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A Computer Amendment?

Harvard law professor Laurence H. Tribe has called for a 27 amendment to the U.S. Constitution to protect privacy and other individual rights being threatened by the spread of computer technology. Because the law hasn't kept pace with technology. Tribe says it needs to be made clear that the Constitution as a whole "protects people, not places." Speaking before high-tech cops, computer hackers, civil libertarians, and corporate security experts at a California conference on Computers, Freedom, And Privacy, Tribe pointed out that it took the government over 40 years to recognize that conversations on telephones were as protected by the Constitution as any other form of speech. Cyberspace, the nonphysical area where communication and business take place via computers, is equally in need of protection. Tribe said. Though normally wary of Constitutional amendments, the professor feels the computer revolution has created "substantial gray areas" that need to be carefully explored.

Задание 26. Сделайте письменный перевод одного из текстов. Подчеркните слова, имеющие лексический эквивалент в русском языке. Отметьте слова, которые вы перевели при помощи переводческой транскрипции, калькирования или описания.

Museum Tech

Computer graphics can now predict the changes in color as a painting ages, the effect a cleaning might have on the painting, and to what degree a painting might crack if it were transported to another muse-um. London's National Gallery has started to scan its pictures each year to determine how the color will change over time. The museum hopes to use the knowledge as an aid to storing paintings so the colors will remain vivid longer. A museum in Munich used computer technology in an experiment on craquelure", the hairline cracks on a painting's surface. Officials electronically scanned the surface of a worthless painting before and after it went for a 250-mile ride in the back of a car. The results will help

museums pack paintings more securely when they are loaned out for exhibitions.

Painting a Picture by Maths?

People have been using Paint by Number kits for years, but new mapping programs for computers have put an electronic twist on this old hobby. By using sets of numerical data - for instance, scientific information sent back via satellites - the programs can create visual images of an unseen object. NASA scientists recently used computer mapping to give us our first look at the actual surface of cloud-covered Venus. Other scientists have used similar programs to map the ocean's bottom. One dedicated scholar took measurements of the Sphinx in Egypt, which he combined with historical accounts and other ruins near the Sphinx, to produce a model of the Sphinx when it was first built.

18 Перевод атрибутивных словосочетаний

При переводе атрибутивных словосочетаний важно правильно передать значения всех компонентов, установить смысловые связи между ними и соединить их в единую смысловую группу.

Задание 27. Переведите атрибутивные словосочетания при помощи такой же атрибутивной группы в русском языке (прилагательное + существительное).

District attorney /3't3:m/, business calculations, space age. government expenditure, background paper. English breakfast, white paper, manual check.

Задание 28. Переведите английские атрибутивные словосочетания при помощи русских словосочетаний типа "существительное + предлог + существительное"

forming machine, programme error, error message, impure gold, profits drive, separation payments, welfare expenditures, background paper, birth control, child-care workers.



Многочленные атрибутивные группы

Перевод многочленных атрибутивных групп начинают с перевода существительного, которое является основным компонентом, и потом последовательно переводят каждую смысловую группу, чаще всего справа налево. Например, a nonprofit contract-research laboratory - переводится в следующей последовательности:

laboratory - лаборатория

contract research - научные исследования, проводимые по контрактам

nonprofit - некоммерческий

Все сочетание переводится: некоммерческая лаборатория для научных исследований, проводимых по контрактам

Задание 29. Переведите многочленные атрибутивные группы.

business cycle theory, company logistical system, freight transport operation, freight transport statistics, third party logistic services, air transport development, large-scale stone construction, monthly sales data, large-scale ice-sheet breakup, ground-based carbon dioxide laser, Russian Winter Festival in London, henna tattooing artist, nonprofit contract-research laboratory, high interference sensitivity, wireless access system, safety actuation system

Задание 30. Переведите предложения, обращая особое внимание на атрибутивные сочетания.

  1. So, even though a computer extends an artist's palette to literally millions of colors, until recently it was just too clumsy for most artists. However, now illustrators can take advantage of a pressure-sensitive 6-by-9-inch tablet and a cordless pen-like stylus that comes close to being a magical paintbrush.

  2. It's only a $100 toy - an aquarium of swimming robotic fish developed by the Eamex Corporation in Osaka, Japan. What makes it remarkable is that the brightly colored plastic fish propelling themselves

through the water in a fair imitation of life do not contain mechanical parts: no motors, no drive shafts, no gears, not even a battery.

3. Changing the texture of a surface can be desirable in a variety of applications, such as 'active' military camouflage materials that can alter their reflectance. Surface texturing can also help control air or water flow over the surfaces of airplanes or ships. Touch-based, or haptic. displays could be based on changes in texture.

Задание 31. Определите, в каких предложениях использованы следующие атрибутивные группы. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Постоянный контроль за состоянием среды обитания: основные характеристики квантовой механики: производство металлов платиновой группы: соотношения неопределенности; нелинейная лазерная спектроскопия: внутриклеточные Са-связывающие белки; современный квантово-механический подход: поверхностные воды; полные, новейшие сведения: самостоятельно действующие механизмы.

  1. The structure of several intracellular Ca-binding proteins is described and the Ca-induced conformational changes of the structure of these proteins are analyzed.

  2. Some aspects of environmental pollution, especially that of surface waters by heavy metals, have been discussed on interdisciplinary level. Analytical work is considered to be necessary for regular environmental state evaluation.

  3. In this report the potential of Russia for platinum metals production is estimated.

  4. For full up-to-date information the reader is referred to standard works on this subject.

  5. Uncertainty relations are quantum mechanics fundamental problems. The aim of this article is to make some explanations of this problem on the base of modern quantum-mechanical approach.

  6. Automation is the system and method of making process automatic by die employment of self-controlling self-acting means for performing necessary operations.

7. Non-linear laser spectroscopy is one of the most importantachievements in modern atomic, molecular and optical physics.



Задание 32. Переведите названия научных статей, применяя правило перевода многочленных атрибутивных групп.

  1. High-Speed Electrically Actuated Elastomers with over 100% Strain.

  2. Electroactive Polymer Actuators as Artificial Muscles: Reality, Potential, and Challenges.

  3. An all-Organic Composite Actuator Material with High Dielectric Constant.

  4. Engineering a Muscle: Approach to Artificial Muscles Based on Field-Activated Electroactive Polymers.

  5. An Active Flexible Wing Multi-Disciplinary Design Optimization Method.

Задание 33. Переведите названия статей, применяя правило перевода атрибутивных групп.

  1. Ассоциация рекрутинговых агентств Урала. Рынок труда.

  2. Некоторые аспекты реформирования пенсионной системы Российской Федерации.

  3. 14 лет в бизнес-образовании. Новая программа для руководителей и специалистов в области кадрового менеджмента.

  4. Субдоплеровская нелинейная лазерная спектроскопия.

5. Внутриклеточные Са-связывающие белки. Часть 2. Структура имеханизм функционирования.

  1. Некоторые вопросы международно-правового сотрудничества государств-участников СНГ в области трудовой миграции.

  2. Математическое моделирование теплового поля в изделии сложной формы при дифференцированной закалке.

А Задание 34. Переведите текст, обращая внимание на передачу значений атрибутивных сочетаний.