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Английский для экономистов.doc
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5. Replace the words in bold with the given below having the same meaning.

Aim, make, enterprises, smart, experts, posts, companies, leaders, necessary, get, influence

1. The mission of the University is to prepare innovative specialists who create value for their organizations.

2. It is critical for managers today to understand the internal and external forces that impact organizational effectiveness.

3. At the University students gain good knowledge and skills.

4. The Institute is an ideal choice for bright, forward-thinking students preparing for leadership positions in existing businesses companies, government and other organizations.

Grammar in Use Present Simple – Present Continuous

6. Match the tenses with their meaning.

1. Paul works as a banker.

a) temporary situation

2. He is working now.

b) scheduled actions (timetables)

3. He is studying Taxation at present.

c) future arrangements

4. He is flying to London tomorrow to take part in a conference.

d) actions happening now

5. Our lesson starts at 9 am.

e) likes and dislikes

6. He likes Computer Science.

f) permanent states

7. Put the words in brackets into the correct tense.

Nowadays more and more students (to get) a higher education. The Cheboksary Cooperative Institute (to represent) one of leading higher educational establishments with an acknowledged reputation for excellence in the region. The institute (to offer) high standards of education to everyone. It (to be) an educational and scientific centre for training experts in the field of economy and law. Students (to have) a chance to acquire deep knowledge in different subjects. As for me I (to like) Accounting. At present we (to study) the historical aspect of accounting. It (to be) rather interesting.

The staff and the students of the Institute (to participate) in various competitions. I (to take part) in the conference this week. I think it (to be) useful because our society (to need) educated people.

8. Translate into English.

- Привет! Как у тебя дела?

- Хорошо, а у тебя?

- Отлично, спасибо.

- Я знаю, что ты учишься в институте.

- Да, я уже на втором курсе. Я учусь на экономическом факультете.

- Тебе нравится?

- Да, хотя предметы становятся все сложнее и сложнее. Но я пытаюсь во всем разобраться. Я хочу стать высококлассным специалистом.

- Я с тобой согласен. Предприятиям и компаниям нужны образованные и высококвалифицированные люди.

- На этой неделе мы встречаемся с представителями крупных компаний в нашем регионе.

- Думаю, это интересно. У тебя есть шанс узнать о перспективах развития той сферы экономики, которая тебя интересует.

- Да, встреча кажется познавательной.

- Удачи тебе!

- Спасибо.

Speaking Task

9. Work in pairs. Tell your partner what education means to you. Do you like to study at the institute or not? Why did you choose this profession? How do you see your future work? What kind of work are you interested in:

- well paid work

- interesting work

- challenging work

- creative work

- work in a large and famous company

- quiet work

- work in an industry which has future prospects

- prestigious work

- to travel a lot

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