordinary computer system could.

A mote is not a miniaturized PC; every aspect of the system, from the way it runs programs to the way it communicates data, must be optimized to conserve power, space and cost. A rule of thumb in designing motes and their networking protocols for (4) long-lived applications is that each device should sleep 99 percent of the time and do its (4) energy-consuming work in the remaining 2 percent.

Переводческий комментарий:

(1) - смысловое развитие

  1. - лексическое соответствие

  2. - лексическое соответствие или транскрипция

  3. - атрибутивные группы

А Текст 16. Письменно переведите текст, учитывая переводческий комментарий.

Computing in the Wild

The natural world is not computer-friendly. To function outdoors and in industrial settings, computers must be "hardened" with enclosures to protect the electronics from weather, soil, wild animals, and jolts. But sensors must be exposed to the environmental conditions they monitor. (1) Motes have small, inexpensive shells and (2) use redundancy to increase their reliability.

They are designed to be (3) inexpensive enough for deployment in large numbers to gather very detailed information about the environment. Networks of them are dense enough that it is acceptable if some fractions die and smart enough that the overall system can (4) adapt to the loss and keep working. Designing for loss and the uncertainty of the physical world presents new challenges but allows perceptive networks to be economical, portable and unobtrusive.



While designing successive generations of motes and their networking capability, we have conducted pilot projects to help identify how the technology needs to evolve to be most useful for various applications.

Переводческий комментарий:

  1. а) переводческая транскрипция или лексическое соответствие и б) описательный перевод

  2. лексическое соответствие или смысловое развитие

  3. антонимический перевод

  4. смысловое развитие

А Текст 17. Сопоставьте оригинал и перевод. Найдите переводческие ошибки и исправьте их. Напишите свой вариант перевода.

The Cosmic Symphony

In the beginning, there was light. Under the intense conditions of the early universe, ionized matter gave off radiation that was trapped within it like light in a dense fog. But as the universe expanded and cooled, electrons and protons came together to form neutral atoms, and matter lost its ability to ensnare light. Today, some 14 billion years later, the photons from that great release of radiation form the cosmic microwave background (CMB). Tune a television set between channels, and about I percent of the static you see on the screen is from the CMB.

Космическая Симфония

Сначала был свет. В интенсивном состоянии ранней вселенной ионизированная материя отдавала радиацию, которая оставалась в ней, как свет в густом тумане. Но по мере расширения и охлаждения вселенной, электроны и протоны встречались, чтобы сформировать нейтральные атомы, при этом материя теряла способность улавливать свет. Сегодня, спустя 14 миллиардов лет. фотоны из того огромного освобождения радиации образуют микроволновой фон космического

излучения. При настройке телевизора, один процент всех помех, которые вы увидите на экране, будет вызван этим излучением.

Текст 18. Письменно переведите текст' за 25 минут. Отредактируйте ваш перевод, соблюдая нормы русского языка.

We find ourselves today between a forest and an ocean - a forest of new knowledge and an ocean of need. We are generating more new knowledge in one year than we generated in a full decade less than half a life-span ago. In fact, if you look upon the last 50,000 years of man*s existence in terms of life-spans, the speed of our progress - the pace of change is readily apparent. Because 800 modern life-spans would bridge more than 50.000 years. But of those 800 people 650 would have spent their lives in caves or something worse; only the last 70 had any truly-effective means of communicating with one another; only the last six ever saw a printed word: only the last five had any real means of measuring heat and cold; only the last four could measure time with any precision: only the last two used an electric motor; and many of the items that make up our material world were developed within the life-span of the 800th person.

« Текст 19. Переведите текст. Обратите внимание на перевод выделенных атрибутивных групп. Назовите переводческие приемы, использованные вами для перевода названий университета и института, собственных имен, географических названий и слова 'ornlthopter'.

Flapping Like a Bird

Flapping-Wing Flight Enthusiasts based at the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies are using a specialized flexible-wing structure to achieve humanity '.v oldest aeronautical dream - to [really] fly like a bird. Led by aeronautics professor James DeLaurier, the underfunded, student-driven team has been working since 1995 to get its

Рубцова М.Г. Чтение и перевод научно-технической литературы [Текст] : лексико-грамматический справочник М.Г.Рубцова. - М. : ООО Ч}4здательство Лстрельх.,2002г.-С. 108.



ornithopter off the ground. After rebuilding some structures damaged in a previous attempt last year, team members hope to make another try this year - or the next.

Key to their flying machine is a "shearflexing" wing, an innovative concept that was conceived by DeLaurier's long-term collaborator in ornithopter research, Jeremy M. Harris, whom he met in 1973 when they both worked at Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, Ohio. By 1976, Harris writes, the pair had begun ''to consider the interrelated problems of airfoil section shape and pitching freedom" the ability of airfoil to change its angle of attack into the airflow.

Subsequent testing showed that the concept was valid - the angle of attack of the airfoil varies as desired as the wing swings up and down because shearflexing allows the structure to twist around the rigid wing spar to maintain lift.

lb Текст 20. а) Прочитайте клятву переводчика, написанную специально для студентов Сибирского государственного индустриального университета, получающих дополнительную квалификацию «Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации» б) Переведите ее, выдерживая стиль оригинала, в) Сравните ваш перевод с переводами других студентов, проанализируйте их достоинства и недостатки и на основе этого анализа напишите окончательный вариант перевода.

