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Английский для экономистов.doc
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5. Match the words with the definitions below.

1) savings

a) money you borrow and pay back later

2) loan

b) when you spend more money than you have in an account

3) mortgage

c) money you don’t spend but keep on the bank for later

4) overdraft

d) a record of where your money is in the bank

5) interest

e) to put money into your bank

6) withdraw

f) a special arrangement to borrow to buy a house

7) deposit

g) to take money out of the bank

8) account

h) a percentage you pay when you borrow money

Grammar in Use Conditional Sentences Revision

6. Put the words in brackets into the correct tense.

1. If you (tell) me about the problem earlier, everything (be) all right now.

2. If he (not/waste) so much money in his youth, he (can) be a wealthy man now.

3. I wish I (work) at Barclays bank.

4. If the interest rates (be) higher at this bank, I (open) an account.

5. If he (work) harder last month, he (not/be) so busy now.

6. If she (have) a special qualification, she (can) make a good career at a bank.

7. If my brother (find) a job, he (not/search) for one now.

8. I (lend) her money, but she (not/ask) me to.

9. If he (not/read) the notice in the newspaper, he never (apply) for a job.

10. If Bill Gates (not/be) in the right place at the right time, Microsoft (not/become) a household name.

7. Answer the question. What would you do if

- you won one million pounds?

- you had a private bank?

- wanted to earn some money?

- you did well at the interview?

- you had taken your mother’s advice?

- you found 20 € outside a bank?

- you had saved some money?

8. Translate into English.

1. Если бы я потерял кредитную карточку, я бы сообщил об этом в банк немедленно.

2. Если бы она заработала больше денег в прошлом году, она смогла бы поехать за границу.

3. Если бы мне нужны были деньги, я бы обратился в банк за кредитом.

4. Жаль, что я не менеджер крупного банка, я бы помог тебе.

5. Если вы переведете деньги на депозитный счет, вы заработаете больше, так как процентная ставка выше.

6. Если бы у меня были деньги, я бы вложил их в эту компанию.

7. Я бы проверил баланс на моем счете, но банкомат не работает.

8. Если бы этот банк предложил тогда более выгодные условия, мы бы согласились сотрудничать с ним.

Speaking Task

9. Work in pairs. Discuss with your partner the peculiarities of the UK banking system. Would you like to work at one of the UK banks? What services would you like to use?


10. Read the text carefully and write the summary. Use the comments and useful phrases from Chapter II, Unit I, ex.9.

Loans are a common form of borrowing. There are a number of different loan types, such as personal loans, car loans, home equity loans and business loans. Banks will provide additional funds through loans to their customers in return for promises of repayment and certain guarantees.

A debit card is a card provided by your bank that is associated with your current account. Debit cards are used to provide simple access to the funds in your bank account, and can be used to make purchases in stores that provide card purchase services, withdraw money from your bank account via Automatic Teller Machines or over the counter in a bank, or make purchases over the telephone by mail or on the Internet.

A credit card agreement is a fixed loan provided to you at a higher than normal rate of interest that is immediately available in whole or in part through the use of the associated credit card. The bank will guarantee to pay for any purchases made using the credit card, and in return you agree to pay the outstanding balance on the credit card or an agreed monthly minimum repayment.

Mortgages are another form of bank loan that is secured against the property purchased. The amount of money you can borrow for a mortgage is usually based on a calculation that takes into account the incomes of the people signing for the loan, and is always to purchase property.

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