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Smart Printers

Some portable laptop computers include printers. For example, IBM and Canon have a joint project using Canon's bubble-jet printing technology with a smaller cartridge, allowing it to be used in a laptop.

Another smart printer is in ink-jet Braille printer that allows blind users to read hard copy of their work.

Задание 39. Переведите научно-технический текст (800 печатных знаков) по вашей специальности. Обратите особое внимание на перевод терминов. Подчеркните термины.

Смысловое развитие при переводе

Прием снысювого развития заключается в том. что при переводе используются слова или словосочетания, значение которых является логическим развитием значения переводимых слов или словосочетаний. Например:

If you think that on graduation а Вы сильно ошибаетесь, если

college one becomes specialist думаете, что, окончив колледж,

overnight, you are greatly mistaken, сразу станете специалистом. Не

Don't imagine such a vain thing. будьте так самонадеянны.

Задание 40. Используйте при переводе следующих предложений прием смыслового развипшя.

  1. We haven't yet been able to improve or stabilize the national economic situation. Moreover, many negative processes are gaining momentum. (momentum - инерция, толчок, движущая сила).

  2. The economy and politics go hand in hand.

  3. Statistics, it is true, do not necessarily point real historical processes.

  4. They tried, of course, to shij't the balance to the advantage of their countries.

  5. The war makes big business for the corporations.

  6. This does not mean that in a year or two we won't be able to significantly speed up economic development, remove social tensions and convince the people that we are heading in the right direction.

  7. There is information on everything from furnace conditions to melt analysis, from power input to cost per item. Each customer order is tracked through a plant.




8. In this book I propose to ask what is the cause of the economic conditions today? How did they evolve to the present status?

H Антонимический перевод

Антонимический перевод позволяет переводчику создать более естественную грамматическую структуру на родном языке. Факторы, обусловливающие применение антонимического перевода.

а) Структура английских антонимических групп.

В английском языке для образования антонимов широко используются отрицательные префиксы, которые сочетаются с частицей not. Это делает невозможным непосредственный перевод на русский язык.

Not unworthy - достойный

б) Несовпадение антонимических групп в английском и русскомязыках.

Dislike - не терпеть, не любить

I hope you*II stay. It wouldn't be safe. That will not be good

в) Необходимость точной передачи смысла.

Я надеюсь, вы не уйдете., Это было бы опасно Это плохо кончится.

в) Употребление союзов until и unless, употребленных с отрицанием и некоторых служебных слов, имеющих отрицательное значение, типа without:

Соединенные Штаты вступили в войну только в апреле 1917.

В университет принимается только тот, кто сдал

The United States did not enter the war until April 1917.

No person can be admitted to

I Jniversity without passing entrance

вступительные экзамены.

Задание 41. Переведите следующие предложения, используя прием антонимического перевода.

  1. She was never well.

  2. He was not unfriendly to them.

  3. I may mention what I did not discover until afterwards.

  4. I dedicate it to two of my friends who have never failed to give me the honest, difficult answers.

  5. Given the present unusual global warming rate on an already warm planet, we can anticipate that areas with summer melt and rain will expand over larger areas of Greenland and fringes of Antarctica.

  6. Faraday never considered bodies as existing with nothing between them hut distance, and acting on one another according to some function of that distance.

  7. In fact, it is not uncommon today for major changes in computing technology to occur in months rather than years.

  8. With few exceptions keyboards serve as the primary input devices for computers.

  9. Although it is unusual for the military to field experimental prototypes in war zones, it is not unprecedented.

  10. More than a few parents use e-mail to keep in touch, even daily touch, with their children at college.

  11. This computer was not a machine limited to a single use.

  12. He hadn't gone far when he bumped into a friend of his.

  13. They share some characteristics, but their typical patterns of everyday life, social and political structures, class systems and attitudes to the rest of the world differ one from another.

  14. It was not until the early 50 that monetary policy came to be re­discovered.

  15. The explanation given was not complete.

  16. Will a new park increase crime prevention?

  17. In addition to making DOS tasks such as creating directories, copying files, deleting files, formatting disks, and so forth, easier Windows makes running your favourite applications easier too.

  18. Given such "'artist friendly" technology, who knows what masterpieces will come from the computer?



19. The world looks to London, and London leads the way. Music, theatre, events, performance, fashion, festivals and concerts - visitors never lack things to do and see, whatever the time of year.

А Задание 42. Переведите текст, используя различные приемы переводческих преобразований. Объясните причины использования этих приемов.

Have We Lost Our Physical Intelligence?

One of the reasons we are often so unhealthy physically, according to some scientists, is that our bodies were not designed for the way we live today. The body we walk around with is the same one our ancestors had 30.000 years ago. Societies were hunter-gatherers for 100.000 generations, agriculturists for only 500 generations, industrialized for 10. and computerized for only one. This has resulted in sophisticated brain being housed in a body that is designed to be on the move all day. facing physical and mental challenges, while subsisting on a diet low in fat. sugar, and salt. In our pursuit of an easier way of life, we have taken a machine designed to run. walk, and be physically active all day and made it sedentary, straining instead the small muscles of the eyes and fingers, injuring the spine through continued sitting, and the wrists through continued flexing. Some doctors feel that an hour at the gym (often, ironically, using computerized equipment) simply cannot restore our physical selves, since often there is not much mental and emotional satisfaction in doing routine squats. Our bodies were built for challenging labor and free play. They were not built to be ignored.

Ш Аббревиатуры

В английской и американской н/т литературе широко применяются сокращения. Сокращения бывают: 1) буквенные - BTU - British Thermal Unit 2) слоговые - Calutron - California University Cyclotron 3) смешанные - TO&E - Tables of Organization and Equipment 4) частичные - mag=magazine, lab = laboratory. Есть еще авторские сокращения, они обычно расшифровываются в тексте.

Задание 43. Определите тип сокращения.

  • СОМ - Communications

  • МЕТ - Metallurgical

  • PLC - Programmable Logic Controller

  • VGA - Video Graphics Array - логическая матрица видеографики, адаптер

  • RH process процесс Руршталь-Гереус (циркуляционное вакуумирование

  • MB - MegaByte

  • IVD - Interactive Video Disk

  • IT - Information Technology

III Задание 44. Переведите следующие фрагменты текстов, определяя пшпы имеющихся в них сокращений.

а) In I987. IBM and Microsoft Corporations introduced OperatingSystem/2 {OS/2). OS/2 was developed for then powerful microcomputers,such as the IBM PS/2. Because it can access large amounts of memory, itcan simultaneously run powerful programs that access huge amounts ofdata. Each program is protected so that if one crashes, the others do notlose data.

б) The software architecture is composed of seven subsystems:communications (COM): data acquisition and reporting (DAR): equipmentcontrol (ECL); metallurgical (MET): scheduling (SCH): system controland monitoring (SCM); and support (SUP). The database is a combinationof data files and shares areas of memory.

в) Within the MS-DOS/Intel family, there are several different slotconfigurations. Personal computers can use industry standard architecture(ISA), extended industry standard architecture (EISA), video electronicstandard (VESA), micro channel, and peripheral connect interface (PCI).The more bits and the greater the megahertz, the faster the interface.