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Hear Ye. all good people and true! Oh Yea! Oh Yea! Oh Yea! Be it most widely known among all you who have tongues and who can speak that: -

I do most humbly and most wholeheartedly

swear THIS MOST HOLLY OATH that I will henceforward serve and uphold the sacred ENGLISH LANGUAGE in all its diverse and most multitudinous accents and dialects and that I will bear most faithfully all its trials and tribulations, even its illogical and crazy spelling and the abominations of its prepositions and, also, that I will fight most valiantly unto the very limits of my sanity to penetrate and even to master the dark and mysterious domains of the definite and indefinite article! So help me О Sphere-descended Queen of Learning!

Классификация переводческих ошибок

Умение видеть возможные ошибки перевода представляется очень важным. За основу можно взять классификацию переводческих ошибок, предложенную Л.К. Латышевым и А.Л. Семеновым.

Перевод можно рассматривать как процесс, состоящий из (1) воспроизведения содержания исходного текста и (2) адаптации этого содержания и форм его выражения к новым лингвоэтническим условиям восприятия. Следовательно, ошибки перевода можно объяснить двумя причинами: 1) недостатками в трансляции исходного содержания и 2) недостатками в адаптации содержания и формы исходного текста к нормам языка переводного текста.

Ошибки, вызванные недостатками в трансляции исходного содержания: искажения, неточности, неясности

Ошибки, причиной которых являются недостатки в адаптации содержания и формы исходного текста к нормам языка переводного текста: буквализмы, к которым можно отнести нормативно-языковые (неграмотность) и узуальные (несоответствие тому, как принято говорить) ошибки и вольности (стремление перевести как можно «красивее», неумение найти оптимальный вариант).

Различные тавтологии (повторы однозначных слов, звуковые повторы) тоже относятся к переводческим ошибкам.

Переводчик также может допускать стилистические погрешности.

Ключи к заданиям

Задание 18 стр. 65

1. _ (допущение вообще)

  1. an (некоторое допущение)

  2. the (такое допущение способствовало)

  3. the

  4. а

  5. the



  1. the (все остальные методы)

  2. the

  3. the (для всех остальных)

  4. the. the

  5. the (единственная причина), the

  6. the

  7. the

  8. the

Задание 43 стр. 85.

Most of the robots in the Robodex exhibition in Yokohama. Japan can talk, climb stairs or pick up objects but Posy, the little girl robot, doesn't do any of these things. She is designed to look loveable. Posy is one of a new generation of robots. Their designers don 't want them to seem frightening to human beings.

There are still many technological problems to solve before people start buying robots to have in their homes, but scientists realise there is a psychological problem as well, machines that look like humans make many of us feel anxious.

Задание 45 стр. 86

(1) _, (2) the, (3) the, (4) , (5) the, (6) , (7) , (8) the, (9)

Библиографический список

  1. Алексеева И.С. Введение в переводоведение [Текст] : учеб. пособие для студ. филол. и лингв, фак. высш. учеб. заведений / И.С. Алексеева. - М. : Издательский центр Академия, 2004. - 352 с.

  2. Бреус Е.В. . Теория и практика перевода с английского языка на русский [Текст] : учебное пособие / Е.В. Бреус. -М.: Изд-во У РАО., 2001.-104 с.

  3. Комиссаров В.Н . Пособие по переводу с английского языка на русский [Текст] : пособие по переводу с английского языка на русский / В.Н Комиссаров. Я.И. Рецкер. В.И. Тархов. - М.: Высш. Шк., 1965. - 285 с.

  4. Латышев Л.К. Перевод: теория, практика и методика преподавания [Текст] / Л.К. Латышев. А.Л. Семенов. - М.: Издательский центр Академия, 2003. - 190 с.

  5. Пронина Р.Ф. . Пособие по переводу английской научно-технической литературы [Текст] / Р.Ф. Пронина - М. Высш. Шк., 1973.- 197с.

  6. Пумпянский Ф.Л. Чтение и перевод английской научной и технической литературы: лексика, грамматика, фонетика, упражнения [Текст] : уч. пособие для вузов / Ф.Л. Пумпянский. - Минск. : Поппури, 1997. - 601 с.

  7. Рубцова М.Г. Чтение и перевод научно-технической литературы [Текст] : лексико-грамматический справочник/ М.Г. Рубцова. - М. : Астрель, 2002. - 384 с.




Предсловие 3

1. Лексические проблемы перевоа 6

Смысловые соотношения между словами английского и

русского языков 6

Роль контекста при переводе 7

Перевод английских слов, не имеющих

непосредственных лексических соответствий в русском

языке 11

«Настоящие и ложные друзья переводчика» 15

Неологизмы 18

Конкретизация и генерализация при переводе лексики 21

Лексико-грамматические трансформации 21

Аббревиатуры 36

Вопросы для самоконтроля 37

Лексический анализ текста 38

2. Грамматические трудности перевода 45

Роль порядка слов при переводе английского

предложения 45

Особенности перевода страдательного залога 55

Передача модальности при переводе 58

Роль артикля при переводе 62

Грамматические трансформации при переводе 69

Вопросы и задания для самоконтроля 106

Грамматический анализ текста, ориентированный на

перевод 106

3. Транслатологическиетипы текста 110

Предпереводческий анализ текста 121

Основные особенности выполнения полного письменного

перевода научно-технического текста 123

Виды письменного перевода 133

Особенности перевода аннотации научной статьи,

патента и лицензионного договора 138

Вопросы и задания для самоконтроля 152

4. Дополнительные тексты для перевода 152

Ключи к заданиям 187

Библиографический список 189

Оглавление 190

Учебное издание Людмила Израйлевна Фенстер

Практика перевода

Учебное пособие

Напечатано в полном соответствии с авторским оригиналом

Подписано в печать 2007.г

Формат бумаги 60x84 1/16. Бумага писчая. Печать офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 11,32. Уч. Изд. л. 12,13. Тираж 100 экз. Заказ _

Сибирский государственный индустриальный университет